Water Cooler Waterford West

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Waterford West

Water Cooler Waterford West Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Waterford West: Water Dispenser Waterford West Benchtop

Water Cooler Waterford West Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Waterford West: Water Dispenser Waterford West Floor Standing

Water Cooler Waterford West Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Waterford West: Water Dispenser Waterford West Exclusive Stainless Steel

This is how you can easily grow an unlimited supply of ginger at home

The truth about drinking water.  Great tasting drink water made from your own tap from a water cooler at Waterford West. It is certainly a great feeling to be able to consume something that you have grown at home, right? Certainly, something that is as good and healthy as ginger can actually be easily grown at home, and you do not need much space at all. Ginger has long been known for its health-promoting properties and can be consumed in different ways. But how easy is it to grow ginger yourself? It turns out to be very simple! Water Cooler with or without filtration. The Swedish newspaper called Syre has now published an easy guide.

This is what you have to do:

1. The safest thing is to buy ginger from a garden company, then you know for sure that it has not been sprayed. You can also buy organic ginger in a supermarket.

2. Put it in water from your water cooler at Waterford West at night.

3. Then plant the ginger in nutritious soil in a low and wide pot. This is because the roots of ginger grow horizontally.

4. Put the ginger downwards so that the shoots point upwards and cover the roots with a few centimetres of soil.

5. Provide plenty of water and place the pot in a warm but shady place.

6. After about a month you will see the shoots shoot up.

7. Then it's time to put the pot in a warm place. Also, do not forget to water regularly.

After a few more months, 3-4 months after planting, you can start harvesting small pieces of ginger. Dig carefully in the ground and cut the pieces you want to use. Now you have an almost endless supply of ginger, which you can keep harvesting for as long as you want! What can you do with ginger? For example, test the following recipe for a nice tea.

Ingredients for 1 ginger tea

  • 200 ml of hot water
  • 2 - 3 slices of fresh ginger
  • 1 slice of bio lemon
  • 1 tsp honey
  • Optional 1/4 tsp turmeric

This is how you make it:

Wash the lemon well. Then preferably use a biological unsprayed lemon. Cut a thin slice from this and put it in a glass. Cut the ginger into very thin slices. You can also do this with a peeler, but I would add some extra slices. Drink healthy water from your water cooler at Waterford West. Add this to the lemon. Pour hot water on the ginger and lemon. Let the tea then draw for a few minutes. Add honey and/or turmeric as desired. Can you go to the toilet faster if you drink lukewarm water? Why do I have to pee so often?

Prestige Water Cooler Waterford West, Water Dispenser Waterford West, Water Filter Waterford West

Benchtop Water Cooler Waterford West
Floor Standing Water Cooler Waterford West
Exclusive Water Cooler Waterford West

5 tips to drink enough water from your water cooler Waterford West

Drink plenty of water! Give the body what it needs: Water. Your body consists of approximately 55% water. You can drink enough if you have drunk 5 to 6 glasses of water in total, well distributed throughout the day. Adults need to drink a little more, about 6 to 8 glasses. We know that sometimes it is quite difficult to drink enough in one day. That's why our 5 tips are about drinking water this time!

1. Give water a taste

Don't you really like water? No problem! There are so many ways to make drinking water tastier. We really like fruit water. This way your water suddenly gets a completely different taste. See here Peter's favourite recipe. Another way to make water tastier is tea. Can you lose weight by drinking water?

What if children make healthy choices for themselves more often? Drink plenty of great-tasting water from your water cooler at Waterford West. The team helps with healthy growing up with less struggle, more fun and results. By making healthy choices fun and rewarding!

2. Always take a bottle with you

Are you going out the door? Then take a bottle of water as standard. If you make a habit of this, you will grab it faster for a drink. Moisture and drinking water. You can also refill it again and again.

3. Make a water bottle with a standard

Bottles with the standard? Hell yes! You can put lines on your water bottle with how much you have already drunk. You could even add times. This way you can see what time it is time to drink again. You can make a water bottle yourself, but you can also buy one.

4. Apps, apps, apps

Do you sometimes need a small reminder? Which can! In the meantime, there are all kinds of apps that give you a little reminder that you should drink, or where you can keep track of how much you've already been drinking. Also useful if you want to get an insight into how much you actually drink in a day from your filtered water cooler at Waterford West. Just look in the App Store for "Drink Water Reminder with Water Tracker & Alarm".

As a first tip, we always gave a bottle of water. You can also apply this at home in the form of a jug. Place a jug and glasses in a visible place for yourself and/or your children.

That was him again for today. And? Have you been thirsty yet? How many glasses do you have on today from your own water cooler Waterford West?

Read also: 5 Reasons why drinking water is good for your heart, brain and metabolism

Why is Filtered Water so Important?