Sydney Filtered Water Coolers | Prestige Water Sydney

NEVER run out of healthy drinking water again. Filtered Water Coolers Sydney. We stock the Benchtop, Floor Standing and Exclusive model:

Bench Top Sydney Filtered Water Coolers     Floor Standing Sydney Filtered Water Coolers     Stainless Steel Sydney Filtered Water Coolers

To get all the details you need please click on one of the images above.

Sydney Filtered Water Coolers | 7-Stage Filtration Bottle

Our Sydney Filtered Water Cooler filters:

  • Why buy bottled water if you can easily make your own healthy drinking water with added minerals
  • Fill the filter bottle from the tap, FREE
  • No heavy lifting of water bottles
  • No storage problems for full or empty bottles
  • Never again pay rent on your water cooler, you own
  • Unlimited cold water for refreshments
  • Unlimited room temperature or hot water
They also add essential minerals to improve health.

This is the Prestige Water 7-stage cartridge. It is fitted inside the filtration bottle.

Filtration Sydney Filtered Water Coolers

The First Stage:
Primary Filter: Removal of rust, sediment and particles of 5 microns and larger.
The Second Stage:
Active Carbon: Removes chlorine, thihalom ethanes, organic sediment, removes bad smell and bad taste.

The Third Stage:
Mineral Balls: Energizes the water molecules, adjusts the water to an optimum mild alkaline level, and restores trace elements such as Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Strontium, Iodine, Potassium and more.
The Fourth Stage:
Coral Sand: Increase calcium level

The Fifth Stage:
Active Carbon: Removes chlorine, thihalom ethanes, and organic sediment, removes bad smell and bad taste.
The Sixth Stage:
Mineral Balls: Energizes the water molecules, adjusts the water to an optimum mild alkaline level, and restores trace elements such as Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Strontium, Iodine, Potassium and more.

The Seventh Stage:
Ceramic Block: Antibacterial Filter

Why Sydney Filtered Water Coolers?

We offer you the lowest cost in the market for filtered drinking water. Just click on one of the pictures above and find out for yourself. The best deals with Prestige Water in Australia are from Sydney Filtered Water Coolers. Make your own drinking water for free. How good is that? We are an Australian-owned company and supply filtered water coolers Australia-wide. We also offer excellent service and value for money.

To talk to us please call: 1800 500 334

Benchtop Filtered Water Cooler Sydney
Floor Standing Filtered Water Cooler Sydney
Exclusive Water Cooler Sydney

Water with a taste: fruit water, this is how you do it! Use filtered water from the Sydney Filtered water coolers from Prestige Water.

Flavoured water is tasty and healthy. And I'm not talking about syrup diluted with water.

Flavoured water: water with fruit or vegetables

I am talking about the so-called fruit water. That is water to which fruit has been added with the idea that the flavours and nutrients of the fruit absorb into the water. You can also do this with vegetables.

The reason for this post about flavoured water, or fruit water, is the book Detox water with "vitamin-rich fruit water recipes" that I brought from the library. I took the book with me because of the beautiful pictures of fruit and water on the cover. A vase-like glass and such a mason jar containing water and fruit. It looked really beautiful, and the cover also promised me 80 recipes. And because fruit water is also healthy, I decided to take the book with me.

Why drink flavoured water?

The approach of the book is that you use flavoured water to detoxify your body. But I have always understood that your body can do that well on its own. My interest was mainly in water with a taste and how you make it. And I know that now. Making fruit water is very similar to making tea.
You have water, and you add something to it, and then you leave it for a while. This way the water takes over the taste of what you have put in it. In the case of flavoured water: fruit.

You need this for fruit water

  1. Water. Filtered water according to Prestige Water, but of course, I don't.
  2. Fresh organic fruit or vegetables. Because there are pesticides on other fruits and vegetables and you naturally do not want pesticides to soak into your water.
  3. Large glass jar with screw lid. Should not be plastic. Now finally those big mason jars of my oldest daughter come in handy!

So this is not so bad. Making flavoured water is not difficult and you don't need much for it.

