Water Dispenser Strathpine

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Dispenser Strathpine

Water Cooler Strathpine Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Strathpine: Water Dispenser Strathpine Benchtop

Water Cooler Strathpine Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Strathpine: Water Dispenser Strathpine Floor Standing

Water Cooler Strathpine Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Strathpine: Water Dispenser Strathpine Exclusive Stainless Steel

Drink water against wrinkles

Water is the source of life. It is thirst-quenching, refreshing and cooling. Water helps to dispose of waste. It dilutes the blood and ensures that you get enough fluid. In traditional Chinese medicine, water has a big role in everything that has to do with health. It is stated that drinking enough hot water can drain excess fluids from the body - for example, edema and water in the body. Great tasting water from the Prestige Water dispenser Strathpine. As a result, you have to urinate more often and you can often quickly lose a few kilos. Chinese people drink hot water often for a reason!

We drink enough water, but not in the right composition

Those who drink half a litre of tap water every day - naturally filtered - already achieve better circulation in the skin. Tap water is not healthy anymore, therefore filter. What kind of water to drink? In practice, most people drink different water-based drinks, but hardly "pure" water. Usually, we use water to add rye or juices. We also drink tea of all kinds and tastes. Or, and I did that myself more often, we drink flavouring substances with sugar, prick and water (soft drinks). The latter category also includes sports drinks and energy drinks. Anyone who thinks that drinking enough green tea is enough to drink. Green tea removes moisture from the body, and you would actually have to drink two glasses of water for each glass of green tea to bring it into balance. Energy drinks and soft drinks have to be processed first because they contain a lot of sugars and sweeteners. The liquid is only processed at the end of that process - and is often (almost) out of the body.

Drinking water from the water dispenser Strathpine stimulates the circulation of the skin

Pure water is the only liquid that the body can use immediately and without detours. All organs and cells benefit from this because nutrients and oxygen can be transported easily. At the same time, waste products dissolve better and can be disposed of more quickly. And that effect is especially important for the skin. The elasticity and health of the skin are very dependent on sufficient water. Strangely enough, this subject has long been ignored in science, possibly because little money can be made. In the meantime, it has been investigated - and proven - that the skin is visibly better circulated within ten minutes after drinking water. The oxygen level increases and the cell renewal of the skin is stimulated.

The immune system is strengthened

Lemon juice in your water - is super healthy. An optimal metabolism keeps the immune system of the skin intact and helps to strengthen it. Our body consists largely of water and that also applies to the skin. It itself consists of 80 per cent water. In the skin, about one-third of all fluid is stored in the body! Therefore you will need to drink plenty of filtered water from your water dispenser Strathpine. That also explains that it is immediately visible if someone drinks too little water. Many people with the syndrome anorexia, who eat and drink extremely little, therefore have to deal with extreme skin aging.

Water ensures elasticity & vitality

The water that is stored in the skin is used, among other things, to regulate the body temperature. You sweat when it's hot because the water that sweeps away cools your skin. If your body gets overheated, for example in case of a high fever, then sweating is even of vital importance. Only with sufficient drinking water can the skin perform its various functions well. Elasticity and vitality are particularly dependent on sufficient water. Always order a glass of water with your beer, because beer also extracts moisture from the body. About Prestige Water.

Prestige Water Cooler Strathpine, Water Dispenser Strathpine, Water Filter Strathpine

Benchtop Water Dispenser Strathpine
Floor Standing Water Dispenser Strathpine
Exclusive Water Dispenser Strathpine

Drinking healthy water from your water dispenser Strathpine

Water is important for life, is life and without water, there is no life. What is also better than water on a nice warm summer day? Drinking water is a very good habit for a variety of reasons. A minimum of 2 litres per day is not a superfluous luxury. Water is good for digestion because it cooperates in the import and export of all kinds of substances. Water also ensures the heat regulation of the body. In hot weather or in the sauna people sweat and this is how the body does its work to keep the temperature as constant as possible. Water absorbs heat and because of sweat, the water is drained off again and cooling takes place. The kidneys also need water to filter the blood and remove the waste. Therefore, if one drinks too little water and the kidneys cannot do their job properly, the result will be that harmful waste is stored in the liver. That means you will need to drink plenty of clean water from your own water dispenser Strathpine. Drink plenty of water! Give the body what it needs: Water. The result is that the liver will function less. Now it is good to take a look at what the liver does for us:

