Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo

Great tasting drinking water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo

Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo Bench Top   Water Dispenser Blackall-Tambo Bench Top: Water Dispenser Blackall-Tambo Bench Top

Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo Floor Standing   Water Dispenser Blackall-Tambo Floor Standing: Water Dispenser Blackall-Tambo Floor Standing

Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo Exclusive Stainless Steel   Water Dispenser Blackall-Tambo Exclusive: Water Dispenser Blackall-Tambo Exclusive Stainless Steel

TIP: 7 Important reasons to drink plenty of water for a beautiful radiant skin

A healthy lifestyle is a blessing for your skin. Both in terms of nutrition and movement. I am convinced that real beauty comes from within. These are the consequences of drinking too little water.

Water is the most important nutrient that must be on our daily menu. Water hydrates the skin from the inside and ensures the removal of waste.

Here we come immediately to the most important point:

  • Disposal of waste: The kidneys remove the waste from your body and send it to the bladder so that it goes out of your body. The kidneys do need enough fluid to clean and keep our bodies clean. Drinking water from a Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo is therefore a must.
  • Energy: Water is the main source of energy for our body. For example, if you sweat a lot in the gym, your muscles actually lose a lot of water. If your muscles do not have enough water, they become tired. By drinking more water from a Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo, you get more energy and you can completely close your workout. Tips for summer.
  • Moisture balance: 60% of your body consists of water. By drinking enough water you maintain your moisture balance! This helps to transport nutrients through your body, regulate your body temperature and digest nutrition.
  • Concentration: A glass of water can help you concentrate and ensures that you are fresh and alert.
  • Fatigue: Put that coffee on the side, because also water helps against drooping eyes after a night of little sleep. One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is fatigue. Another reason to take an extra sip of water.
  • Lose weight: Many studies have concluded that there is a link between drinking water and losing weight. The secret? Drinking water simply means that people feel full and therefore eat less. Do not drink a few sips, but empty your glass in one go. Then your brain gets the signal that the stomach is fed. With a few sips, almost nothing happens.
  • More beautiful skin: Certain toxins in your body, ensure that you get troubled skin. Water ensures that these toxins are flushed out of your body and therefore you also have less chance of pimples or other unevenness. Therefore drink heaps of water from a Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo.

Reasons enough to drink enough water! Are fruit juices healthy?

What is enough water to drink?

The standard is about 1.5 - 2 litres of water per day. That is about 8 glasses of 200 ml per day. You can also use a bottle of 500 ml, then you know exactly how much you drink. You can put in the water a variety of fruit or herbs. There are even special bottles for sale where you can put fruit and/or herbs in a special container to pimp your water. What happens in your body if you drink soda?

Prestige Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo, Water Dispenser Blackall-Tambo, Water Filter Blackall-Tambo

Blackall, Alice Downs, Malvern Hills, Northhampton Downs, Terrick Terrick, Yalleroi, Tambo, Bayrick, Caldervale, Landsdowne, Lumeah, Macfarlane, Minnie Downs, Mount Enniskillen, Scrubby Creek, Windeyer, Yandarlo.

Benchtop Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo
Floor Standing Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo
Exclusive Water Cooler Blackall-Tambo

Alkaline water from your water cooler Blackall-Tambo

You know it, suddenly you get thirsty; you have a dry mouth; swallowing becomes more difficult and you can only think about water/drinking. So thirsty that you want to drink something right away, is that good for you? The answer is very simple: no. I would like to tell you why!

Dry out

It also regularly happens to me that I am suddenly thirsty. A signal from my body that I have to drink something. But that body of ours is a little behind the facts with that signal. When your brain receives a signal, it is too late. We are already drying out.
Besides, the older you get, the worse that thirst stimulus works. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the elderly that there is enough drinking from their water cooler Blackall-Tambo. Moisture and drinking water. I am not thirsty so I don't have to drink so it really doesn't work.

7 signs of not drinking enough

There are several signs you can have that you are not drinking enough.
  • Thirst, dry mouth and/or difficulty swallowing
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Concentration problems
  • Dark urine or urinating only once a day
  • Constipation
  • Passing out in the worst case

I sometimes want to avoid it towards the end of the day, I suddenly get a headache behind my eyes. Usually, I think first, how much did I drink today? Often there is the answer. So then I know I need to pay more attention to that.

Read also: 5 Reasons why drinking water is good for your heart, brain and metabolism.

Different per person

How much you should drink per day differs per person. 1.5 litres is a good guideline for adult persons. But when it is very hot, you walk a lot / do sports / etc you need more. It is really a matter of feeling yourself. Don't get thirsty and have light urine. Then you are sure that you are doing the right thing.

What do you drink?

It is often said that the 1.5 litres must be pure water. That is not entirely true. Of course, water is one of the healthiest choices. Healthy water from the water cooler Blackall-Tambo from Prestige Water.
But coffee, tea, iced tea (homemade) and other drinks also contain a lot of moisture. However, you have to keep in mind that if you drink 1.5 litres of Coke, you also get many other unnecessary sugars, etc.

Do you put your water in bottles/jugs? Make sure you refresh it every day. This is because bacteria can grow in this and then you will have completely different problems.

Personally, I am a big fan of water or sparkling water with a taste of fruit/vegetables. You can make so many treats with this! Besides that, I also drink the necessary coffee.

Healthy filtered alkaline drink water from a benchtop or floor standing water cooler Blackall Tambo

Water is a well-known remedy, especially for headaches. The brain is mostly water and is quick to send signals when it's not getting enough fluids. In addition to headaches, water can also cause joint pain to prevent. Water acts as a buffer between different joints and joint parts. A lack of synovial fluid can lead to intervertebral disc problems or back pain, for example.

Fluoride in tap water

Water is also often used as a weight loss aid. Water stimulates digestion and minimizes cravings. The feeling of hunger is often confused with the feeling of thirst.

Tip: Drinking a large glass of water before eating usually fills you up faster.

In addition, water improves performance. The stimulated metabolic processes when drinking gives you more energy. Tiredness, lack of concentration and exhaustion occur less frequently. Muscles also need a lot of water to grow. In sports, you are also more efficient with the help of water in the long run.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?