Water Chiller, Chilled Water

Great tasting water made from your own tap with the Prestige Water Chiller for nice Chilled Water

Benchtop Water Chiller, Chilled Water   Benchtop Water Chiller, Chilled Water: Benchtop Water Chiller, Chilled Water

Floor Standing Water Chiller, Chilled Water   Floor Standing Water Chiller, Chilled Water: Floor Standing Water Chiller, Chilled Water

Exclusive Water Chiller, Chilled Water   Exclusive Water Chiller, Chilled Water: Exclusive Water Chiller, Chilled Water

Drink more chilled water

Drinking water from a water chiller (chilled water) can reduce the total daily calorie intake. Scientists at the University of Illinois in the USA have determined this. They examined the drinking habits of more than 18,300 adults. Not only did water from the tap, bottle or cooler, reduce the total daily calorie intake by 1 per cent, also reduced the intake of saturated fat, sugar, salt and cholesterol. Drinking more water from a water chiller from Prestige Water (chilled water) ensures a lower intake of fats, salt and sugar. Stop drinking soda - Stop sugar. People who took one, two or three cups of water extra each day (250 to 750 ml) reduced their total energy intake by 78-235 grams. They also consumed 5-18 grams less sugar and daily used 7-21 grams less cholesterol.

"The impact of simple water intake of chilled water was the same for every ethnicity and level of education, income and body weight. These findings indicate that it can be enough to simply promote water instead of other drinks, nutritional interventions and campaigns, "the researchers said. On average, participants drank 1 litre of water daily, 30% more than their usual water intake from a water chiller. The decrease of 1% of the daily total calorie intake amounted to a decrease of 8.6 calories per day. Whether the daily reduction of 8.6 calories is enough to promote only water in nutritional interventions, as the authors think, not everyone will think the same. Eating delicious ripe fruit.

Acceleration of metabolism

Drinking water lowers blood pressure. Previous studies also showed the positive effects of drinking more water. They showed that drinking more than enough water has even greater effects. For example, drinking half a litre of water led to an acceleration of the metabolism of 24-30% for the duration of one and a half hours. These results lead to a calorie loss of 96 calories per day. Timing is also important: Drinking water half an hour before every meal is the most effective. It makes fuller so that less is eaten. A study in Obesity reports that participants who drank half a litre of water half an hour before a meal lost 44% more weight in a 12-week period. Drinking cold water or chilled water from a water chiller with a filter from Prestige Water is best because the body uses energy to bring the water to body temperature. That is why models often drink ice water or chilled water throughout the day.

Better brain

A better energy level and sharper brain function are other positive effects of drinking enough water. The brain is strongly influenced by hydration status. Even mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can negatively affect many aspects of brain function. When young women in study 1 lost 36% of body fluid after training, mood and concentration deteriorated and headaches increased! A similar study, but with young men, showed that a loss of 1.59% of fluids ruptured, what kind of working memory and feelings of anxiety and fatigue increased. Many other studies show the effect of mild dehydration on mood, energy level, memory and other brain functions, from children to the elderly. There are minerals in the water chiller (chilled water).

Less headache

Dehydration provokes headaches and migraine. Drinking water just alleviates this. Drink chilled water from a water chiller. This is not the case with every type of headache, but if drinking water has no effect on the frequency of headaches, it reduces the intensity and duration somewhat.

Better bowel movements

Drinking water also helps with better bowel movements. Low water consumption is a risk factor for constipation in young and older people. Especially spring water with a puncture is promising in case of blockage, although the reason is not completely understood.

Prevent kidney stones

Drinking water with kidney stones. Water can prevent the formation of these painful crystallized nuggets in people who have previously had kidney stones. Chilled Water is not the only moisture that can prevent the formation of kidney stones; This also applies to herbal tea and apple juice. Coffee, soft drinks and alcohol can actually promote kidney stones. Drinking water with fruit and spice.

Water Chiller, Chilled Water

Restore moisture balance of the skin by drinking water from a water chiller, chilled water

Healthy skin consists of approximately 64% water. The water in the skin has important functions and a deficiency can lead to cosmetic and health problems. Someone with dehydrated skin runs a greater risk of these problems.

Fortunately, most cases of dehydrated skin can be treated well with painless lifestyle adjustments. In this article, we explain how you find out if you have dehydrated skin and what you can do to restore the moisture balance.

Do you have dehydrated skin?

The first question to be asked is whether you have dehydrated skin at all. The following symptoms often occur with impaired fluid balance:

  • Twitchy feeling
  • Dull appearance
  • Deep wrinkles (at a young age)
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Redness and inflammation

To test whether you have dehydrated skin you can squeeze your cheeks and then look closely at the skin. You need to drink plenty from your water chiller with a filter. Cold or hot drinks in warm weather? If folds are visible when the skin is released and/or the above symptoms are recognizable, then there is a high chance that you have too little moisture in your skin.

