Water Cooler Joyner

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Joyner

Water Cooler Joyner Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Joyner: Water Dispenser Joyner Benchtop

Water Cooler Joyner Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Joyner: Water Dispenser Joyner Floor Standing

Water Cooler Joyner Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Joyner: Water Dispenser Joyner Exclusive Stainless Steel

Consequences of drinking too little water

1. Drinking too little water leads to a dehydrated skin

Your skin and drinking water. Besides the use of moisturizing creams and other natural treatments, drinking enough water is the best solution to keep your skin hydrated. The elasticity of your skin depends on the correct water balance: you drink just as much or more than you lose. Better health with Prestige Water.

To find out if your skin is dehydrated, you can perform the following test:

  • Gently squeeze part of your skin and watch how long it takes for your skin to return to its normal shape.
  • When you are dehydrated, your skin returns very slowly to its original shape. In the opposite case, your skin immediately returns.

You can also test the temperature of your skin, especially your facial skin, to see if it is dehydrated. Usually, the body needs a lot of water to maintain an ideal temperature. This means that if your skin is hotter than normal, it may be important to ensure that you get more water every day.

 2. Constipation

Drinking too little water from your water cooler Joyner can lead to constipation. Constipation makes it difficult to have a normal bowel movement, and drinking too little water is just one of the main causes of constipation. When your intestines form feces, the large intestine draws a lot of water from the body to allow the stool to clot. If there is not enough water in your body for this, it becomes more difficult to remove the stool from the body and this can cause abdominal pain. A problem that is directly related to constipation is hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused when the stool is too dry or too hard and the intestines have to put a lot of effort into getting it out of the body. Having a full glass of water all the time.

3. Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are usually associated with physical exercise, but they can also be associated with situations in which the body does not get enough water. When there is insufficient fluid in the body, this usually causes the supply of electrolytes and minerals to become unbalanced. These components are essential to ensure that your muscles continue to function properly. Therefore, it is wise to stay well hydrated during exercise, as your body loses water and minerals through sweating. There are so many minerals in the water from your Water Cooler Joyner.

4. Fatigue

Drinking too little water has a direct impact on your daily life and can cause fatigue. When your body does not get enough fluid, body cells become less active and generate less energy. People who suffer from dehydration are often tired and sleepy for this reason. Fortunately, the effects of fatigue can be reversed by drinking more water again. It is also a good idea to eat vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water to ensure that more fluid is present in your body. In addition to supplying the body with vitamins, fruits such as watermelon and citrus fruits offer sugars that naturally increase your energy level.

5. Dry mouth

Problems with a dry mouth are often associated with oral hygiene and the correct digestion of food. The best advice if you have a dry mouth is to drink water from your Water Cooler Joyner immediately.

Symptoms of a dry mouth:

  • A sticky or dry feeling
  • Thick saliva
  • Pain or burning sensation in the mouth or tongue
  • Cracks in the lips or in the corners of the mouth
  • Dry and rough tongue

    Problems with chewing, tasting food or swallowing

6. Migraine

Drinking too little water can lead to migraine. Migraine is usually associated with dehydration. When you do not drink enough water, it causes your blood vessels to dilate, causing severe headaches.

  • Remember that dehydration can not only occur on days when it is very hot.
  • As long as you drink enough water, you keep your body in balance and the risk of migraine is reduced.

7. High blood pressure

Drinking too little water causes the blood volume in the blood vessels to decrease. Ideally, the blood vessels should be full. In order to ensure that your organs can continue to function properly when there is dehydration, your body secretes histamine. This substance causes your veins and arteries to contract, which causes your blood pressure to rise. Drinking a lot of water from your Water Cooler Joyner is beneficial for circulation and reduces the build-up of toxins and other harmful substances that can cause high blood pressure.

8. Problems with the kidneys

Drinking too little water can lead to problems with the kidneys. Tips to drink more water. Drinking plenty of water encourages good kidney function. Your kidneys are responsible for removing toxins, urea and salt from your body.

Prestige Water Cooler Joyner, Water Dispenser Joyner, Water Filter Joyner

Benchtop Water Cooler Joyner
Floor Standing Water Cooler Joyner
Exclusive Water Cooler Joyner

Drinking while exercising: how much exactly and what (not)?