8 reasons to drink warm water from the Sydney filtered water cooler with honey every morning

You have people who greedily grab their cup of coffee every morning, others prefer to start the day with a cup of tea. But what if you tried something different? After lemon water, there is now honey water, and warm water with honey, and the benefits are endless. Calculate how much water you should drink per day.

1. It helps you to lose weight

Honey is a natural sweetener and will therefore ensure that you incorporate a healthy source of calories. It can also help you prevent your appetite for sweets, which means you will eat less sugar during the day. Drink more water from the Sydney filtered water coolers.

2. It stimulates digestion

Honey water helps to clean the colon, neutralize body gases and prevent bloating.

3. It boosts your immune system

Honey has properties that kill bacteria and is a strong antioxidant. A glass of warm honey water a day will undoubtedly give your immune system a big boost.

4. It restrains cough and sore throat

Warm water softens the throat, and honey adds to that. The antioxidant properties of honey help combat a cold.

5. It improves oral health

Add a slice of lemon to the honey water; the acidity of the lemon and the antibacterial properties of the honey will do their job with bad breath.

6. It rejuvenates the skin

Honey in combination with lemon has restorative and antibacterial properties and will stimulate the production of collagen.

7. It reduces allergies

It will not get rid of your allergy, but pure, natural honey can reduce sensitivity to environmental allergies.

8. It gives you an energy boost

Honey is an instant energy booster. While your body is being hydrated, it keeps you alert and fresh, especially after a good night's sleep. Great tasting water from the Sydney filtered water coolers.

Read also: Tips to get through the summer COOL

Read also: Why you should drink water when you want to lose weight?

How much to drink from your Sydney filtered water coolers to lose weight

Tips to drink more water. If you count how much you drink water per day (and even if you have coffee, tea, and various drinks), unfortunately, it is much less than the norm. What can you do, statistics say that most people in the world suffer from dehydration and for this, it is not necessary to live in the Sahara. The question is how much water to drink comes just to lose weight. But if it's nice, because you know how much water consumption influences the loss of overweight.

How important is water to lose weight

Our brains are 75% water and, as said to Peter, due to dehydration, the grey cells of our brains suffer in the first place. Water "flushes" the body, the findings of decay products, and toxins, which are especially active if you consciously lose weight. Suppose you are on a diet and really lose weight (witnesses - floor scales). Don't forget to think about how much to drink with a diet. Divided fats, but where do they go? You have to actively analyze products, and for this, you have to increase the consumption of water. Liquid intake should be highest on protein diets - from 2 to 2.5 litres per day. Vegetable, fruit and carbohydrate weight loss methods allow the use of a maximum of 2 litres. If you decide to eat for the active splitting of fats, understand that fats simply do not dissolve completely in you, but form toxins that you do not excrete or poison yourself. Your skin and drinking water.

WHO standards

The World Health Organization also spoke about how much water people should drink. Thus, for every kg of body weight, 30 ml of liquid. For an underweight person, however, there is a formula for how much water to drink from your Sydney filtered water coolers. For each first 10 kg weight, 100 ml, for each subsequent 10 kg - 50 ml, and for the rest of the weight - 15 ml/kg.

Water and temperature

Water regulates a constant temperature in our body. Therefore, if you calculate how much water to drink for weight loss, do not forget to include it in the calculation and the time of year.

How much water should a person drink?

If the air temperature is 21 degrees - the norm is 1.5 litres, if the temperature is up to 29 degrees - the speed rises to 1.9 litres, if you are above 32 degrees - you should drink 3 litres. About Prestige Water.

Now it seems to you that 3 litres are much and meaningless. But the people of Cuba would respond very differently. The climate of Cuba leads to the fact that someone loses much more moisture than in most other countries of the world. As a result, you live and consume your 1.5 litres, and after 2 years you will find kidney stones. Cubans are literally forced not to dispense plastic bottles of water and to drink 200 ml every half hour from the Sydney filtered water coolers. What kind of water to drink?

Why is Filtered Water so Important?