Water Cooler Balranald

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Balranald

Water Cooler Balranald Bench Top   Bench Top Water Dispenser Balranald: Water Dispenser Balranald Bench Top

Water Cooler Balranald Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Balranald: Water Dispenser Balranald Floor Standing

Water Cooler Balranald Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Balranald: Water Dispenser Balranald Exclusive Stainless Steel

TIP: You must drink two litres of water a day

Filtered water or bottled water. From reading in too little light you get bad eyes and from late at night you become fat. We've heard it all before, but is it right? Kennislink dived into the world of medical myths and searched it out. This time: you have to drink two litres of water a day. A typical piece of advice that you often hear is: to stay healthy you need to drink at least two litres of water per day from a Water Cooler Balranald. Ask someone if they drink enough water and the answer is no. But is it really necessary to drink those eight large glasses a day? And where does that idea come from?

This myth is stubborn, but there is no scientific evidence that we should drink eight glasses of water a day. It is not entirely clear where the myth comes from. One of the first articles in which the numbers are mentioned is an article from 1933. It states that adults per kilocalorie they receive must drink 1 millilitre of water. Since men are advised to consume 2500 kilocalories and women 2000, that would mean that men should drink 2.5 litres of water and women 2 litres of water a day. Great tasting water after filtration from a Water Cooler Balranald. The American research council (US National Research Council) adopted these figures in 1945 in a report. Is water healthy?

Between 1 and 1.5 litres

According to a 2002 article, the discussion must be about moisture and not about water specifically. Tea, lemonade, coffee and milk also contain water, so if you drink enough of it, you do not have to drink extra glasses of water. How much moisture you need exactly depends on many things. For example, from the heat. On a hot summer day or in the tropics you sweat more and you lose more fluid that needs to be replenished. Drink lots of water from a Water Cooler Balranald. Even if you do a lot of sport and exercise, you need more. What many people do not realize is that food also contains a lot of water. The Health Council gives the following advice: 70% of all the fluid that you ingest in a day must come from drinks, the rest is in your diet. In total, they recommend drinking about 1.5 litres of fluid per day. The English recommend 1.2 litres of fluid per day.
Even slightly alcoholic drinks (up to 2% alcohol) help a dehydrated body to become hydrated again. Lemon water is healthy and delicious.


That you have to drink an extra glass of water for every cup of coffee because you would dry it out, is also a familiar part of the myth. In a comparative study from 2000 researchers looked at whether people were less hydrated when they received their water from drinks with caffeine than when they drank water. That turned out not to be the case. Side note to that research: it was financed by a large shareholder in caffeine drinks: Coca-Cola. A 2003 review came to the same conclusion (with financial support from a tea manufacturer). Even slightly alcoholic drinks (up to 2% alcohol) help a dehydrated body to become hydrated again. And what about the saying that you have to force yourself to drink because you are already dehydrated when you are thirsty? Nonsense. In 1982, scientists showed that we are already thirsty when our blood becomes 2% more concentrated. You are only dehydrated at a concentration increase of 5%.

Too much and too little

Not drinking at all is of course not good. Especially if you do this during illness, exercise or severe heat, you can be dead within a few days. Drinking too little is also not convenient. You remember things less well, suffer and perform worse. But too much water is certainly not innocent. The kidneys can process about 0.7 to 1 litre of water per hour. Then water poisoning occurs. In 2005 a boy got into a coma because he had to drink six litres of water during hazing. Children and drinking water.

Conclusion: two litres of water per day is not necessary from a Water Cooler Balranald. If you just drink when you are thirsty, you do not have to worry.

Prestige Water Cooler Balranald, Water Dispenser Balranald, Water Filter Balranald

Balranald, Euston, Kyalite, Hatfield, Penarie, Clare, Oxley.

Benchtop Water Cooler Balranald
Floor Standing Water Cooler Balranald
Exclusive Water Cooler Balranald

Healthy and great tasting water with minerals from the benchtop and floor standing water coolers Balranald

Why do runners need to drink filtered alkaline water?

The human body is an ingenious machine! Among other things, it has an integrated air conditioning system, which ensures that our body temperature does not rise too much in the heat or during major sporting activities. What does water do in your body?

The basis of this cooling system is the sweat that forms on our skin as soon as we get warm or we exert ourselves. When it evaporates, it cools the body from the outside.

If we don't drink enough or sweat too much, the cooling system comes to a standstill and, in extreme cases, there is a risk of circulatory collapse. In the following, we want to explain how to prevent this.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?