Water Cooler Macknade

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How much water do you really need to drink? Do the check!

Actually, I should drink more water - Useful tips. Water drinking is healthy. That's what everyone knows. But how much water should we drink to achieve this healthy status? The directive is 8 glasses a day. If you follow that advice, you are well done. Or right? Research shows that it's all a bit more nuanced ...

Every day we drink water. Not because we like it, but because we need it. Water drinking is essential for a good moisture balance, can reduce headaches, give more energy and provide radiant skin. Enough reasons for keeping us in line with the 8 glasses of water per day directive. If this recommendation is correct at least. According to Lawrence E. Armstrong, Ph. D. We have to question our professor at the University of Connecticut and the director of UCONN's Human Performance Lab.

Everybody is different

How much water you need differs according to Lawrence per person. Calculate how much water you should drink per day. It depends on many factors, such as age, body weight, physical activity, food consumption and air temperature. Someone who often has sports (due to moisture loss) obviously needs more water than someone who is not moving. Therefore, one size fits all guidelines do not exist. Everyone has his own directive, and you can figure it out using 3 simple checks. Do not forget to lick Bedrock's Facebook page so you never miss anything.

Find your guideline

It is a fact that most of us are consistently slightly dehydrated. Even though we do not realize that often. Good hydration in the summer. To make sure you are well hydrated you need to keep an eye on 3 things: thirst feelings, the colour of your urine and body weight change.


On a busy day, we sometimes forget to drink enough water. Only when we get a dry mouth gives our brain a signal and we hurry to a tap. Actually, it's already late. If you are thirsty, you have already dried for 1 to 2 per cent.


If your urine has a pale yellow colour or the colour of straw, then this is a sign that you are adequately hydrated. If your urine's colour is dark, you should drink more. Dark urine indicates that your body holds water, which makes you dry out.

Body weight

To measure body weight change, you must be on the scale for seven days at the same time. Instead of taking the average weight of these 7 days, look for 3 equal numbers. This is your default weight. After this week, check if your weight is different from your standard weight. If you are half a kilo (or more) lighter then you are drying out. 5 Helpful tips for losing weight by drinking water.

Water, please

An adult experiences mild dehydration symptoms weekly. Just take a look at yourself and how often your thirst is. Research shows that mild dehydration has a negative effect on cognitive performance, such as solving a problem. Chronic low water consumption is associated with an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Kidney stones, urinary tract infections and chronic renal disease can also be the result.

More is not always good

There is also something like drinking too much water. If you drink too large amounts of water, you may dilute your body and get sick. Our brains maintain the concentration of blood within a narrow bandwidth. If the concentration differs, body functions can be adversely affected, such as the displacement of fuels and waste in and out of cells.

Do not feel like water?

About 20 to 30% of our total water intake comes from solid foods, such as vegetables and fruit. But that does not matter the amount of water from the water cooler Macknade we have to drink. A bowl of soup is therefore not a replacement for a glass of water. Beer, coffee, tea and soda hydrate as much as water and can therefore be seen as a replacement. Drinks that hydrate the body even more than water are whole milk, skim milk and orange juice. If you do not like a glass of water then there are plenty of other options to keep your moisture balance on track.

Anti-aging and drinking alkaline water from your water cooler Macknade

1: Drink, drink, drink filtered water from your water cooler Macknade

Unfortunately, we forget it too often - drink! Also, water is so important to us, our bodies and, of course, to our skin. The human body is 70% water. We lose water by sweating or going to the toilet. If we do not add enough moisture to our body from the outside, the water shortage can reduce blood circulation in our skin. This leads to dry skin and loss of elasticity. The recommended fluid intake is at least two litres per day. This corresponds to approximately ten glasses of water. Drinking helps against wrinkles! Those who drink a lot usually have more beautiful skin. Shouldn't this be enough motivation to drink more?

2: Beauty sleep

A relaxed sleep ensures that our body can rest and be released from stress. Seven to eight hours of sleep is advised. These hours mean regeneration for our skin! Tip: a silk cushion protects our skin because the smooth texture ensures less friction. This way we wake up in the morning with fewer folds and wrinkles on the face.

3: Forgo nicotine & alcohol

It is known that smoking and alcohol harm the body. What we still like to suppress is that the poison also harms our skin image. Alcohol dries out the skin and nicotine quickly makes our skin look dull and grey. Of course, do not want to give up all pleasure in life completely. Therefore, these small sins must be repaired by, for example, exercising, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water and not becoming the rule.

4: Stay healthy!

A healthy lifestyle naturally contributes to healthy and beautiful skin. Those who exercise enough, sleep enough, avoid stress and eat a balanced diet, create the best conditions for their skin!

5: Regular facial peeling

Good peeling should be a regular part of any anti-aging skincare routine. Because those who do not regularly rid their skin of dead skin flakes do not have to invest in a good anti-aging cream first. Only by peeling are the pores released and valuable anti-aging ingredients can penetrate the skin. Also, impurities are prevented by regular peeling because this is an intensive cleaning method for the skin. Learn more about which peeling suits your skin type and how often you should use it!

6: Remove make-up in the evening

Before going to bed, we need to thoroughly rid our faces of makeup and dirt. Only in this way can the skin breathe, absorb active ingredients from care products and regenerate overnight. Use a cleaning product suitable for your skin type and especially remove mascara and make-up around the eyes in a particularly gentle and gentle way. Rubbing too much promotes wrinkling around the sensitive eye area. Instead, pat your face with a towel instead of rubbing it vigorously!

7: The right anti-aging products for your age

Not every anti-aging is the same! Find the right anti-aging products for your age to avoid skin irritations. In general, a regular care routine should be followed with anti-wrinkle serum, anti-wrinkle cream and anti-wrinkle eye cream, so that the skin is always well-groomed. Tip: always lubricate your skin from bottom to top because this way you can also prevent wrinkles!

8: Do not forget neck & décolleté

The age can not only be read from our face, especially at the neck & décolleté the skin aging is clearly visible. Therefore, an anti-wrinkle serum and an anti-aging face cream should always be used on the neck & décolleté.

9: Beautiful hands

In addition to the face, neck and décolleté, our hands also reveal a lot about our age. Who takes good care of his hands looks younger! Your hands do so much, so treat them with a hand peeling every now and then and rub your hands regularly. There is also a special anti-aging cosmetic for the hands.

10: Sun protection

Girls just wanna have sun! Unfortunately, the sun is not only beautiful. UV light is to a large extent responsible for premature skin aging. Therefore, supplement your anti-aging care with sun protection when you expose your skin to more intensive UV radiation. Make sure you are drinking plenty from your water cooler Macknade.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?