Water Cooler Nelson Bay

Drink mineral and alkiline water with Prestige Water Cooler Nelson Bay


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Drink water if you want to lose weight

By applying what you learn in this article, you make one of the most important and powerful steps to control your weight and health for a lifetime. In this article, you do not only read how much when and what to drink to make it easier to lose weight. You also learn why drinking is so important if you want to fall off. If you apply what you read in this article, you give your body what it takes and your body will reward you by running your fat burn at full turn. Let's start with the most important drink you should drink if you want to lose weight. Lose weight by drinking water.


We all know we need to drink water. Yet, I see many clients who have difficulty drinking enough water. Each living organism consists of more than half water. The human body for about 70 per cent. The amount of water you exactly own depends, inter alia, on your age and gender. Water is for your body, and oil is for a car. It ensures that all processes in your body can be smooth and smooth. Without water, your body (and therefore your fat burning) does not "work". Under normal conditions, people can only have three days without water. If you have no water for longer than three days, your body can no longer function and you die. You always need water because you also lose water. You lose water via evaporation and excretion. By sweating, breathing and peeing we lose water every day. These are the consequences of drinking too little water. To ensure the optimal functioning of your body, you must ensure that your water content stays on the level.

Water has different functions in our bodies:

  -  It serves as a means of transport. Water is necessary to transport nutrients from our food to our cells. The same goes for oxygen. Water is needed to transport oxygen to all cells in our body. Thus, without water, we can not breathe. It also transports waste from our bodies so we do not get sick.
  -  It plays a major role in digestion. Through the water in our saliva and in the stomach and intestines, our food is consumed.
  -  It regulates the temperature in our body. If your body temperature exceeds about 37.5 degrees, you will sweat. That causes cooling during sports or if you have a fever.
  -  It serves as the building material of our cells. Because water is in and between our cells, tissues and blood, it protects our organs and joints from shocks and movements. Why drinking water is good for your hair?

Water from your water cooler Nelson Bay is needed for a healthy body and a healthy body is slim.


Recent research has shown that people with obesity who want to lose weight and drink two cups of water for each meal after three months lost about 2.5 kilos more than dropouts who did not. A year later, the people who drank water still lost more weight. Note, of course, this does not mean that if you drink more water, you lose weight more automatically. Water is something that helps you lose weight. It makes it much easier. Make water the main drink you drink, then it will greatly affect your weight loss. The following points show why drinking water helps you to lose weight.

1. Water reduces your hunger feeling

Water drinking reduces the hunger feeling. By drinking two glasses of water for each meal, you have a fuller feeling. As a result, you get fewer calories during the meal because you are previously saturated. It is not always easy to distinguish your thirst and hunger mechanism. Sometimes you think you're hungry, but you're just thirsty. For example, if you have just eaten and constantly have the feeling that you're still tired of something sweet, this may be impossible because you're still hungry. Probably you're just thirsty. If you drink extra water between meals, it is likely that your feeling of hunger or withdrawal will decrease, so you will also be less likely to eat sweet snacks between meals. So, by drinking enough water, you get much fewer calories throughout the day. That helps you fall faster.

2. Water rinses poisons away

Losses occur by burning fat. Body fat is not, as many people think, a passive mass that has no purpose. One of the (important) functions of body fat is that it acts as a toxin storage site that enters the body. These stored toxic substances come free during combustion. Your body wants to eliminate these substances as quickly as possible. As they accumulate, these poisonous substances can make you sick. Extra water drinking helps your body quickly remove these toxins. If the toxic substances easily leave your body, your body can even burn more fat, which will cause you to fall faster.

3. Water replaces the hidden thickeners in beverages

Soft drinks, up to 7 cubes of sugar. It may be that you do not fall because you drink the wrong drinks. It may even be that you unconsciously enter an abundance of sugars every day without your having it. Of most soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, sports drinks and alcoholic beverages, we know that they contain a lot of sugar. Yet, there are many people who think they are doing well by replacing them with so-called health drinks. These are drinks with a healthy image that the producer of the product gives you the feeling that you are very well and healthy when you drink it. Claims such as "extra vitamin C" and "contains antioxidants" are on the packaging. For example, think of such a drink for Vitamin Water or Spa and Fruit. Even the names are misleading. These drinks often contain a lot of sugar. Usually no less than the usual soft drinks like coke. If you drink a can of soda every day, you'll get half a kilo soon. This is 6 kilos a year. Without you having it through. If you make water the main and only drink you drink, you will not unconsciously enter calories. Also, your body can burn calories from food and body fat faster. So drink enough water if you want to fall off.

4. Water gives you energy

Because your body consists largely of water, you can work better if you regularly supplement it. You will have more energy and you will feel fitter. If you are losing weight, you may have little energy (especially at the beginning). Water drinking helps you feel better and more energetic while losing weight. Just drink half a litre of water if you feel tired. You will see that you feel a lot more energy and excitement a couple of minutes later. Actually, I should drink more water - Useful tips.

So you keep your skin clean by drinking from your water cooler Nelson Bay

Ugh, don't you hate it? Pimples here and there, blackheads everywhere, in short, no clean skin. No stress, because we are going to help you. These six tips are steps in the right direction towards amazing skin.

1. Sleep with your hair tight

This tip is especially true for those who use oils, creams and the like in their hair. If you sleep with your hair loose, the remains of those products will get into your face and you will imperceptibly contaminate your pores. So put your hair in a tail or bun before sleeping. Do not use too tight and coarse elastic, this can damage your hair and we do not want that, hey girls.

2. Change your pillowcase regularly

Grease from your face and the remains of your hair products creep into your pillowcase, thereby contaminating your skin. Therefore, replace your pillowcase regularly or turn your pillow over every now and then. * Extra tip: sleep on your back to prevent contamination of your skin.

3. Dry your face with a separate towel + dab

Always dry your face with a different towel than the one you use on your body. That's a lot cleaner! It is also better to pat your face dry instead of rubbing it, so you do not spread any impurities on the rest of your face. It often happens that pimples or bumps open by rubbing. Imagine all that dirt getting on the rest of your face.

4. Wash your face with cold water

If you wash your face with warm/hot water, your skin will dry out faster and you will also damage your skin. Hot water removes the natural oils from the skin. It is, therefore, better that you wash your face with cold water because cold water stimulates circulation which gives your skin a nice glow. This is definitely recommended for people who have sensitive skin.

5. Don't put your hands on your face

Avoid your face during the day! You have to imagine that you touch everything all day long. All that dirt gets in your face and that can cause pimples and impurities.

6. Drink plenty of water with minerals from your water cooler Nelson Bay

Everybody knows it, drinking water purifies the skin. Drinking water hydrates, but also helps to remove waste products in your body. That, in turn, contributes to clean skin. Yay water!

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