Filtered Water Coolers Canberra

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Filtered Water Coolers Canberra

About the Filtered Water Coolers Canberra

All our filtered water coolers in Canberra are modern and compact designs. Very attractive and stylish and suitable for most environments for homes, offices, schools, and fitness centres. All our filtered water coolers are fitted with a filtration bottle that contains a 7-stage filter cartridge which improves the taste and water quality by removing chlorine and other chemicals from your tap water. The Prestige Water 7-stage Filtration bottle. The Filtered Water Coolers Canberra are cost-effective and environmentally friendly products. The 7-stage filtration bottle is filled easily with your own tap water and leaving you with crystal clear and great-tasting water. No handling the heavy bottles anymore. No valuable storage space was lost and never run out of drinking water anymore, just refill whenever needed. Having a full glass of water all the time.

All the Filtered Water Coolers Canberra can be easily installed at your home or office. There is no plumbing needed, just a PowerPoint. That easy. 

For more detailed information please click here: MORE INFO filtered water coolers Canberra

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Or give us a call: 1800 500 334

Filtered Water Coolers and Water Dispensers Canberra

Drink plenty of water! Give the body what it needs: Water. When it comes to losing weight, you will never get too little information. The Internet, magazines and diet books are full of the most diverse tips. The problem is that that advice can often be found everywhere and nowhere. Moreover, they sometimes contradict each other ...

Below we give you an extensive list of our 51 best weight loss tips. Neatly arranged and nice and concise. If you want more detailed information, we often post about it. Just click through the links and we'll explain our tips there in more detail! Moisture and drinking water.

Lose weight tips


1. Create a stable calorie deficit

You lose weight by eating less than you consume. That way, your body has to burn fat to get energy. Eat around 10-20% fewer calories per day than you burn. You can read here how to calculate your daily calorie consumption. Drink great-tasting water made from your own tap with the filtered water coolers Canberra.

2. Eat (almost) nothing from packets and bags

Cooking as much as possible yourself is the first step to eating healthier and leaner. Ready-made meals often contain much more unhealthy ingredients than you realize. That way you will never get a good idea of your eating habits.

3. Eat less salt

The average Australian person eats about twice as much salt as the maximum health limit! Bad news, salt is bad for your blood pressure in large quantities. Filtered water coolers Canberra. You also retain more moisture - and therefore kilos. 5 Reasons why drinking water is good for your heart, brain and metabolism.

4. Eat less sugar

Sugar is one of the products that you should eat as little as possible: it provides a lot of calories and no nutritional value. In addition, it can be addictive and results in more binges. Read labels carefully, because it is everywhere!

5. Moderate with "natural sugars"

Honey, maple syrup and coconut blossom sugar are slightly better than simply granulated sugar. However, the difference is not as great as many blogs would have you believe. Filtered water cooler and dispenser in Canberra. Enjoy this in moderation, and reserve it for special moments!

6. Do not eat white carbohydrates

Carbohydrates such as white rice, white pasta and white bread have the same effect as regular sugar. They cause a rapid increase in glucose in your blood and fill less. So choose the whole-grain varieties.

7. Eat slow carbohydrates!

Some sites recommend that you avoid carbohydrates altogether; that's bad advice. Carbohydrates are fantastic energy sources. Just make sure you go for the slower variants. Think of whole grains, semi-grains such as quinoa, and legumes.

8. Avoid trans fats

The fear of saturated fat is partly unjustified, and not enough panic is being sown for trans fats. These things are insanely unhealthy. So be careful when eating puff pastry, crisps, frying, baking and bath products and almost all factory food. Try our great-tasting water from a filtered water cooler and dispenser in Canberra. Can you lose weight by drinking water?

Why water from the filtered water coolers Canberra?

Water is of vital importance to humans. People can live for a period of time. Depending on the circumstances, a healthy person can go without food for up to eight weeks, provided he can drink enough water from a benchtop or floor standing water cooler Canberra with an 8-stage filter bottle. . Depending on the circumstances, a healthy adult can only do without drinking for three to six days! And in particular water.

Water is so important because our body should consist of about 75% water. We lose a lot of moisture (unnoticed), by breathing in water, sweating, crying and peeing, among other things. Even in our sleep, we lose about half a litre of fluid per night. We have to drink this water in order not to dry out. Your body indicates when it threatens to dry out, but we do not always notice this. For example, you may experience headaches, constipation, be tired or irritable, unable to concentrate, or have a worse night's sleep. These can all be signs of starting dehydration. It often helps to drink one or two glasses of water straight from the filtered water coolers in Canberra and to move quietly. However, the signals can also become more intense and dehydration can ultimately be life-threatening.

