Welcome to Sydney Water Filters

Benchtop And Floor Standing Sydney Water Filters

Your water filtration and water cooler specialist. Why buy bottled water if you can easily make your own healthy drinking water free from the tap? Read here how you can make your own great-tasting drinking water with Sydney Water Filters.

This filtration bottle is placed on top of our water coolers. You only need to remove the lid and pour in your own tap water. Our 7-stage filter cartridge will remove the impurities from the tap water and also add back the very important minerals. You can refill the filtration bottle as often as you like so you never run out of great-tasting drinking water. You never have to buy bottled water again, huge savings every year with Sydney water filters!

Sydney Water Filters cooler range:

Bench Top Sydney Water Filters Bench Top Sydney Water Dispensers,   Floor Standing Sydney Water Filters Floor Standing Sydney Water Dispensers,   Stainless Steel Sydney Water Filters Stainless Steel Sydney Water Dispensers

How great are the above 3 great-looking models: 

How to choose the perfect water cooler with water filters for your needs? Once you decided to invest in one of our filtered water coolers for your home or business, the next step is to choose one of the above models. The main idea of our product is to convert your tap water into great-tasting drinking water. All our models will have the filtration bottle and they deliver all healthy quality drinking water.  It is a personal choice if you would like The Bench Top / Floor Standing / The Fridge Sydney water filters and coolers. For more information, you can visit our main website on Prestige Water or you can send us an EMAIL. Alternative you can give us a call on 1800 500 334 to discuss your options.

Sydney water filters are the right place for all your water filtration and water cooler solutions. We are an Australian-based company and have more than 20-year experience in the water industry. Our unique water filters remove chemicals such as chlorine, heavy metals, organic sediments, odour, bad taste and others from your tap water while minerals are added back. Premium quality water coolers with a chilled water tap for refreshments. All models will have an option for hot water as well as for all your hot water drinks such as coffee, tea, and more. If you do not need hot water simply switch it off at the back and the hot water tap will dispense room temperature water.

What Sydney Water Filters offers:

  • Great price for a great water cooler system
  • Payment plans are available.
  • No rent, you own your own water cooler system
  • Modern design water coolers from Sydney Water Filters and Water Coolers
  • The unique water filtration system never runs out of water
  • Very cost-effective, never have to buy bottled water again

Lemon juice in your water: super healthy with Sydney Water Filters

It is often said that drinking lemon water when standing up is very good to cleanse the liver and also helps your digestive system get going. This is entirely true, but did you know that lemon juice can do much more for you? Lemons are rich in citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.  5 Reasons why drinking water is good for your heart, brain and metabolism. We give you 10 other reasons to add lemon juice to your water! (Sydney water filter)

A boost for your immune system

What does water do in your body? Lemons are rich in vitamin C and potassium, which stimulate your brain and nerves. Potassium also helps to control high blood pressure.

It balances your Ph balance

Although lemons are very acidic, it works alkalizing in the body. This is due to all minerals. Water from a Sydney water filter is alkaline.

It helps with weight loss

Lemons are rich in pectin fibres. These saturate. The sour taste and the alkaline effect also counteract the craving for food. Drink heaps of water during the day from a Sydney water filter.

Improves digestion

Lemons stimulate the release of bile, thereby reducing stomach acid regurgitation and constipation. Lemon juice also works as a powerful detoxer on, among other things, the liver.

It is a diuretic

Drinking lemon juice regularly will cause you to urinate more, causing toxins to be worked out in your body. This cleanses your body from the inside! Fatigue is solved by drinking water.

Rejuvenates your skin

The toxins that are bound from the blood by drinking lemon juice ensure that your skin will look much better. Your skin is a detox organ. Vitamin C also ensures that the structure of the skin improves. Also, minerals are found in water from the Sydney water filters and coolers. Moisture and drinking water.

Improves your breath

Citric acid kills bad mouth bacteria causing you to smell fresher from your mouth. It also prevents any inflammation of your teeth.

Improves breathing

If you drink warm lemon juice, the bactericidal effect can prevent inflammation of the respiratory system. Say goodbye to that nasty cough.

It keeps you Zen

If you are stressed, you consume a lot of vitamin C. That's why lemon juice can help you get rid of your stress by giving vitamin C to your adrenal glands.

It helps you get rid of coffee

Coffee is very tasty, but it removes moisture and minerals from our bodies. The sour taste of lemon gives the mind a boost and at the same time, it supplements the minerals. There are minerals in Sydney water filters.

You read it, a little lemon juice in your glass every morning can do a lot to your health!

Benchtop Sydney Water Filters
Floor Standing Sydney Water Filters
Exclusive Sydney Water Filters

Tips to drink enough water from your Sydney water filter cooler every day!

It is important to drink enough daily, around 1.5-2 litres. Why? Moisture is important for transporting waste through our body, regulating body temperature and moisture also helps with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. To make clear just how much 2 litres of water actually is: 2 litres equals 8 long drink glasses, 10 tea cups and 16 coffee cups! But how can you easily get this amount of fluid?

We have listed a number of tips for you.

