Water Coolers Armidale

Water Coolers Armidale add minerals to the water

Water Coolers Armidale Bench Top     Bench Top Water Dispenser Armidale: Bench Top Water Dispenser Armidale

Water Coolers Armidale Floor Standing     Floor Standing Water Dispenser Armidale: Floor Standing Water Dispenser Armidale

Water Coolers Armidale Stainless Steel     Exclusive Water Dispenser Armidale: Stainless Steel Water Dispenser Armidale


Why is drinking filtered water so important for your body?

Water Cooler with or without filtration. Did you know that more than 50% of your body consists of water? And that we can survive without water for a few days? Water is, after oxygen, one of the most important substances in our body and fulfils many important roles daily.

It serves as a building material, transport agent, and solvent, it keeps our body on temperature and, most importantly, it helps your kidneys with waste disposal while losing weight. For all these functions, sufficient water drinking is important. Drink great tasting water made from your own tap from a Water Coolers Armidale. Easily said, but not always done as easily. Drinking water, the best way to keep your moisture balance up to date.

How much water do you need?

Calculate how much water you should drink. During Power Slim, it is advisable to drink 2 litres of water a day. Normally you drink about 1.5 litres a day, but because you lose extra moisture during the loss, the advice is to expand to 2 litres. This is what you drink next to the moisture you get from vegetables or soup. In winter it is always difficult to drink enough water from your Water Coolers Armidale, it is less expensive than a delicious cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream or glühwein. 6 Facts about drinking water.

Whether water is going to win these delicious drinks is the question. However, water is important, and by drinking this you save a lot of calories. Below are some tips to keep an eye on whether you get enough water.

- Set your daily amount of water ready, for example, in cans. This makes visually how much it is and how much you still have to drink that day.
- Begin the day with 1-3 glasses from your Water Coolers Armidale. At night, your body has not received any moisture, so fill it up immediately.
- Turn on the alarm on your phone if you are a "bad drinker".
- If you're on your way, make sure you have enough water with you. Some always fly out the door in the morning without having a drop of moisture, and that's already going wrong.
- If you have a smartphone, you can also download an app that keeps your water intake and sends you memories. For example water balance for the phone.

Do you like water drinking boring? Of course, you can add something to make it a lot nicer! During phase 1 of Power Slim you can add the following to your water:

    - Slice of cucumber
    - Fresh mint (also delicious in the tea)
    - Slices of lemon or lemon with a little bit of thyme (note: up to half a lemon per week)

From phase 2 it is also good to add some fruit, such as these delicious combinations:

    - Orange, blueberries and basil
    - Raspberry, lemon and rosemary
    - Cucumber, lime, strawberry and mint
    - Lime, ginger and basil
    - Watermelon and mint

Put nice cool water on the table and add the delicious fresh ingredients of your choice. This way you always have fresh water with a taste at your fingertips and it also looks cozy. Are you going to work? In the morning, prepare a big bottle and do it all. Nowadays, you can also buy water bottles with (fruit) filters, ideal to take in and carry on. Healthy water straight from your Water Coolers Armidale.

Benchtop Water Coolers Armidale
Floor Standing Water Coolers Armidale
Exclusive Water Coolers Armidale

Drink enough from the water coolers Armidale

Two-thirds of the body consists of water! For example, water is needed to regulate body temperature. It ensures the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the body cells and takes the waste back with them. The waste, for example, disappears from the body via the kidneys (urine). Fluid balance is therefore essential for a healthy body. So make sure you drink enough throughout the day! Why filter tapwater.

Did you know the body of an adult consists of 55 to 75% moisture?

  • the brain consists of 75% water.
  • 85% of blood consists of water.
  • muscles contain approximately 73% water.
  • body fat is around 25% water.
  • even bones contain around 22% water.

How much moisture do you need?

During the day you lose moisture, for example in the form of perspiration. This moisture loss must be compensated. If that does not happen, there is a risk of dehydration. A fluid loss of 3% of body weight already gives signs of exhaustion and fluid loss between 15-20% is life-threatening.

A person needs around 2.5 to 3 litres of fluid per day from the water coolers Armidale. How do I get more energy? Our (solid) food supplies around 1 to 1.5 litres of moisture every day. To supplement the moisture content, in a temperate climate like in the Netherlands, it is important to drink at least 1.5 litres every day. That is the amount of low physical activity. With much physical activity, for example, sports, the body requires more fluid. Therefore drink enough. That can be water, but also coffee, tea, soft drinks and fruit juice.

Read also: 5 Helpful tips with losing weight by drinking water

Tips to drink enough. Some tips to ensure that you get enough fluid:

  • Drink evenly throughout the day. Not only when you are thirsty.
  • Drink more from the water coolers Armidale in warm weather and with major (er) physical exertion. Take an extra bottle of water during or after exercise, for example.
  • Drink different types of drinks. Variation promotes the pleasure of drinking, making it easier to get the recommended amount of fluid. Be moderate with alcohol.
  • Drink with every meal and every time you eat something in between.
  • Eat fruit regularly. Fruit not only supplies important vitamins but also consists of water for the most part. Did you know that an orange consists of 83% water and watermelon no less than 93%! Benefits of drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?