Water Cooler Bli Bli

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Bli Bli

Water Cooler Bli Bli Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Bli Bli: Water Dispenser Bli Bli Benchtop

Water Cooler Bli Bli Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Bli Bli: Water Dispenser Bli Bli Floor Standing

Water Cooler Bli Bli Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Bli Bli: Water Dispenser Bli Bli Exclusive Stainless Steel

15 Reasons why you should drink more water from your water cooler Bli Bli

Now we have all heard that we have to drink a lot of water. Perhaps you have heard the 8 × 8 rule (drink an 8oz glass of water, 8 times a day). But what is the reasoning, besides the fact that we get thirsty? Once you know the reasons, you will never leave your house without a water bottle. Fill your bottle with a Water Cooler Bli Bli.

Your body is pretty much water

You, your friends, family are all water. Yes, if you are dating, you go out with 70% water. Sounds funny, but scientifically it is true! But let's look at your body composition and how much of it is water.

  • Your brain is 80% water
  • Your blood is 85% water
  • Your muscles are 80% water
  • Your bones are 25% water
  • Your cells contain 90% water

These percentages vary by 5-10% depending on the source, but one thing is clear: water is an essential part of your body. Therefore drinks healthy water from a Water Cooler Bli Bli.

Water helps your body function

Water is responsible for a large number of processes in your body. Your body can not function without water. Here are a few:

Drinking a lot of water comes with a lot of benefits

It is important to not only drink when you are really thirsty but keep your body hydrated during the day. Is watermelon healthy? There is a rule, if you are thirsty, it is too late. Drinking the recommended amount of water from a Water Cooler Bli Bli yields a lot of health benefits. Water improves the health of your skin and makes you feel younger and look younger. Because the bulk of your body is water, constantly replenishing the water sources inside, will help your body to function properly. Your body will be able to work extra hard to make you feel and look great. The water helps to maintain a softer skin. And if you feel good, you look fantastic. Water is great for the kidneys, liver and joints. It reduces the amount of work your kidneys and liver have to do by flushing away the waste and toxins. Your body uses water to lubricate itself. It moistens the nose, eyes and mouth and lubricates the joints. Stop drinking soda - stop sugar.

How much water do you have to drink every day?

There are a thousand other benefits that I have not mentioned, but you have recognized the importance of water. So how much of it do you really need? Great tasting water with minerals from a Water Cooler Bli Bli. Do not forget that everything contains water. From meat products to everything else. 80% of your daily intake of water, however, comes from drinks. The institute of medicine, recommends so much TOTAL water that is consumed daily:

  • Men need 3.7 litres or 125 grams of total water per day. That amounts to 7.4 standard 16.9 fl oz water bottles.
  • Women need 2.7 litres or 91 grams of total water per day. That comes down to 5.4 standard 16.9 fl oz water bottles.

So ladies and gentlemen, drink up! Water is not only the key to your survival but also your daily well-being. That extra glass of water will help you feel good and look great, so do it. Buy a BPA-free water bottle and drink it all day long.

Prestige Water Cooler Bli Bli, Water Dispenser Bli Bli, Water Filter Bli Bli

Benchtop Water Cooler Bli Bli
Floor Standing Water Cooler Bli Bli
Exclusive Water Cooler Bli Bli

Great tasting filtered and alkaline water from your water cooler Bli Bli

A while ago I saw people in my area who only drink hot water. I asked why they did this and I got the answer that it is healthy. Below I describe the benefits of drinking hot water.

It is not advisable to drink water that is very cold, because it has some health disadvantages, such as it can make you sick, especially during exercise. It is, therefore, necessary to drink warm water or at least water that is not too cold (room temperature is ideal), because the body itself is at a very high temperature and digesting cold water can cause spasms, especially in the stomach and small intestine.

You may not be aware of this, but hot water has more benefits than you might think. If you get used to drinking a glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach, wait a while and then drink a glass of water with a little lemon juice and a spoon of honey and you'll see how your body feels a sense of cleansing and detoxification begins to experience, making you feel fresher and much lighter. Hot water also helps to reduce cravings for unhealthy foods, so that you consume smaller amounts of food. That alone is enough to satisfy you. What kind of water to drink?

But hey! These are not all the benefits you can get from hot water! I am going to mention a few of the most interesting benefits below.

Eliminates toxins

Hot water is extremely useful in fasting because it eliminates the waste material that cold water alone cannot dissolve. It also helps with the removal of waste through the kidneys, pores and other organs that play an important role in the elimination process in your body.

Also, keep in mind that constant consumption of warm water will help in the purification process of every part of your tissue. It is not enough to drink it once a day, you have to take it regularly.

It balances the pH values

The regular consumption of warm water from your water cooler Bli Bli also helps to balance the pH values, because it helps to reduce the acidity in your body, making you feel much nicer and look healthy and natural. Lemon juice in your water - is super healthy.

Relieves ailments

As if this was not enough, it will also help to heal and alleviate some diseases, such as rheumatism, arteriosclerosis and many others.

It is also important to know that hot water is very beneficial for a person who has a fever because if the person drinks it quickly, it will immediately help to lower body temperature. It helps to dilate the channels of the body so that blood can circulate more easily, making it in its path.

Reduced weight

Did you know that overweight people can benefit greatly from drinking hot water? For this you need to include water constantly in your diet, then this will help you to lose the weight you need (in combination with exercise and supplements) without having to resort to diets that could endanger your health.

80 per cent of your body is composed of water and not consuming enough fluid can cause an imbalance in your body. It is best if the fluid you use is water, a natural fluid that will contribute to many health benefits as time passes. Do not forget, however, not to exceed the required 1.5-2 litres of water per day. Use water from your own water cooler Bli Bli.

Finally, we hope that you learn to implement each of the things we have mentioned here and to use all the healing and detoxifying properties of this useful resource, without which we would not survive.

Drink plenty of alkaline filtered water from the Prestige Water benchtop or floor standing water coolers

Rule of thumb: drink 1.5 litres per day

You normally need about 2.5 litres of liquid per day. We consume almost half of it practically by ourselves through food. But there are still 1-1.5 litres a day that you have to take in yourself to get through the day in good health. In the heat and heavy sweating, the amount should be increased significantly. Again, always listen to your body’s thirst. When dehydration sets in, the blood in the vessels thickens. The result is headaches, dizziness and ultimately fainting. This process begins when only around 5% of body weight is lost in the water. That would be the case for a person weighing 70 kg from 3.5 litres.

Older people are particularly at risk

Older people in particular should drink regularly because the thirst receptors in the brain no longer work reliably in old age: Despite a lack of water, the feeling of thirst is less pronounced. Conscious drinking is therefore required here. A full bottle of water helps as a reminder, which, placed in the morning, reminds you throughout the day whether and how much water was drunk. So make sure your parents or grandparents drink enough. Loss of consciousness, drowsiness, confusion, headaches or nausea can be indicators of dehydration.

What water does for your skin

Why is Filtered Water so Important?