  • Always take a filled bottle of water with you on the road. You can make drinking water even more attractive by adding pieces of fresh fruit. Think of raspberries, slices of lemon or orange. Cucumber and mint are also very tasty to add to your water. Besides that it tastes good, it also looks cheerful! Are fruit juices healthy?
  • Put a glass of water from your Sydney water filter (8-stage filter system) on the counter, and take a sip every time you walk along the counter or drink the glass.
  • Try to drink a glass of water daily at breakfast, lunch, and a hot meal. These are the consequences of drinking too little water. Then immediately choose a large mug or a long drink glass. This way you already have 700-800 ml of moisture in as standard!
  • Do you always have a bottle of water from your Sydney water filter with you, but you simply forget to drink it? Then put an alarm clock in between! In this way, you are reminded daily to drink water. There are also nice applications where you can keep track of how much water you have drunk every day, for example, Plant Nanny or Aqualert.
  • Coffee and tea may also be included in the 2 litres, or without milk and sugar. For coffee, a maximum amount of 4 cups per day applies. This has to do with the amount of caffeine. Tea also contains caffeine, but a lot less than coffee. Green tea contains the least amount of caffeine.
  •     Fill your water bottle after every toilet visit. The more you drink, the more often you go to the toilet, and the more often you have to fill the bottle! Healthy drink water made from your own tap from a Sydney water filter.

Read also: 10 Ways to keep your kidneys healthy

How much water do you actually have to drink per day from the Sydney water filters?

Summer is here! And during hot summer days, it is of course completely important to drink enough water. The majority of our body consists of moisture and water is therefore essential to function properly.

For example, water is needed to be able to regulate your body temperature, the means of transport for nutrients such as vitamins and waste must be removed using water and it is important for proper absorption of nutrients in your intestines. In fact: your entire metabolism depends on a good moisture balance in the body!

The fact of the day

By the way, did you know that on average a woman's body consists of half of fluid and that of men for around 65%? There is a simple explanation for this: women generally have more fat than men and fat contains no fluid. Sleep well in warm weather? With these tips, you will be in dreamland in no time!

How much water should you actually drink per day from the Sydney water filters?

Having a full glass of water all the time. Drinking enough water is therefore a must. But how much water do you actually have to drink per day? The general advice is that an adult needs an average of 1.5 to 2 litres of fluid per day. With the emphasis on average, because in practice this appears to be just a bit more nuanced.

Exactly how much fluid you need depends on various factors such as age, body weight, temperature, diet, physical exertion, medication use and health. And that makes sense.

For example, breastfeeding women also need more fluid than the average standard. And someone who intensively sports (and therefore probably perspires more) needs more water than someone who has been working all day at the office.

Simply put, what you lose in moisture you have to replenish. Do you want to know how much you should drink on average per day from the Sydney water filters? Then you can use this formula: 0.03 x your body weight is the amount of water you have to drink per day.

Do you also count your cups of coffee, tea, soda and beer as "drinking water"? Bad news, these drinks do not add moisture to the body. In fact, for every cup of coffee, your body needs two glasses of water to restore your fluid balance. Better healthy with Prestige Water.

Symptoms of water shortage

Did you know that when you are thirsty, you are actually already a little dehydrated? It is of course nice that your body gives this signal, but then you are actually already too late. In addition to these signals, there are more symptoms that indicate that you have a shortage of water. So, you will need to drink more water from the Sydney water filters. Tap water vs filtered water.

  • dry mouth
  • feeling hungry
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • muscle strain
  • nausea

The colour of your urine

The colour of your urine is also a good indicator of whether you drink enough. If your urine has a (light) yellow colour, you can assume that you are sufficiently hydrated. Does your urine have a deep yellow or even orange colour? Then this is a signal that your body retains moisture and you are therefore drying out. Note that if you take vitamin B or C, your urine will turn darker and you will no longer have any of the above information.

Tips and tricks

  • Do you find drinking water boring? Then give an easy taste of your water by adding slices of lemon or orange, slices of cucumber or some fresh mint. Pieces of fruit such as raspberry are also a good idea!
  • Do you exercise intensively? Then it is handy to drink more water. Because you start sweating, you also lose moisture.
  • Thanks to our diet, we also receive one litre of fluid per day on average. Our food also partly consists of moisture. Logical actually! If you choose food with high moisture content, you can also hydrate your body that way. This includes watermelon, iceberg lettuce, cucumber, strawberries and celery.
  • Do you travel a lot and find it difficult to drink enough water from the Sydney water filters? Then purchase a sustainable, refillable water bottle.

Read also: Your skin and drinking water

Too much is never good

And that also applies to the amount of water you drink every day. Your kidneys can process a total of around 8 litres of fluid per day and the chance of getting this amount is of course very small. However, your kidneys can process a maximum of 0.7 to 1 litre of water per hour. Drinking lots of water in a short time is therefore not a good idea at all.

Drinking too much water can disrupt the level of sodium in your blood. Hyponatremia, or water poisoning, is caused by a disturbed balance between water and salt (sodium) in the body. In addition, an excess of fluid can lead to fluid retention in the brain. As a result of the falling salt content, the cells will absorb more and more water, causing them to swell.

Health is wealth!

Why is Filtered Water so Important?