It is a fact that people that drink at least 8 glasses of quality drinking water will have a more healthier skin. How healthy is your water? Drinking water gives you a younger looking complexion of the skin and some say it gives you a better result than using most skin creams. What does your body do with water.
Your skin is an organ, made up of cells. These cells are mostly made up from water and therefore it is important to drink enough water during the day. If you do not drink enough water your body, skin and other organs will dehydrate. Your skin will be dry, flaky and tight. Read here more about: The danger of dehydration.
During the day you lose large quantities of water (sweat, urine, and more). The only way to refill your body is by drinking. Benefits of drinking water. We don't have to explain that drinking means "clean, great tasting water". If you drink tap water (includes chemicals such as chlorine) your cells will store also these chemicals what results in a "older" looking skin.
By drinking at least 8 glasses of CLEAN drinking water, your skin will be healthier and and looks much smoother. Water - a vital nutrient
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