Water Cooler Waterford

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Waterford

Water Cooler Waterford Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Waterford: Water Dispenser Waterford Benchtop

Water Cooler Waterford Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Waterford: Water Dispenser Waterford Floor Standing

Water Cooler Waterford Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Waterford: Water Dispenser Waterford Exclusive Stainless Steel

Drinking in hot weather

Good hydration in the summer. Drinking in hot weather is so incredibly important. Drinking water with fruit and spice. A low moisture content is bad for your skin, but also for your overall health. Your body temperature rises, your blood circulation worsens and you can even get a heat stroke. You get it already: keep on drinking on hot days like this! We tell you what you better and better can not drink during this heat.

6 signs that you are not drinking enough water

What you can drink best in hot weather

1. Water

We will not tell you anything new when we say that you have to drink a lot of water when it's hot. Normally, doctors recommend drinking about 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day, but if it is that hot, that may be a bit more. Water removes all waste from your body and prevents you from getting headaches and muscle cramps. If you find water too boring to drink, you can always add a flavour to it. Put some slices of cucumber in your water or add mint, orange or lemon. Calculate how much water you should drink per day.

2. Tea

Drinking a hot drink during the hot weather seems impossible, but tea is very good for you with this warm weather! Use the hot water tap from your water cooler in Waterford. Because you drink something hot, your brain gets a signal that your body needs to be cooled down. With the result that you are slightly less warm.

If you do not want to drink it hot you can also cool your tea and add ice cubes. Et voilà: your homemade, healthy iced tea.

3. Coffee

You can also drink coffee when it's hot outside. It is often said that coffee is diuretic, but that is not entirely true. You have to pee faster from coffee, but not more often and more. It does not ensure that your body dries out. Especially if you can not sleep well due to the warm weather, a cup of coffee to keep you awake is certainly a good plan. Here too: if you do not feel like a hot drink, go for a cold version! Throw some ice cubes in your glass and add your coffee. Mmm.

4. Broth

Because of the warm weather and the sweating, you can quickly faint. A bit of salt is a good way to help you. Do not immediately grab a bag of chips (or do), but go for a healthier, but also salty solution: broth. Generally, it is not necessary to eat more salt when it is hot, but if you get a faint feeling, bouillon is a good option.

What better you can not drink in hot weather

1. Ice water

No matter how nice ice-cold water can be when it is so hot, look at it anyway. Ice-cold water can cause your stomach to get out of hand, resulting in unpleasant cramps. You are not waiting for that.

2. Soft drinks

Soft drinks may not necessarily be worse in hot weather, but they are not a good idea. Tips to get through the summer COOL. Soft drinks are fatteners number one because they contain a lot of sugar and therefore also a lot of calories. Because soft drinks often consist of a lot of sugar and a lot of caffeine, they are very stressful for your body and do not keep your moisture content on the arrow. That is why they do not stop dehydration. Trade your soft drink to a glass of healthy water from your water cooler Waterford.

3. Alcohol

We know how extremely delicious that rosé tastes in the sun, but it's just not good for your body. Alcohol ensures that moisturizing liquids, which you desperately need in the heat, leave your body much faster. This can cause your body to dry out. So be careful during the warm weather when you sit on the terrace. And always drink a glass of water with your wine if you have not been able to resist the temptation.

Prestige Water Cooler Waterford, Water Dispenser Waterford, Water Filter Waterford

Benchtop Water Cooler Waterford
Floor Standing Water Cooler Waterford
Exclusive Water Cooler Waterford

Drink water from your water cooler Waterford with lemon

The morning is my favourite moment of the day. It's nice to be able to start again, create new opportunities and enjoy life. I have developed a small morning ritual and that ensures that I start the day fresh. For example, I regularly drink water with lemon.

I start my day with water from my water cooler Waterford.

Water is an essential nutrient. Every morning when I am awake I immediately walk into the kitchen to drink a glass of water. Some people may recognize this from the moments that they wake up after a good night out and have to drink a lot of water to get that bad taste out of their mouths.

I recommend that you do this every day (drink the water, not the drinking). With me, I can always choose from three "flavours". Water with lemon, water with sole or water with apple cider vinegar. First I always drink a glass of lukewarm water with a taste and then a glass of lukewarm water without a taste. Why not just cold water I hear you think? When you drink cold water, your body needs to heat that water and that costs energy. I cherish my energy in the early morning and I honestly think it is also better with warm water.

Health benefits of water with lemon

  • Lemons are packed with good nutrients such as vitamins B, and C, calcium iron, magnesium, potassium, enzymes, antioxidants and fibre. Potassium helps keep your blood sugar levels stable and vitamin C promotes iron absorption, among other things.
  • It improves digestion. Your digestive system is slowly awakened and the vitamins and minerals ensure that food residues are flushed from your stomach and intestines.
  • It gives your immune system a boost and promotes your metabolism. Like all citrus fruits, lemons are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to improved resistance and helps against colds and flu.
  • It alkalizes your body; it dehydrates your body. Bottled water contains less minerals than tap water. An acidic body is more susceptible to inflammation and all kinds of diseases. Although lemon juice is acid in itself, it becomes alkaline in the body. By drinking water with lemon daily you deacidify your body and you are less susceptible to inflammation, obesity and diseases.
  • It has a cleansing effect. Lemon juice helps remove toxins from your body. And as previously described, it flushes the stomach and intestines. Citric acid also ensures proper functioning of the liver and therefore has a detoxifying effect.
  • It helps reduce stress. Vitamin C is an anti-stress vitamin, a good idea to start your day with!
  • It hydrates your body. That is more because of the water than the little lemon juice of course. It is very important to maintain the moisture balance. Especially now that summer is coming again!
  • It ensures radiant skin. Lemons are full of antioxidants that help prevent free radical damage. This reduces wrinkles and other irregularities a lot less. Simply drinking more water can also help you achieve better skin.
  • It provides a fresh breath. Bye, burial sky.

Well, what a list of benefits, everyone at the lemon water! Enjoy your drink from your water cooler Waterford! What does drinking 2 litres of water a day do with your body?

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