Water Cooler Taree

Water with minerals from your own tap with Water Cooler Taree

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How much water per day from your water cooler Taree is optimal

Drink plenty of water, give the body what it needs. Water is perhaps the most underestimated nutrient when it comes to weight loss and weight loss. Obviously, a long-term calorie shortage is necessary for weight loss, but drinking plenty of water daily is extremely important if you want to lose weight successfully. The importance of drinking water can not be emphasized enough. Unfortunately, most people do not drink enough water. A person can sleep without food, but only a few days without water. Water plays a crucial role in almost every vital physical function.

What you will learn about drinking water in this article is:

   -  How many litres of water you should drink a day
   -  Drinking water can lose weight faster
   -  Numerous health benefits of drinking water
   -  How to prevent water poisoning and dehydration
   -  Which foods are good for the moisture balance
   -  5 Tips to counteract moisture collection
   -  What you should and should not drink while fasting

How much water do you drink every day?

The human body consists of about 60% of water. We constantly lose moisture from our body through urine and sweat. Water is essential for good health, yet the needs vary by individual. How much water you need depends on many factors, including your health, how active you are and where you live. Different agencies often give conflicting advice when it comes to drinking water. The Nutrition Center advises people to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water. Foreign health organizations give other advice when it comes to the number of litres of water per day. In addition to several agencies, you still have health gratuities claiming that we should drink water all day because we are at risk of drying out. As with most things, it depends on the individual and there are many factors (both internal and external) that ultimately influence and determine our water needs. Something that I will get back to later in this article.

Helps to drink a lot of water while losing weight?

Drinking water helps with losing some weight. Can you drink a lot of water to lose weight faster? This question is regularly posted on my blog. There are several health claims when it comes to weight loss and drinking water. It would increase your metabolism and reduce your appetite. I would like to be brief about it: drinking a glass of water is a healthy and easy way to lose weight. Since water calorie is free, it is generally associated with reduced calorie intake and weight loss. This is mainly because you drink water instead of drinks that are often filled with calories and added sugars. For this reason, it is also important that children are encouraged to drink water from an early age. This will prevent them from being overweight. It is best to drink cold water if you want to lose weight as this results in a greater thermal effect. The body needs to consume extra energy to heat the drunk water to body temperature (source). Drinking water for about half an hour before a meal also causes hunger, which causes fewer calories and eventually loses weight. Cold water drinking.

Moisture from food

But drinking glasses of water from your water cooler Taree is not the only thing that provides healthy moisture retention. You also get moisture from your diet. In addition to drinking water, it helps moisture in beverages and foods to keep your moisture balance up to date. For example, a cucumber is mostly water. It consists of more than 90% of moisture. Fruits and vegetables, in particular, are watery sources of nutrition. They consist largely of moisture. Meat, fish, eggs and especially fruits and vegetables all contain significant amounts of water. You should sometimes say that you do not have to count coffee and tea because it contains caffeine. They mean that these drinks would encourage peeing. However, this is highly exaggerated.

How much water do you really need?

A healthy moisture balance is essential for survival. For this reason, evolution has given us complicated mechanisms that regulate when and how much we drink. You can compare it with breathing, we do it without consciously thinking about it. As soon as we get tired out, our body comes into action: we get thirsty. A good rule of thumb is to listen to your body and drink if you have a thirst. The thirst instinct is very reliable and for the majority of people, this works well (source). In ancient times, our ancestors did not have any official drinking advice. Despite all the guidelines and good advice, nobody can tell you how much water you need exactly. As I wrote before, it differs by person. Some people work better if they drink some more water.

If you want to keep things simple (always a good idea), this directive should work for 90% of people:

  -  Drink two glasses of water from your water cooler Taree if you have thirst
  -  If you do not have more thirst, stop drinking water
  -  In warm weather and physical effort, you drink more water to compensate for the lost moisture

This rule of thumb must, in principle, be sufficient to maintain a good moisture balance. You can only see if you have had enough water in the colour of your urine. A dark colour may indicate that you have not received enough moisture. Under normal conditions, healthy adults should drink about 2 litres of water a day. The trust on thirst only and the urinary colour I do not recommend for certain 'risk groups'. For athletes, elderly and pregnant women, it is wise to drink extra water. This also applies to people who are sick and lose a lot of moisture (for example, vomiting or diarrhea). very weak (source). So do not be afraid to dry out because you drink a few cups of coffee daily. What does water do for your skin?