What does all that water do in your body? A very important factor is thinning the blood so that the blood can flow through your veins faster. In this way, vitamins and minerals are released in the right places and waste products are filtered through the kidneys and then excreted. When your blood is syrupy, it can move less quickly and this has adverse consequences for this type of physical process.
water Great tasting water with minerals from the filtered water coolers in Canberra. Your brain consists of up to 85% water, which is why headaches or a heavy head are one of the symptoms of dehydration and the consequences can cause irritability or poor concentration. But did you know that you can even get depressed or other psychological symptoms from dehydration? And that certain diseases are related to systematically drinking too little water? According to the Iranian doctor Dr F. Batmanghelidj, these may include fibromyalgia, asthma, osteoporosis or osteoarthritis. He also indicates that pain in your body is often a big indicator for warning of dehydration.

You can check yourself if you drink enough water. Do you have to go to the toilet immediately after getting up and pee a good head there? Then you probably drink enough water. Is your urine coloured dark yellow? Then you probably don't drink enough water from the filtered water coolers in Canberra. You can also test your skin by lifting the thin skin on the back of your skin. Does it return immediately? Then you are in the right place. Does the skin stay upright or does it slowly return? Feel free to refuel!

Read also: Drink more water in hot weather

Does this mean that you can drink until you weigh one ounce (water is good for the line )? The answer is NO. It depends on how much someone should drink per person. You should drink heaps of filtered water from the water coolers in Canberra. This also depends on circumstances such as sports, medicine or any health problems. In general, it is always said to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water, but you also get a lot of good fluids with a healthy diet. Consider the water in fruits, fruits and vegetables. It is therefore important to be aware of what you eat per day, what you do physically per day and especially what you drink. There are also drinks that actually dry out your body. For example, think of alcohol or coffee, but also of sugary soft drinks.

Water is therefore the best thirst quencher and that is what your body enjoys most. It is the only way to keep your body and organs hydrated. But the quality of water also varies. You get the best water directly from the Filtered water coolers Canberra. Drinking water prevents muscle pain. Unfortunately, this is not possible for most people. Spring water can also be purchased in the supermarket, but there it is often in cardboard or plastic packaging. This is not only harmful to the environment, but the packaging also affects the quality of the water.

Water contains, depending on the source, few or many so-called inactive minerals. These are minerals that do not affect digestion or metabolism but are excreted by the kidneys. Inactive minerals can therefore burden the kidneys. Alkaline filtered water coolers Canberra with an 8-stage filtration bottle. Cold water drinking. If you take mineral water from the supermarket, check the label to see what the "dry residue" is. This is (usually) stated as "dry residue at 180 ° C. Dry residue is what remains in the kettle or in the pan when the water has evaporated. The lower the drying residue, the better the spring water.

There are various theories about tap water. Bottled water, Tap water or Filtered water. The tap water here is a good alternative if you do not want to burden the environment with packaging and protect your wallet. Keep in mind that there are also residues in our tap water that can put a strain on our bodies. The dry residue of tap water can be up to 1500 mg/liter.
Benchtop Filtered Water Coolers Canberra
Floor Standing Filtered Water Coolers Canberra
Exclusive Filtered Water Coolers Canberra

Since the body continuously excretes water, it has to be supplied again. Some of the requirements can be covered with fresh fruits and vegetables. Because cucumbers, tomatoes, apples or even watermelons consist of more than 50% water. In order to cover the daily requirement, you should take in about 1.5 to 2 litres of liquid. Anyone who does sports sweats a lot and has a fever, vomiting or diarrhea and needs to drink more fluids.

What should you drink?

Water, mineral water, unsweetened diluted teas, and fruit and vegetable juices are great for quenching thirst. Great tasting filtered water from your filtered water cooler Canberra. Water and mineral water usually contain important minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium - they are important for our cardiovascular system and for healthy digestion, among other things. Depending on the mineral water, the mineral content differs - a look at the bottle label and a subsequent comparison are therefore advisable. Too much magnesium, for example, strongly stimulates digestion and can lead to diarrhea. In turn, high levels of sodium in the water can be responsible for high blood pressure. What if the water tastes too boring? Just add a dash of lemon juice to the water - it not only tastes good but can also improve the absorption of iron or calcium.

Benchtop and Floor Standing Filtered Alkaline Water Coolers Canberra with Filter Bottle

Drinking water is good for you

When you are optimally hydrated, you feel alive and healthy. Prestige Water filtered water refreshes you and your family.

Your water needs: Why is drinking water so important?

When we drink enough water, our bodies just function better. Vitamins, carbohydrates and protein are processed better, enzymatic reactions run smoothly, essential nutrients get into the cells and toxins are flushed out. We strengthen our immune system, our skin glows and we feel really good overall. Even the ability to regulate body temperature, build muscle and burn fat is linked to water balance.

So how much water should you be drinking per day? On average, an adult loses 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day through respiration, digestion and sweating. Even during the inactive phases. And these 1.5 to 2 litres of water have to be returned to the body. Athletes and residents of hot climates need to drink even more to stay hydrated.

Age, weight and lifestyle affect the amount of water we should be consuming. Your diet also plays a role. For example, people who consume large amounts of fruit and vegetables cover part of their fluid requirements with their food.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?