Water Cooler Banyo

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Banyo

Water Cooler Banyo Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Banyo: Water Dispenser Banyo Benchtop

Water Cooler Banyo Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Banyo: Water Dispenser Banyo Floor Standing

Water Cooler Banyo Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Banyo: Water Dispenser Banyo Exclusive Stainless Steel

How much water do you need to drink in summer

Drink more water in hot weather. Warm weather is blissful, is not it? Cold water drinking. Then you can finally lie in the sun on the beach or chill out on a terrace. Drink great-tasting water made from your own tap from a Water Cooler Banyo. But in the meantime, we sometimes forget to drink water. How much water should we drink when it is so hot? How much water you need to drink per day varies from person to person and depends mainly on your weight and body type. "The exact amounts of water vary, but active adults must drink between 2 litres and 4 litres of water," says Lauren Minchen, a nutritionist, at The Huffington Post. Although that also depends on several factors, such as temperatures and how much you move. Apparently, your water intake in the summer should be even higher if you practice sports regularly. "Your muscles need more water to function properly and maintain mass." Your body is working very hard to keep cool by sweating, "said Amy Shapiro, another dietician." It's important to replenish the water that we lose if we sweat to prevent dehydration. "According to Shapiro, one of the best ways to achieve this is to drink enough water before you are really thirsty. Bottled water, Tap water or Filtered water. Healthy drink water from a Water Cooler Banyo.

Okay ... but how much water is sufficient?

Now we are there! The dietitian recommends drinking half of your body weight (lbs and not in kg) in grams of water. Caution! Shapiro does talk about weight in pounds and not in kilograms, but we will convert it for you. If you weigh 180 pounds (= 81.65 kilograms), you should drink 90 ounces (2551.46 grams) of water daily, ie 2.55 litres. But by transforming this formula, you could also say that you can divide your weight in kilograms by 32,02. Just check: if you weigh 81.65 kilograms and divide by 32.02 you also get 2.55 litres. The De Mayo Clinic in England also recommends approximately the same quantities. They say women should drink 2.7 litres of water a day and men 3.7 litres. Just keep in mind that this is a target figure. It may well be that you have to drink more or less water. There is not only a difference between men and women. How much water you need to drink also depends on the temperatures, how much you move, your diet and even your age. According to Andrea Moss, a nutrition coach, we get less thirsty as we get older. "Our thirst mechanism is getting weaker as we get older."

How can you know that you drink too little?

Apparently, the colour of your urine could tell a lot about your water intake. Hot and cold water straight from a Water Cooler Banyo. Both dietitians say that urine should be about the colour of lemonade. If it is darker, you should drink more water. Sometimes certain ailments can also show that you are dehydrated. For example, fatigue, dry skin, muscle cramps, constipation and dizziness can be indicators of dehydration.

More water, also in your food

If you do not like to drink a lot of water, you can of course also eat foods with high water content. Can food influence your sleep? Think of fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cucumber, celery, broccoli and spinach. According to Shapiro, a bouillon-based soup or gazpacho would also help hydrate.
Make sure you stay hydrated!

Prestige Water Cooler Banyo, Water Dispenser Banyo, Water Filter Banyo

Benchtop Water Cooler Banyo
Floor Standing Water Cooler Banyo
Exclusive Water Cooler Banyo

Alkaline water from the water cooler Banyo

How much do you drink per day? No, not roughly, how much do you drink? Often less than you think. One and a half to two litres is the norm for an adult. Drinking enough water helps to dispose of your waste products. That way you feel healthy and energetic. Follow the next 5 steps to easily drink more water.

Step 1: Choose filtered tap water from a water cooler Banyo

What kind of water to drink. If you live in Australia you are lucky: Our tap water has the best quality in the world. By the way, did you know that spring water is no healthier than tap water? Spring water must meet 15 quality requirements, tap water at 57! A few more reasons to choose tap water:

  • Spring water is 500 to 1000 times (!) More expensive than tap water
  • If you buy water at a gas station, a bottle of water is more expensive than the same amount of petrol
  • It takes 0.25 litres of oil to produce 1 litre of spring water

So choose filtered tap water, tasty and easy!

Step 2: Always take a bottle with you

Have water at your fingertips. Then you automatically drink more often and the temptation is less great to buy spring water or, for example, soft drinks. For example, I drink from the water cooler Banyo. This fits nicely (0.8 litres) and your water stays cool longer, you guessed it, tap water. This social enterprise promotes the use of tap water and 5% of its turnover goes to the Plastic Soup Foundation. Oh, the bottle is available in 7 beautiful matte colours, probably one that suits you.

Step 3: Start the day with a glass of water, or two

Make drinking more water part of your routine. Start the day with one or two glasses of water, then you will have that inside. Drink water during or after meals and every time you have been to the toilet.

Step 4: Alternate and give your water a taste

Don't like water that much? Or do you just feel like something else? Then add fruits and herbs to your water. In the summer, opt for frozen fruit, so your water will stay nice and cool even longer. Everything is possible, but some examples for inspiration:
  • strawberries with basil
  • watermelon with mint
  • strips of cucumber
  • citrus fruits, such as lemon and orange
  • ginger with pineapple

Step 5: Keep track of how much you drink

Recommended: measure how much you drink. Count how often you drink (800 millilitres each time!) Or put a large filled jug in the fridge with your water goal today. Is it disappointing? Then put an alarm clock on your phone so you don't forget. There is also a free app that can help you drink more water: Water Daily. This counts how much you drink and reminds you if necessary. About Prestige Water.

How much water should children drink per day?

The one-and-a-half to two litre standard for adults is often well known. Use the following calculation to determine how much water children should drink:
  1. take 1 litre for the first 10 pounds
  2. add 50 millilitres for every pound over 10 pounds
If your child weighs 14 pounds, that means 1 litre + 4 x 50 millilitres = 1,200 millilitres or 1.2 litres of water.

How do you ensure that you drink enough water from your water cooler Banyo?

Drinking alkaline water with minerals from the benchtop or floor standing water cooler Banyo is healthy for your skin

Regular drinking is also important for an all-around healthy and beautiful complexion. Sufficient water intake prevents the formation of wrinkles on the face and the skin becomes firmer and more elastic! Drinking water prevents muscle pain

Regular water intake means that our skin and mucous membranes do not run the risk of drying out. Viruses and bacteria, therefore, have a harder time getting into our bodies! It is therefore particularly important to mention that drinking enough is an absolute must even in winter and should therefore not be restricted to the summer months!

Why is Filtered Water so Important?