Dry skin dehydrated skin

Before we discuss how to restore the moisture balance, it is important to clarify the distinction between dry skin and dehydrated skin.
Dry skin is a skin type. A skin type is hereditary. Everyone is born with one of the following skin types: normal skin, dry skin, oily skin or combination skin. Dry skin produces fewer skin fats, which means moisture is less retained. Someone with dry skin often notices that his skin is itching and flaking.

Dehydrated skin can occur with any skin type. There are also people with oily, dehydrated skin. The moisture balance has to do with the amount of moisture and not with the production of fats. However, it is true that people with a dry skin type have a greater chance of dehydrated skin.

Improve internally

Almost all external characteristics are closely linked to our health, consumption pattern and lifestyle. Dehydrated skin can be improved in several ways.
Caffeine - Have you become dependent on caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, tea, energy drinks) to start your day? Then we have good and bad news. The bad news is that caffeine can contribute to a deteriorated amount of moisture in the skin. This is because caffeine has a moisture-wicking effect. The good news is that 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day can do little harm. However, if you are used to drinking coffee and/or other caffeinated drinks all day long, we advise you to gradually reduce this.
Alcohol - After an evening of heavy drinking, the skin may show pimples and redness. When alcohol is broken off, a toxic by-product is released, called acetaldehyde. This substance can cause pimples and redness in the face up to two days later. In addition, alcohol, just like caffeine, is a moisture-repellent substance. People with dehydrated skin should therefore consume as little alcohol as possible.

Water - If you want to achieve an even better result, you can replace the cups of coffee during the day and drinks during the weekend with water. Fruit water. This gives the skin more moisture, allowing the moisture balance to recover even faster. Drink more water from your water chiller with a filter. Lemon water is healthy and delicious.

Improve externally

We can also improve the condition of our skin externally. To improve the moisture balance externally, it is especially important to prevent dehydration.

Air - The skin of the face is in constant contact with the outside air. The humidity of the air can contribute to the maintenance or deterioration of the moisture balance. These are some common places where the air is too dry: parties in a small room with no windows open, office spaces with the heating on and the bedroom without the roster open. The solution is simple: try to get fresh air regularly by going outside or opening a window.
Alcohol - Care products and cosmetics with a large amount of alcohol can dry out the skin. Some forms of alcohol have a greater drying effect than others. Be aware that you apply multiple products to your face every day, such as your face wash, day cream, sunscreen, cosmetics and night cream. If a large proportion of these products contain the wrong forms of alcohol, this can lead to a deterioration of the moisture balance. Replace these products with products that contain no or less harmful forms of alcohol.

Temperature - Showering too often and too long with warm to hot water dries out the skin. This also applies to your face. Use lukewarm to cold water for the face to prevent dehydration.

Read also: Drinking water and losing weight

Benchtop Water Chiller
Floor Standing Water Chiller
Exclusive Water Chiller

Drink a lot of water from your water chiller

Actually, I should drink more water. It is quite an achievement in itself if you drink between 1.5 - 2 litres of water every day, but water therapy even goes one step further, because you drink this amount when you are just awake. The principle of water therapy is very simple:

  • Immediately after you get up, drink 1.5 litres of cold water from your water chiller (5 - 6 glasses of water).
  • Do not eat or drink anything else in the hour after you drink the chilled water.
  • Alcohol is not allowed the evening before water therapy.
  • Drinking plenty of water on an empty stomach if your body is not yet started up "cleanses your system and cleans your colon. This makes your body better able to absorb the nutrients from your meals during the day. This has a positive effect on the production of new blood, which in turn has a cleansing and repairing effect on the body.

5 reasons to drink a lot of water:

  • Helps you lose weight. By drinking 1 litre of cold water from your water chiller in the morning you can increase your metabolism for the rest of the day by 24%.
  • Reduces wrinkles and adds shine to your skin. Water helps to filter the toxins from the blood, making you look younger and fresher. Tap water is not healthy anymore, therefore filter.
  • Cleans the colon and ensures that your body can absorb more nutrients.
  • Regulates the lymph system and prevents infection.
  • Increases the production of new blood and new muscle cells.

If you are not used to drinking water in the morning, do not immediately start water therapy, but build the process gradually. First, start by drinking 1 glass of chilled water daily in the morning and slowly increase the amount of water until the time comes that you drink 5-6 glasses of water in the morning. Drink the water calmly and take a break between the glasses. Lemon juice in your water - is super healthy.

It is actually superfluous to say, but the better the quality of water, the more effective you will achieve with chilled water therapy.

Read also: Drinking water and losing weight

Healthy Alkaline Filtered water from the Prestige Water water chiller with a Filtration bottle

Drinking a lot is healthy, but...

In the treatment of high blood pressure, leg edema and impaired heart function, so-called diuretics (drugs that drain water) are sometimes used. They lead to increased urine excretion (diuresis). Therefore, the amount and type of fluid intake should be discussed with the doctor.

In the case of diseases such as heart and kidney disease, the medical staff must also determine the fluid intake.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?