  • protein building,
  • protein breakdown,
  • construction and breakdown of carbohydrates,
  • converting sugar,
  • fat metabolism,
  • detoxification (processing of waste),
  • production of bile,
  • construction and breakdown of blood cells,
  • defence,
  • the processing of the nutrients absorbed in the gut,
  • formation of substances required for blood clotting.
  • stacking function (except for glycogen, vitamins A, D and B12 are stacked, and iron is also stacked).
From the list above it is clear how important it is for the liver that you drink enough pure water. Take the fat metabolism alone. If the liver is not able to do its work sufficiently, for example, the fats will not be properly broken down and removed, so people have a tendency to get fat faster. Moisture and drinking water. But every other function of the liver is also important, as the above summary shows!

Our body consists of about 75% water, which already shows how important drinking water from your water dispenser Strathpine is for our body. 5 Reasons why drinking water is good for your heart, brain and metabolism. If you drink too little water you can get all sorts of complaints, such as:

  • asthma
  • allergies
  • weight gain
  • high blood pressure
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • stomach and intestinal disorders
  • storage of toxins
  • worse skin
  • improves the vitality of the skin
  • painful joints
  • backache
  • muscles receive less oxygen and nutrients
  • urinary tract infections
  • poor blood circulation
  • the blood becomes thicker / thicker
  • the thicker blood flows more slowly
  • malfunctioning immune system
  • stress
  • irritability
  • depression
  • fear
  • despondency
  • slow metabolism
  • blockage
  • slow thinking processes
  • concentration disorders
  • Alzheimer's
  • the heart must beat faster
  • become red in the face
  • the desire for alcohol, drugs and cigarettes
  • autoimmune diseases
  • fatigue

It is very important to drink water pure and not in the form of coffee, tea or soft drinks. Coffee extracts moisture from our body and with soft drinks, we get too much sugar or artificial sweeteners. Our body has to process all of that and it does not add anything essential. It even seems that half of our physical complaints would come from dehydration. What does water do in your body? So when we drink too little or the wrong liquids (coffee, tea, alcohol and soft drinks), the body dries out and the above symptoms can arise. Healthy drinking water after filtration from your water dispenser Strathpine.

With 2% less drinking, a feeling of thirst already arises, reduces endurance and reduces thinking ability.
With 4% less drinking, people already perform less.
With 5% less drinking, the concentration and coordination decrease, which means less performance.
With 8% less drinking one feels unwell and the motor system is disturbed.
With a shortage of moisture between 10 and 15%, even a life-threatening situation can arise.

Athletes who train for one hour in the heat already have a fluid loss of 2% (at 50 kilograms of body weight that is approximately 1.2 litres). Even without sports, we lose around 2 litres of fluid every day through urine, bowel movements, perspiration and breathing.

It is therefore clear that dehydration can cause diseases and it is, therefore, important to ask yourself if the cause of the disease is not a malfunction in water management. Maybe you are not sick, but you are thirsty. Most people do not know when they are thirsty and do not know the difference between liquids and water. In principle, it is not possible to replace water with drinks such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol. These drinks, therefore, extract water from the body. Drink more from your water dispenser Strathpine. People usually think that they are not thirsty if they do not feel they have a dry mouth. You do not have that feeling when you drink liquids other than water. Chronic pains in various places, for example, can be an indication that the body is thirsty. People lose their sense of thirst, and even when the mouth is relatively moist, one can be thirsty.

This is a way to test if you're drinking enough alkaline water from your benchtop or floor standing water dispenser Strathpine

Whether the fluid balance is in the green range can be easily checked using the skin fold test. To do this, pull up a fold of skin on the upper arm or the back of the hand with your thumb and forefinger. If this stays in the position for a short time, the skin tension is reduced and it is essential to drink more. But: The fluid intake should be evenly distributed throughout the day. If you drink too much at once, most of it is excreted unused. If you often forget to drink, you will find numerous apps that remind you that it is time for the next glass. Incidentally, older people and children who love to play are particularly at risk of dehydration and should be reminded and encouraged.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?