Water Cooler Upper Coomera

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Upper Coomera

Water Cooler Upper Coomera Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Upper Coomera: Water Dispenser Upper Coomera Benchtop

Water Cooler Upper Coomera Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Upper Coomera: Water Dispenser Upper Coomera Floor Standing

Water Cooler Upper Coomera Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Upper Coomera: Water Dispenser Upper Coomera Exclusive Stainless Steel

Why do I need to drink water from your water cooler Coomera with the hot weather

It is warm outside. That is no reason not to go running. Well, a reason to drink well. Filtered water or Bottled water. Actually, I never think about it. I drink throughout the day. Tea, coffee and water.

A lot of water.

Is water healthy? When I walk in the heat, I do not drink with me. I drink a few extra glasses of water afterwards. I think that's enough. Yet it is good to reflect on moisture. Especially with this weather. My father used to call it when we were on holiday in Provence and it was 35 degrees. He called throughout the day; "Drink well: moisture, moisture, moisture." And that was not too bad. I just ran 10 K at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. At 30 degrees. Best spicy! Your body consists of more than 50% water (women 52%, men 63%). A good moisture balance is worth gold. It keeps your blood pressure up, the body at temperature and carries away toxins.

Moisture balance

Actually, it is not that difficult. If your body uses more water ... you guessed it ... you also have to drink more water. If moisture absorption and fluid loss are the same, the body's fluid balance is in balance. Cold or hot drinks in warm weather? This is important because the loss of moisture has consequences. Your performance will be less, but worse is that you can also suffer from cramps. The body is fortunately smart enough to give you timely signals. Signals that you are not doing well:


Everyone knows it. You are thirsty. If you have a shortage of fluid, your brain will get a stimulus that triggers this feeling. This occurs with a moisture loss of 2% of the body weight. If the moisture shortage increases, you will be more thirsty. Best smart. Drink plenty of water from your water cooler Upper Coomera.


This is an appendix at the bottom of the brain. A gland. A gland that secretes hormones and is responsible for the water regulation in your body. If there is a shortage of fluid, it secretes a hormone (antidiuretic hormone ADH). This enters the blood and causes the kidneys to retain more fluid.


The kidneys can thus retain more fluid when there is a lack of moisture. From there the body can distribute this moisture efficiently where moisture is most needed. If you start drinking more again, this process stops. The kidney is in the body the 'expert' when it comes to filtering and absorbing water.

Water management

This is a dynamic process. There is a cash interaction between water that enters your body. The exchange of these fluids takes place in the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, the kidneys and the skin.

Gastrointestinal tract

You will not be surprised that the intestines have to endure a lot of water. An average of 7-9 litres of liquid flows through the day. 2-3 litres come from food and the rest comes from saliva and digestive juices. The small intestine absorbs nutrients in the body, the rest comes in the large intestine. Due to the exchange of fluid from the large intestine to the blood, only 100 ml of fluid remains in the stool. Read more about gastrointestinal complaints while walking.

Lungs and skin

Your body loses almost a litre of fluid per day by evaporation through the skin and the lungs. Children and drinking water. Perspiration due to hot weather or hard labour leads to an increase in the amount of moisture you lose.

The kidneys

As said, the kidney is in the body the 'expert' when it comes to filtering and absorbing water. Through the kidney, we are able to excrete a minimal amount of water, in which the urine is created.
Causes of moisture shortage

Sweat loss through exercise

Sweating is a form of water drainage and regulates heat in your body. If you are walking hard, it will generate heat. Your body wants to dissipate that heat, so your sweat glands are stimulated.


If you have diarrhea, you lose more fluid than normal. By diluting faeces, the body tries to get rid of toxins as quickly as possible.

High humidity

High temperatures in combination with high humidity increase the chance of sweating. The body can hardly evaporate the sweat later, because the environment is so humid. This way the sweat often sticks on your body, but extra sweat is produced. Drink more water from your water cooler Upper Coomera of high humidity weather.

Little intake of moisture

Duh! That seems logical. If you drink too little, there is a moisture shortage. Yet it often occurs, especially with runners.

The effects of dehydration and what do you do about it?

With a moisture loss of 2% on body weight, your body temperature will increase and your endurance will decrease. If that goes up to 3%, that endurance capacity will decrease even further. At 4-6% your strength will decrease and there is a chance of cramps and exhaustion. At a loss higher than 6% you can also lose your consciousness or become in a coma. That is not wrong! But you can do a lot about it:

Measuring is knowing

It is quite interesting to investigate how much fluid you lose during an effort. You do this by measuring your weight before and after the effort.


Prestige Water Cooler Upper Coomera, Water Dispenser Upper Coomera, Water Filter Upper Coomera

Benchtop Water Cooler Upper Coomera
Floor Standing Water Cooler Upper Coomera
Exclusive Water Cooler Upper Coomera

Great tasting water from your water cooler Upper Coomera

Water has many important tasks in your body. You will not last long without drinking. Your body also loses water because you breathe, perspire, and stool. Your water resources must then be replenished. By drinking and shedding water, your body continuously ensures the right balance in the amount of water. But exactly how much water do you need per day? Drink plenty of clean water.

It is important that the amount of water that you excrete and the amount of water that you absorb is balanced. Both a shortage and a surplus of water can lead to problems. If you lose more water than you consume, dehydration may occur. If dehydration occurs you first get thirsty. Normally this is not so bad, because if you drink something, the amount of water in your body is back in balance. If you ignore the feeling of thirst, the symptoms change rapidly. You become sleepy, get tired, you are suddenly confused and eventually, it can even result in death. Be extra alert about this during your training, because during exercise the signals between your brain and the feeling of thirst are disrupted. The incentive that you are thirsty is only received later. Dehydration can then have an effect on your performance, as a result of which you will be able to sustain it less and your strength can decrease. Therefore drink heaps of filtered water from your water cooler in Upper Coomera. Ultimately it can lead to cramping, exhaustion and unconsciousness.

An excessive amount of water can also cause problems. If you drink a lot of water in a short period of time, you also lose a lot of water and salt as a result. This can ultimately lead to an imbalance in the amount of water. If you use water wisely, this does not happen quickly. But at quantities of 10 to 20 litres, even water can be toxic]. Incidentally, you do not only get water through actually drinking water.

Products such as tea, coffee and other drinks also contain water.

To keep the amount of water in your body in balance, the general advice is to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily. However, the ideal intake differs per person. This depends, for example, on your optimum fluid intake and your activity pattern. If you want to know what your ideal intake is, listen carefully to your body. A feeling of thirst has a reason, namely that you have to drink something. So listen to this and don't wait too long. If you are hungry, first ask yourself if you really need something to eat. Sometimes a feeling of hunger is confused with thirst. If you drink enough, you avoid confusing this feeling of hunger and thirst. To see if you drink enough, you can also use your urine as a starting point. If your urine is colourless and odourless, then you drink enough. Drink plenty of water, give the body what it needs. If the urine is darker in colour and it smells stronger, then you drink too little.


Your body continuously ensures proper water balance in your body. A signal of thirst is not so bad at first. However, if you do not drink anything, the symptoms may become more serious and even lead to death. Too little moisture during exercise can also influence your sports performance. Make sure you drink something when you notice that you are thirsty and make sure you drink enough water during the day. Why you must drink water when get up in the morning.

Read also: What does water for your skin

Why is Filtered Water so Important?