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Drink warm water with lemon juice from a Prestige Water Bottled Water Cooler

Lemon water is healthy and delicious. Lemons have been praised for centuries for the many health benefits they offer. In this article, we share the ten benefits of drinking warm lemon water every morning. Is water healthy? Did you know that drinking warm water with lemon juice can not only keep your acidity in balance? Drink this drink and start the day with a. Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon and honey in the morning is often advised to lose weight. But did you know that this ritual is still a lot? A glass of warm water with lemon, say half a lemon per half a litre of water, promotes digestion. Citric acid can be the. Your water morning habits are the key to improving your health. Moreover, they also determine a good state of mind for the rest of the day. But the first moments of the day are the best for teaching those habits that are beneficial to the entire body. For example, you can drink natural drinks called sober lemon.

For making lemon water you should use purified water and the water must be warm, but not hot. Do not use cold. Did you know that drinking warm water with lemon juice can not only keep your acidity in balance? Children and drinking water. Drink this drink and start the day with a. Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon and honey in the morning is often advised to lose weight. Warm water with lemon will help you get rid of your respiratory infections and will stop that annoying cough. It reduces stress. but not hot - mineral water. Great tasting drink water made from your own tap from a bottled water cooler. Filtered water or Bottled water.

Why drink lemon water? Use water from a bottled water cooler.

It is one of the best tips I have ever received: water with lemon (juice) in it. I used to be quite addicted to soda and I didn't want to give up on this. I didn't have to think about just drinking water all day! Until one day I decided to buy a bottle of lemon juice and put it in sparkling mineral water, just to see if I would like it. To my surprise, I thought this was super tasty - I loved the taste of lemon in soda and it didn't taste much different, just a little less sweet. I have been drinking lemon juice in my water for about four years now and I do not want anything else.

Note: think about the enamel of your teeth! For example, if you use a reusable stainless steel straw (or if you knock your glass of lemon water back in one go), you can somewhat regulate the contact of the citric acid with your teeth. And with everything, healthy or not, use it in moderation!

Lemon juice in warm water on an empty stomach

There are different ways to add lemon juice to water. The best seems to be to add the juice of half a lemon to a glass of warm or lukewarm water in the morning. You drink this immediately after you get up and before you eat. The taste of fresh lemon juice in warm water may take some getting used to, so you can also start with water at room temperature. Tap water is not healthy anymore, therefore filter.

There are also different ways to use lemon juice. You can add fresh lemon juice to water, put a slice of lemon in your glass or add concentrated lemon juice from a bottle to sparkling water. The latter has few health benefits, but it saves a lot in calories and is still much healthier than the average soft drink. Fruit water. Cold and hot water is available from a bottled water cooler. I know that many young people have a kind of soda addiction (if you drink more than 2 glasses of soda a day, I am talking about you!) But with this tip, you will finally get rid of it.

5 reasons to regularly drink water with lemon:

  • Lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin C and potassium, which give your resistance a helping hand. Vitamin C naturally strengthens your immune system and potassium promotes the functioning of your brain and nervous system and helps maintain your blood pressure.
  • Drinking fresh juice can help you lose weight. Lemons contain pectin fibres that can counteract your hunger. Water naturally also lends a hand: often you may think you are hungry, but your body needs extra fluid. So first drink a large glass of water with a lemon slice or juice and there is a good chance that you will no longer be hungry.
  • Fresh lemon juice in (lukewarm) warm water helps your digestion to get going. Lemons are also full of minerals and vitamins that "clean" your body from the inside so that your intestines can do their job better. The result: less chance of abdominal distension.
  • The vitamin C in lemons also helps against pimples and fine lines - you get beautiful skin from the inside. Lemon is sometimes used in cleansers for your face.
  • The last, perhaps finest reason: it is very tasty! I like lemon juice in sparkling water just like soda tastes. Only this drink contains hardly any calories and it is also good for your body.

I usually drink the juice of 1/3 of lemon in water at room temperature in the morning: preferably an organic specimen, first thoroughly waxed, then freshly squeezed. Then I put 1-2 slices of lemon in a glass and fill it all day with chilled mineral water, sometimes sparkling, sometimes flat. So on average, I use half a lemon a day and this comes out to around 4 lemons a week, which I always buy organically for around 60 cents each. Many times cheaper than all those bottles of soda from the past! There are so many minerals in the water from a bottled water cooler from Prestige Water. 

Read also: Drinking water and losing weight.

Read also: Actually I should drink more water.

Since I am used to lemon juice in the water I do not want anything else and I do not like soft drinks anymore: after two sips I have seen it and I think it actually has a strange chemical taste.

Bottled Water Cooler Filter Bottle

Drink a lot from your bottled water cooler with a filter- with these 5 tips!

  • Have a glass of water right after you get up. Actually, I should drink more water. You lose a lot of fluid overnight through sweating, which your body needs to start the day fit. In addition, it is easier to achieve your daily goal if you have already consumed the first 0.2-0.3 litres of fluid in the morning.
  • Use straws. No joke - if you have a straw in your cup, you will automatically drink more. This phenomenon can be seen, for example, in the cinema, where you get an incredibly large beverage cup pressed into your hand and then, contrary to expectations, manage to empty it.
  • Refill each glass of water you have drunk. Because: after drinking is before drinking!
  • Let an app support you No matter how good the resolutions are, the risk of forgetting to drink is great. There are countless apps that are supposed to counteract this by regularly reminding you to take another sip. For example, we recommend Daily Water - the app is free, clear and individually adjustable to your needs.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits that contain water. Healthy eating practices. If you find it particularly difficult to drink enough water, you can also eat more vegetables and fruits with a high water content to meet your fluid requirements. There is a lot of water in tomatoes, cucumber, watermelon and rhubarb, for example.

Drink plenty of filtered alkaline water from our bottled water cooler

You can usually rely on the body to signal thirst when fluid is needed. The exception is older people, who often no longer feel a pronounced sense of thirst. You just have to make sure that you drink something regularly because the body cannot really store water - unlike the energy from food. However, the body can tolerate small fluctuations. "What I'm trying to say is that there's really no need to be walking around with a bottle of liquid all the time, which has become almost a social norm these days."

Why is Filtered Water so Important?