Water Cooler Castlemaine

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Castlemaine

Water Cooler Castlemaine Bench Top   Bench Top Water Dispenser Castlemaine: Water Dispenser Castlemaine Bench Top

Water Cooler Castlemaine Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Castlemaine: Water Dispenser Castlemaine Floor Standing

Water Cooler Castlemaine Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Castlemaine: Water Dispenser Castlemaine Exclusive Stainless Steel

TIP: 5 Reasons to drink lemon water in the morning

Drinking lemon water in the morning is good for you. Lemon water is a surprisingly simple way to start your day healthy. Not only does it help to drink lemon water in the morning and wake up faster by the crisp, fresh taste, but the juice also functions as an internal cleanser to make your daily work a good feeling. First some facts at a glance: lemons are packed with vitamin C, flavonoids (powerful anti-oxidants), B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and fibre. Lemons are at their best when they are completely yellow and ripe (the green unripe pieces are tough and intense acid).

Drinking lemon water in the morning, How do you prepare lemon water best?

Follow these tips to prepare the perfect glass of lemon water from your Water Cooler Castlemaine in a quick and easy way for your breakfast: Use a glass of lukewarm water instead of ice-cold water - this is softer for your digestive system. Always choose fresh lemons. The concentrate contains much fewer nutrients and is also full of preservatives. The juice of half a lemon per glass of water is sufficient. What does drinking 2 litres of water a day do with your body? You can use the rest of the juice in a vinaigrette or process the zest of the zest in a salad (then definitely choose organic lemon). Is it difficulty to get enough juice from the lemon? Roll the lemon with the palm of your hand across the table to spread the juices.

5 reasons to drink lemon water in the morning:

1. Strengthens your immune system. Anti-colds and drinking water. The vitamin C in lemons boost your natural defence system. It contains antimicrobial substances that help keep flu and cold at bay. Because vitamin C is not stored in your body, it is recommended to ensure sufficient amounts of vitamin C in your diet every day. Drink water with minerals from your Water Cooler Castlemaine.

2. Cleans your body. The citric acid stimulates cell metabolism and the liver (by which the blood is purified). Lemon juice also functions as a gentle diuretic that promotes the release of water. Lemon juice works as a natural detox that helps to remove toxins from the body.

3. Fresh breath. The high acidity in lemon juice kills bacteria on the tongue and gums - ideal for bad breath. Lemon water also helps to reduce mucus build-up (which can happen if you drink a lot of cow's milk, for example).

4. Promotes digestion. Citric acid promotes the production of balsam, which ensures the smooth digestion of nutrients. What's more, the juice also helps relieve mild indigestion symptoms such as heartburn and bloating. However, if you have stomach inflammation or stomach ulcer, then your lemon (water) probably will not tolerate it.

5. Radiant skin. What does drinking water really does for your skin? Both vitamin C and other anti-oxidants in lemons help fight wrinkles and skin spots from the inside. The production of collagen is stimulated - which promotes clear and supple skin. In addition, lemon water from your Water Cooler Castlemaine is ideal to stand up in a good mood; vitamin C helps to keep the stress levels in your body in balance. Tip: A bowl of fresh lemons in your kitchen gives a fresh scent to a room for days and at the same time calms down.

Prestige Water Cooler Castlemaine, Water Dispenser Castlemaine, Water Filter Castlemaine

Castlemaine, Maldon, Newstead, Harcourt, Taradale, Vaughan, Fryerstown, Campbells Creek, Metcalfe.

Benchtop Water Cooler Castlemaine
Floor Standing Water Cooler Castlemaine
Exclusive Water Cooler Castlemaine

Healthy and great tasting alkaline filtered drink water from the benchtop and floor standing water coolers Castlemaine with filtration bottle

Temperature makes a difference: This is what happens to our health when we drink cold water

1. Cold water helps against fatigue

Ice-cold water - whether from the tap, fridge or chilled with ice cubes - increases the pulse and activates the adrenaline release. Why filter tap water? If you have a small afternoon dip, it can help wake you up. Even if you find it difficult to get going in the morning, a glass of ice-cold water works wonders.

2. Cold water improves mood

Does cold put you in a bad mood? From a physical point of view, that can't really be the case, because cold temperatures stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, i.e. part of the vegetative nervous system, and increase the synthesis of beta-endorphin, which is expressed in pure well-being. But don't worry, it doesn't have to be an ice-cold bath - a refreshing glass of water also helps.

3. Cold water increases the body's energy expenditure

What sounds like nonsense is actually true: Cold water helps the body burn calories and therefore increases its energy consumption. When drinking cold water, the human body produces heat to warm the liquid to body temperature. This process is called thermogenesis, and it uses up calories — albeit not particularly many.

Infused Water: Water doesn't have to be drunk straight - you can also add fruit and vegetables for a little more flavour.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?