If you go fast in the gym, you feel it the next day with every step you take. Fortunately, you can reduce the pain with some simple tricks.
Pain is nice. That is how the saying goes. Muscle pain makes you feel satisfied, but can get in the way of your daily activities. Not being able to climb the stairs, not reach the upper shelves in the supermarket or end with stomach ache while laughing. Consequences of your hard work in the gym. Well done, but how can you get rid of the pain?
Muscle pain can have various causes, but the type of muscle pain we are talking about here is the pain you get after exercise. If you feel a burning sensation in muscles almost immediately after exercise, this is caused by lactic acid. This is due to a lack of oxygen in your muscle fiber and you call immediate soreness. Muscle pain that you experience later, 2448 hours after exercise, is what you call delayed onset muscle soreness, simply DOMS. This is caused by small cracks in the connective tissue of your muscles when they are under pressure. Cracks in your muscle do not sound great, but this is part of training and is even crucial to grow and become stronger. Your body wants to repair those cracks in the connective tissue and that leads to muscle pain. You cannot completely remove that pain, but you can do things to make it less.
1. Drinking water
Drinking an extra glass of water won't hurt anyway, but if you have muscle aches, this is a good idea altogether. If you drink enough, your blood will be thin enough to storm properly. As a result, your body is better able to transport nutrients and waste. Drinking water helps with the removal of waste products that cause your muscle pain.
2. Foam rolls
Not everyone is a fan of this fitness tool, but it can really help you against muscle pain. Foam rolls work as a massage over your muscles, so your body can remove waste faster. It has a positive effect on blood flow and it makes your muscles flexible. The moment you start rolling foam, this can actually be painful. If you put this through, you will be grateful later. Your muscles feel better afterwards and the muscle aches disappear faster.
3. Move
Not the first thing you feel like having muscle pain, but sitting still is not the solution. Muscles become even stiffer if there is little blood flow. Of course, it is not the intention that you go hard again in the gym. Choose light exercise or cardio instead. Walking, cycling or swimming are good options for recovery training. This way you stimulate the blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the muscles keeps going. This also helps to loosen the muscles, which will reduce the pain.
4. Eating
Proteins are sometimes treated as a panacea among athletes. That is because this building material ensures faster muscle recovery. The amino acids in proteins ensure that the small muscle cracks are replenished. In addition to proteins, carbohydrates are also important. These supplement the glycogen reserves, so that you can make new efforts faster. Carbohydrates also help you to process those proteins better. By ensuring that your body has all the necessary building blocks, it recovers the fastest. So eat a good meal after your workout, preferably within half an hour. That will certainly help against the worst muscle pain.
5. Sleeping
It is not for nothing that top athletes take so many naps. Sleep is often underestimated, but it has a major impact on your body. Only when you sleep does your body really have time to recover. In addition, various hormones are produced in your sleep that will benefit you for the rest of the day. With too little or poor quality sleep your body can function less well so that your muscle aches disappear less quickly. Sleep at least eight hours to give your body time to recover.
Tags:Better Health |