Alkaline Water Filter

Drink great tasting water made from your own tap with Alkaline Water Filter

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Alkaline Water Filter

Healthy drinks instead of water. The acidity of substances is measured in pH values. pH stands for 'Potential of Hydrogen', or potential of hydrogen, and is expressed from 1pH as most acidic to a maximum of 14pH as most alkaline or basic. 7pH is neutral.

Alkaline water, Danger of acidification

How many litres of water should you drink? Already in 1931 Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg discovered the cause of cancer and received the Nobel Prize in physiology. In his discovery, he established that cancer cells spread rapidly and developed in an oxygen-depleted, acidified environment. People with diseases like cancer fluctuate at very low physical acidity levels between 4-6pH.

On the other hand, he discovered that cancer can not survive in an oxygen-rich, alkaline environment. That is why it is crucial to prevent acidification and to ensure that our body is returned to a higher pH. Babies are naturally also alkaline!

What causes acidification?

Acid foods and drinks have a huge influence on the acidity of your body. We now known for a long time that junk food, fried food, over-processed foods, sugars and excessive use of alcohol are not good for us. Emotional and physical stress also have an enormous acidifying influence on our bodies. That is why it is important to be able to relax properly from time to time. Drink water from an alkaline water filter for better health. But even when we think we can do well by drinking bottled water or tap water, we still acidify our bodies even more. This is because most bottled water and tap water are acidic. Soft drinks, up to 7 cubes of sugar.

All these acids are also piled up in the fatty tissues so that they do not end up in our organs. This causes the body to protect itself against all the acid. People often keep fat down, just because the body is too acidic. Eventually, we end up in a completely acidified state or acidosis.

Alkaline buffers

The blood in our body always has an acidity of 7,365pH. At 7.3pH it contains 65% less oxygen than at 7.4pH and is therefore life-threatening when it fluctuates. That is why your body will ensure that the correct pH of 7.365pH is kept. As the body continues to acidify, it loses its alkaline buffers and extracts the alkaline minerals from bones, hair, nails, teeth and muscles. That is why older people shrink because the minerals are extracted from their bones and tissues by all the acid!
Dense your body with our Prestige Water products

Prestige Water helps to acidify

Lose weight by drinking water. Prestige Water alkaline water filter can easily be used to prevent acidification because your body consists of 70% water, which means that the water you drink has a big impact. Great tasting water from an alkaline water filter from Prestige Water. Because Prestige Water has an alkaline pH, it brings your body back to a healthy acidity level. This protects you against diseases and ensures that your body can get rid of hazardous waste acids. With Prestige Water you notice that you stay much healthier, although everyone around you suffers from a cold!

As soon as the body can de-acidify, the body also releases the fat where the acids are hidden. That's why many Prestige Water users find that they start losing fat as their bodies are in an alkaline state.

Your alkaline buffers are restored since Prestige Water is packed with ionic minerals. These are easily absorbed and ensure that your bones, hair, nails, muscles and tissues are protected against acidification. In short, with a Prestige alkaline water filter in-house, you guarantee yourself perfect health and vitality!

Drinking water from your alkaline water filter

Drink plenty of water. In general, adults should receive between 11 and 15 cups (2.5-3.5 litres) of braid per day. However, this also includes the moisture (including water) from all sources, including food. The general guideline to ensure that you get enough fluids is intended to prevent thirst, which you often do not notice until you have dried out. Start well with this habit by drinking something with every meal. Any drinkable liquid can be included in this daily consumption, including milk, tea, coffee or soup. Drinking alkaline water from an alkaline water filter.

You may need liquid, but that does not mean that every liquid is beneficial. Drink caffeinated drinks and sugary fruit juice in moderation and completely skip sugary soft drinks. What does drinking water really does for your skin?

Learn to understand the labels with ingredients in the supermarket. Don't be fooled by the 'light' or 'natural' indications on labels, as this does not necessarily mean that the product is 'light' in calories or made from 'natural' ingredients. The nutritional information is also very important, and the amount and percentage (%) of your daily intake of different nutrients are stated on labels. However, it is important to know to which amount of the product these measurements refer. You see that the product contains one gram of fat - great - but that one gram can hit two chips, while you normally eat 20. 

Eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet will vary slightly for each person depending on their age, gender, size, activity level and health status (i.e., high cholesterol, diabetes, pregnancy, etc.). Regardless of the quantities of each type of food, almost everyone must ensure that they get enough protein, dairy, grains, fats, and fruits & vegetables. Great tasting water from an alkaline water filter from Prestige Water.
  • Protein is mainly found in meat, but also in beans, tofu, nuts and eggs. Go for lean and unbaked.
  • For dairy products, try to opt for low-fat foods as much as possible. You prefer to stay away from things like cream cheese, cream and butter.
  • Grains contain wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, millet, bulgur, quinoa, and more. Cereals are found in products such as pasta, oatmeal, grains, bread and tortillas. Try the whole-grain options if possible.
  • The human body requires a certain amount of fat to function properly. Some, but not all, oil that is liquid at room temperature often contains more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are the better fats to consume. Use oil made from rapeseed, corn, cottonseed, kaki, safflower, soy or sunflower.
  • Fruits and vegetables are a great source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. They also usually contain the lowest amount of calories compared to other types of food. Although juice is a good source of vitamins and minerals, it often contains many added sugars. Preferably drink no more than one glass of juice per day or less.
Choose foods with a low fat/sugar content. A lot of dairy products such as milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, hard cheese, ice cream, etc., are available in a 'normal' version and one or more 'light' versions. The label will explain the percentage of milk fat in each (ie 2% for regular milk versus 0% for skimmed milk). If you are currently consuming a milk product with a high or normal fat percentage, switch to the lean variants of the same product. You can do the same with products that contain sugar. Some sugar products can also be found with less or no sugar. Drinking lemon water in the morning is good for you.
  • Some labels with 'low fat' are no more than advertising tricks. If the food usually contains little or no fat, it doesn't matter if you buy the brand with the low-fat label.
  • Sugar-free products sometimes use sugar substitutes instead of natural sugars. Some sugar substitutes (such as stevia) also come from natural sources. Other sugar substitutes (such as aspartame) are not. You have to decide what you think about artificial sugar substitutes before you start consuming certain products.
  • Sugar comes in many forms. Sucrose, fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltose, honey and molasses are all sugar!
Plan your meals in advance. This also includes snacks and drinks. If you think about your diet a week in advance, you will not only be able to ensure that you have everything you need for that week, but you can also ensure that every meal you eat is balanced. Meal planning can even help you prepare some meals in advance, so you don't have to cook every day. An alkaline water filter is mostly used to convert your normal tap water into great-tasting alkaline water. What does drinking 2 litres of water your day with your body? Make sure that every meal contains fruit and/or vegetables