Benchtop Water Cooler Taree
Floor Standing Water Cooler Taree
Exclusive Water Cooler Taree

Man's daily water requirement and water cooler Taree

How much water should I drink every day from our water cooler Taree?

How do you know if you are drinking enough water? For a good fluid balance, we need to consume around 2.5 litres per day in normal life. Our body is supplied with fluid along various routes. Burning processes in the body (burning of glucose and fatty acids for energy extraction) result in approximately 300 ml of oxidation water. Via solid food such as fruit and vegetables, we absorb another 700 ml. That together is approximately 1 litre. In other words: for a balanced fluid balance, we still need to drink around 1.5 litres from our water cooler Taree.

Can you drink too much? What happens then?

Quite often we hear the advice that we cannot drink enough. But that is a wrong idea. It is completely irrational because excessive amounts of drinking do not offer the human organism demonstrable benefits. The kidneys excrete excess fluid in the body. Our urine is therefore weaker concentrated and our excretion increases. So 'losing' the excess water again puts an extra burden on our bodies.

Through sweating we not only lose water but also a quantity of vital minerals. Endurance athletes in particular often drink too much for fear of dehydration. This can result in the minerals present in the body being extremely diluted and excreted. This again disrupts our mineral balance and our body responds with a paradoxical symptom: thirst.

If we drink more now, this means that the levels of minerals in the cells continue to decrease, while the cells, on the other hand, absorb more and more water. Headache, nausea and disorientation can result. In the worst case, the brain swells and the heart muscle experiences problems. The so-called 'water poisoning' can even be lethal.

First signs of dehydration

Beginning dehydration (dehydration) is often recognized by a typical symptom: thirst. It should be noted that for some the feeling of thirst is less strong or even completely absent; this is especially the case with the elderly. Complaints such as physical weakness and headache can also indicate a lack of fluid. Dehydration is usually also accompanied by a disruption of the salt balance (electrolyte balance).

Symptoms of fluid deficiency

The signs of dehydration can vary widely and also depend on whether the body has mainly lost water, mainly electrolytes (salts) or both equally. Fluid deficiency can include the following physical symptoms:
  • dry and pale skin, dry mucous membranes
  • the overall feeling of weakness
  • dark coloured urine
  • nausea and headache
  • muscle cramps
  • changes in consciousness, dizziness, disorientation
  • circles under the eyes

It is important in this connection to watch out for trips and to inform your partner (s) in time of symptoms of a persistent fluid deficiency. Drink plenty of great-tasting water from your water cooler Taree. Drink plenty of water, give the body what it needs.

From which point does dehydration become dangerous?

How much you notice dehydration depends on the degree of moisture deficiency. With mild dehydration, the fluid deficiency is 3 to 5% of body weight. This expresses itself in thirst. The skin and mucous membranes are slightly dried out and the urine is clearly dark colored. With a fluid deficit of 6 to 8% of body weight, moderate dehydration occurs. Possible symptoms are sunken eyes, dry skin and dry mucous membranes, an increased heart rate and a clearly reduced urinary excretion.

No fun: serious dehydration

Why you must drink water when get up in the morning. With severe dehydration, the fluid loss amounts to no less than 9 to 12% of body weight. This can, among other things, lead to low blood pressure (hypotension) and standing skin folds: if you form a fold with two fingers on the skin of the abdomen or back and release it again, the fold does not immediately smooth out but remains for a few seconds standing straight. With a moisture loss of 12 to 15%, the body is in shock. The circulation is extremely weak in this case and consciousness disorders such as lethargy, strong confusion and delirium occur, possibly resulting in a coma.
In case of strong symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible or to call the mountain rescue service if necessary. The sooner the affected person gets help, the better.

Read also: What does water for your skin

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