At the end of the 90s, we were not yet flooded with sports drinks and their promising cries for advertising. These days it is different. But are sports drinks really so essential and how healthy are they? The contents of the miracle bottles have been under discussion for some time, but let's start from the beginning and explain what you should know about drinking from your water cooler Joyner while exercising. What is the best thing to drink, how much and do you drink best before, during or after exercise? Tips to get through the summer Cool.

About the (in) sense of sports drinks

Advertising makers want you to believe that sports drinks are miracles for your energy and performance. But do you actually need them? Are they worth their money? Do they really improve your sports performance? And does drinking sports drinks during exercise really lead to a faster recovery after exercise?
The best remedy for thirst and sweating is and remains water, and against fatigue is that rest and sleep, ... That all those industrial sports drinks are better, after all those years on the market, by the way, is still not proven.

Do you know how much fluid you lose during your sports performance?

Is water healthy? On average, our body loses approximately 1 litre of fluid per hour of body effort. In warm conditions, that can be even more and of course, there is also a difference in moisture requirements between recreational, top and endurance athletes.
In addition to moisture, our body also loses minerals (actually salt). There are many minerals in the water from your water cooler Joyner. Moisture deficiency leads to dehydration. That is not only detrimental to your performance, it is also downright unhealthy. To compensate for that loss of fluid, it is therefore important to drink enough during exercise. But how much exactly?

When what and how much to drink during exercise?

It is better to drink a substantial amount before and after the effort, than constantly small amounts on the road. The amount ingested determines the speed at which the stomach is emptied and how the fluid enters the blood via the intestinal wall. "Bulk drinking" results in faster stomach emptying and intake. Drink plenty of water from your water cooler Joyner.
An amount of 300 ml to 600 ml is usually easily tolerated, but the ideal amount can vary. Moreover, the need to drink during exercise also depends on the duration, intensity and temperature.

Sports drinks: usually too much sugar and additives!

In fact, most sports drinks do not represent much. They consist mainly of water, supplemented with fast sugars, minerals (electrolytes), flavourings and other additives. Some ingredients would increase performance, but this is only proven for the caffeine substance, just like its dangerous side effects.

Also, the powders that are on the market to make your own sports drink, bulge with carbohydrates and unnecessary and even harmful additives! Filtered water or bottled water.

Types of sports drinks

There are sports drinks of different "osmolality". The concentration of particles of electrolytes and sugars in the liquid, so to speak. This composition influences the uptake in the intestine. The lower the concentration, the faster the absorption.

  • Hypotonic drinks are quickly absorbed by the body and quickly compensate for the loss of fluid. The best hypotonic drink is and remains water ... You can easily compensate for the minerals and salt loss through your diet.
  • Isotonic drinks contain approximately as many particles as body fluids. About 4-8 grams of sugar per 100 ml. Isotonic sports drinks are the best compromise between replenishing moisture and energy.
  • Hypertonic drinks and energy drinks are more concentrated than body fluids (more than 8 grams of sugar / 100 ml). They are certainly energy bombs, but they do absorb moisture from the body. Osmosis causes the fluid to flow from the blood and tissues to the intestine. This type of sports drink therefore does not supplement any fluid deficiency and also stays in the stomach longer, which can result in stomach and intestinal complaints.

Thirst-quenching or does it just make you more thirsty?

Of course, a thirst quencher makes sense during exercise. And you also have to compensate for the lost moisture. Only industrial drinks often contain too much sugar (as an energy source) and salt to improve moisture absorption and moisture retention, so to speak. Unfortunately, they also ensure that you get more thirsty, and therefore consume more drinks. And more energy? Rather less, because ... sugar blocks the burning of fat !!!

Sugar prevents fat burning!

Whether carbohydrates and sugars are needed as an energy source? No! Moreover, a continuous supply of carbohydrates (certainly fast sugars) reduces your capacity for burning fat. Fat contains much more energy than carbohydrates (around 9 versus 4 cal/gram). If you can use your fat reserve during the effort, you really do not need a sugar drink or energy bars! The Western person/athlete is so "sugared" that the natural fat-burning capacity is almost zero. Why should you drink water when you want to lose weight?

Why is Filtered Water so Important?