Benchtop Alkaline Water Filter
Floor Standing Alkaline Water Filter
Exclusive Alkaline Water Filter

Sport and drinking from an Alkaline Water Filter

Water is a super drink. Most athletes know that they have to drink enough. Yet this often goes wrong. Read here what the possible consequences are if you drink too little.

How much should you drink on a day of rest?

There are two different guidelines on this. The Nutrition Center recommends drinking 1.5 to 2 litres of fluid per day from an alkaline water filter. And according to the NASM (the manual for personal trainers), an adult man needs an average of 3 litres of fluid per day. An adult woman will suffice for 2.2 litres per day. For safety's sake, we adhere to the NASM standard.

Exactly how much fluid you need depends on age, temperature, exercise, eating and health status. For example, women who breastfeed need more fluid than women who do not. The same applies to (extremely) warm temperatures. Fatigue is solved by drinking water.

How much do you need to drink extra on a training day?

In addition to the above guidelines, you drink extra on a training day compared to a rest day. If you exercise, you lose moisture by sweating. You can lose 1 to 2 litres of moisture per hour. You can prevent this by drinking regularly. Make sure that you do not drink too much. This can have a negative impact on sports performance. Your body can process approximately 0.7 to 1 litre of water per hour.

Read also: Drinking water helps with losing some weight

When do you drink on a training day?

  • 2 hours before exercise: drink between 400 - 650 ml of water during heavy exertion.
  • Drink 175-250 ml of water from your alkaline water filter every 15 to 20 minutes.
  • After a hard workout of 60 minutes or longer, drink between 400 - 650 ml of water.
  • Is it best to drink water or something with carbohydrates?

With a workout of fewer than 60 minutes, it is not necessary to take a carbohydrate-rich drink. With an effort of more than 60 minutes, it can be valuable to choose a sports drink with at least 8% sugar. You do this to maintain the glycogen stock. This will provide you with sufficient energy.

When do you know if you have drunk enough?

The feeling of thirst is not the best predictor of fluid deficiency. A fluid deficiency can already exist before your body gives this signal. It is therefore difficult to estimate this. To avoid this, it is advisable to compensate about 50% of the sweat lost during the effort. If you follow the above guidelines, you will probably drink enough from your alkaline water filter.

What happens if you drink too little?

Dehydration affects both your (sports) performance and your health. If you drink too little, the heart muscles and blood circulation will come under pressure. Due to a fluid deficiency, the body has more difficulty pumping blood. Fluid loss causes a decrease in the volume of blood plasma (the liquid part of the blood). Simply put, it means that the body works less efficiently with every heartbeat. As a result, the heart must beat faster to provide the blood cells in the body with sufficient blood. This decreases blood flow in the muscles, resulting in a poorer supply of oxygen and a reduced discharge of waste. As a result, exercise becomes increasingly difficult for you because the blood volume decreases and the body temperature rises.

A moisture deficiency has a number of potential hazards, namely:

    Decreased blood volume
    Poor (sports) performance
    Lowered blood pressure
    Less sweat production
    Increased body temperature
    Retain more moisture
    Increased heart rate
    Hold more salt
    Reduced transport of blood to the skin
    Increased perceived effort
    Increase in the use of glycogen


How much alkaline water do we need to drink?

According to the specialist adults need approx. 2.7 litres of liquid per day, of which approx. 1.4 litres should be consumed through healthy drinks. In adolescents and young adults as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women it is even up to 3.1 litres, 1.7 litres of which should be covered by drinking. The body gets the rest of the fluid it needs from foods that also contain a certain amount of water.

How much water should you drink per kg of body weight? Drink plenty from an alkaline water filter for great health and better taste

Water is vital for the human organism. People are therefore dependent on regular fluid intake. As a guideline, every person needs about 30 to 40 millilitres of water per kilogram of body weight - that's about 2 to 3 litres of water a day. Of course, water requirements vary depending on metabolic performance and external factors. For example, the loss of water during sweating increases the requirement by about 1.5 litres per litre of sweat lost.

In some circumstances, even the loss of fluid from breathing at an increased respiratory rate or in cold/dry air needs to be considered. In addition, when calculating the fluid requirement, it must also be taken into account that the build-up of glycogen, which is responsible for storing and providing the energy carrier glucose in human and animal body cells, also requires water (2.6 ml for 1 g glycogen).

Why is Filtered Water so Important?