Water Cooler Carole Park

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Carole Park

Water Cooler Carole Park Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Carole Park: Water Dispenser Carole Park Benchtop

Water Cooler Carole Park Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Carole Park: Water Dispenser Carole Park Floor Standing

Water Cooler Carole Park Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Carole Park: Water Dispenser Carole Park Exclusive Stainless Steel

Flu? Make sure you drink enough water from your water cooler Carole Park

In case of flu and cold, it is important to drink a lot of water from your Water Cooler Carole Park. Drink plenty of clean water. Obtaining sufficient moisture is necessary to be able to dispose of waste. Moisture-extracting beverages such as coffee and alcoholic beverages are not recommended. This also applies to drinks that stimulate mucus formation, such as dairy products. But how do you ensure that you get enough water when you are not feeling well? Below are three tips for drinking enough to get better again soon. Drink more water in hot weather.

Herbal tea

Drinking warm, fresh herbal tea is a good way to get moisture inside. A winter tea with fresh ginger and lemon for example. Great tasting water from your Water Cooler Carole Park. Ginger also helps against nausea and lemon contains vitamin c.

Here is a recipe:

  • Bring a litre of tap water to a boil;
  • Cut ginger into large slices;
  • Cut a lemon into wedges;
  • Fill a teapot with boiling water, ginger and lemon;
  • Let it go for a short while;
  • Add honey to taste if necessary;
  • To your health!


Drink plenty of water and give the body what it needs. It may not be the weather, but ice cream can help to soften a chapped and sore throat. You can make your own ice-creams, such as fresh orange juice and water, or opt for ice cubes in your glass of tap water from your Water Cooler Carole Park.
Set a timer or download an app. Do you always forget to drink enough water? Drinking water prevents muscle pain. Then put a timer to occasionally drink a glass of water. The feeding centre recommends that a total of 1.5 to 2 litres of water be added every day. If you have a fever, you lose a lot of fluid, so you may need a little more water. There are also many different apps that can help to drink water regularly, such as the Drink for water drinking app, Aqualert or the Water Time pro. These can be downloaded for free in the app store.

Prestige Water Cooler Carole Park, Water Dispenser Carole Park, Water Filter Carole Park

Benchtop Water Cooler Carole Park
Floor Standing Water Cooler Carole Park
Exclusive Water Cooler Carole Park

Water cooler Carole Park with ginger

This power ginger tea is a super powerful remedy for flu and cold. The tea stimulates your immune system and helps to prevent your body from being affected by a virus or bacteria. You can drink this tea regularly if you want to keep your immune system strong. Use the hot water tap from your water cooler Carole Park. Water is an essential nutrient.
This tea also has a powerful effect when losing weight. Ginger in particular ensures effective fat burning. If you use medication, especially blood thinners, you should avoid this tea or consult your doctor.


Ginger + Spices
A number of persons:

Preparation time:

10 min Shopping list

    75 g of fresh ginger
    ½ organic lemon
    ¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
    ¼ tsp turmeric
    ½ tsp ground cardamom
    ¼ tsp ground cloves
    1 l of boiling water

Peel and grate the ginger. You don't have to peel organic ginger, just wash it well.
Place the grated ginger in a teapot. Peel the lemon and also put the zest in the teapot. Add all the spices and the boiling water. Great tasting water from your water cooler Carole Park. Let it stand for 10 minutes. Bottled water contains fewer minerals than tap water.


  • I only use the skin here because vitamin C from the flesh of lemons is released more quickly and is destroyed by boiling water. Moreover, the skin contains even more vitamin C. Only uses the peel of organic lemons.
  • You can squeeze the remaining flesh of the lemon into a glass of lukewarm water at another time.

Drinking lemon water in the morning is good for you. If you combine regular drinking of this tea with following the Dream Body Plan, you will strengthen your resistance even more and lose weight faster if that is your goal.
In my new book The Dream Body Plan, you can read how you can combine your products in the right way and put your meals together to create a healthy, fit and lean body that suits you best: the best version of your own Dream body! Healthy drink water made from your own tap with added minerals from your water cooler Carole Park. What does drinking 2 litres of water a day do with your body?
You will also find an effective training program for my home in my new book, lots of relaxation, beauty and motivation tips and even 66 exclusive recipes.

Great tasting healthy alkaline drink water from the benchtop and floor standing water coolers Carole Park with filtration bottle

This is what happens to our health when we drink warm water

1. Warm water relaxes muscles

By adding extra heat to the body, the blood vessels expand, relaxing muscles and nerves. Headaches and stomach aches are also alleviated by their calming effect and blood pressure is lowered.

2. Warm water promotes digestion

After drinking, the blood vessels in the body expand, so the water gets to the stomach faster and keeps the metabolism going. The food eaten is broken down more easily - even fats dissolve better - and thus passes through the digestive organs more quickly. 5 Helpful tips for losing weight by drinking water

3. Warm water detoxifies

Followers of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have always used warm water for detoxification. Due to the increased temperature of the drink, harmful substances in the body can be dissolved and removed more easily and effectively.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?