Water Cooler Augustine Heights

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Augustine Heights

Water Cooler Augustine Heights Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Augustine Heights: Water Dispenser Augustine Heights Benchtop

Water Cooler Augustine Heights Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Augustine Heights: Water Dispenser Augustine Heights Floor Standing

Water Cooler Augustine Heights Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Augustine Heights: Water Dispenser Augustine Heights Exclusive Stainless Steel


Prestige Water Cooler Augustine Heights, Water Dispenser Augustine Heights, Water Filter Augustine Heights

7 Benefits of drinking hot water

It is so delicious, especially in spring and summer: drinking a large glass of cold water immediately from a Water Cooler Augustine Height upon standing up or after an intensive workout. Drinking lemon water in the morning is good for you. But did you know that drinking hot water is also very good for you? We give you seven benefits of drinking hot water. What does drinking 2 litres of water a day do with your body?

Better blood circulation

First of all, drinking a glass of warm water ensures better blood circulation, which also has a positive effect on your muscles and nerves. Healthy drinking water made from your own tap with a Water Cooler Augustine Height. After all, your muscles get more blood and can therefore relax better. The additional advantage is that you get muscle pain less quickly.

Smooth bowel movements

Drinking a glass of warm water before, during or after a meal is also beneficial for your digestion. It helps your body to digest your food properly. This is in contrast to cold water, which hardens the fats that are in your food. The fat can therefore accumulate in the inner wall of your intestines, with the result that you get intestinal problems. Therefore drink heaps of water from a Water Cooler Augustine Height.

Aid for weight loss

Water is an essential nutrient. Do you sport because you want to lose a few pounds? Then drinking warm water will help you, because it helps ensure a healthy metabolism. It helps to break down your body fat and also makes you feel less hungry. Tip: start your day with a glass of hot water to which you add a little lemon juice.

Energy boost

You might think that cold water provides more energy, but it is just hot water that gives you an energy boost. The cold water that enters your body must first be warmed up before it can be digested. Hot and cold water from a Water Cooler Augustine Height from Prestige Water. That costs your body energy. Your body uses energy from hot water, which is useful during your workout. Also handy if you are having trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

Healthy hair

Do you want radiant summer hair? A nice bonus of drinking hot water is that it gives your hair a healthier and shiny look. The warm water also provides more energy to your hair roots, making your hair grow faster. Furthermore, it helps against a dry scalp.

Against colds

Even in good weather, you can get a cold, including the associated sore throat and coughing. The hot water loosens stuck mucus and rinses it through your esophagus and your stomach. Great tasting filtered water from a Water Cooler Augustine Height. As a result, you quickly notice that the sore throat is decreasing and that you can start exercising again.


Bottled water contains fewer minerals than tap water. Are you going for thorough cleaning of your body in the form of a detox? Even then hot water comes in handy. As soon as you drink it, your body temperature rises, with the result that you start to sweat and toxins disappear from your body. Your body undergoes a cleansing from the inside. If you want to get the most out of your detox, add some lemon (juice) to your glass of warm water.

Benchtop Water Cooler Augustine Heights
Floor Standing Water Cooler Augustine Heights
Exclusive Water Cooler Augustine Heights

Great tasting water from your water cooler Augustine Heights

Everyone knows that drinking water is good for you, but why is it so important? We are happy to tell you more about it! Calculate how much water you should drink per day.

Good for your body

When you drink a lot of water, this has various positive effects on your body. It ensures that the waste is removed from your body. If you drink too little, more waste will remain in your body.

There is also a good chance that you will get a headache, as this is a common symptom of dehydration. When your body is dehydrated, it consumes extra energy. So you can feel very tired and dizzy. It is actually too late when you are thirsty, so try to drink enough from your water cooler Augustine Heights during the day. This way you can keep your body well hydrated.

It also pays to drink enough water for your skin, because it ensures that your skin becomes tighter, smoother and more beautiful in colour. Tips to get through the summer COOL.

Drinking water helps with weight loss

Why should you drink water when you want to lose weight? And last but not least, drinking water can help you lose weight. Water contains no calories, so it is wise to replace drinks with a lot of calories and sugars with water. Your feeling of hunger is also suppressed if you drink water because it fills your stomach. So do you feel a snack attack coming up?

Take a glass of water from your water cooler Augustine Heights. Your body is grateful!

Of course, we hope that after reading this article you immediately run to the kitchen for a glass of water, but you might find it hard to drink water. However, this does not have to be difficult at all. When you make a daily habit of drinking water, it will be a lot easier. For example, try to drink a glass of water after getting up, before and after breakfast, before and after lunch, before and after dinner, and before going to sleep. After a while, you get used to it and you want nothing else!

Read also: Children and drinking water

Drink plenty of filtered alkaline water from the benchtop or floor standing water cooler Augustine Heights

Coffee and beer cannot replace water.

Of course, this tip applies in particular to people who have previously drunk little water - and instead prefer to drink soft drinks, spritzers, juices, coffee, milk drinks or even alcoholic beverages. Yes, because of these drink preferences, there are a great many people who never drink water. Can you lose weight by drinking water?

However, human beings are made up of 60 to 70 per cent water and not coffee, cola or buttermilk or beer. There are a number of studies that show that coffee can also serve as a source of liquid and only dehydrates (removes water from the body) when drinking large amounts (more than 1.2 litres). Still, there are clear differences between water and coffee (or other beverages).

Why is Filtered Water so Important?