Water Cooler Boronia Heights

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Boronia Heights

Water Cooler Boronia Heights Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Boronia Heights: Water Cooler Boronia Heights Benchtop

Water Cooler Boronia Heights Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Boronia Heights: Water Dispenser Boronia Heights Floor Standing

Water Cooler Boronia Heights Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Boronia Heights: Water Dispenser Boronia Heights Exclusive Stainless Steel

Benefits of drinking lemon water

How do I get more energy? Ice-cold lemon water from a Water Cooler Boronia Heights on a hot summer day or hot lemon tea with honey is delicious. And besides that it is very tasty, there are also many health benefits! Peter put four benefits for you in a row. And tip if you're worried about your teeth: drink your lemon water with a straw. That prevents a lot of damage! Alkaline water is the nature of water.

Low in calories

Because lemon water naturally consists for the most part of water and contains few carbohydrates (sugar), it is low in calories. When you replace soda or orange juice with lemon water, it can help you lose weight. So you do not have the calories, but the taste. To lose more weight drink heaps of water from a Water Cooler Boronia Heights. In one study, 44 women ate lunch where one part of the group drank drinks with calories and the other part consumed drinks without calories. What turned out? Drinking low-caloric drinks with your meal ensures that you also consume fewer calories during that meal. In addition, half a litre of water for breakfast ensures that you eat 13% fewer calories than when you are not drinking water. Drinking water during a meal can also relieve your hunger and speed up your feeling of satiety. Is watermelon healthy?

Helps you stay hydrated

What drinking water really does for your skin? Whether it is to transport nutrients to your cells or to filter harmful substances from your body: drinking enough water is extremely important to you. Some studies show that staying well hydrated can help break down fat cells and thereby increase your fat loss.

Helps to absorb iron

A large tablespoon of lemon juice, about 30 millilitres, contains 23% of your ADH vitamin C. It is the vitamin C that is not only important for your health but also helps you absorb iron in your diet. Iron occurs as heme iron and as a non-hem iron. Hummingbird is only available in animal products and is better available to the body than non-heme iron from plant products. Iron is important for the formation of hemoglobin, which is necessary for oxygen transport in the blood and metabolism.

Supports kidney function

Lemon water from a Water Cooler Boronia Heights has many possible benefits, both for hydration and your feeling of satiety. Yet it is important to realize that all these advantages are mainly achieved by the main ingredient - namely water. Lemon water does contain added nutrients to lemon juice, such as vitamin C and antioxidants. Because of the acids that contain lemon water, lemon water could help support good kidney function.

How do you make lemon water?

Simple: fill a jug with water, add lemon slices, or squeeze a lemon above. Add some fresh (organic) mint, or experiment with a pinch of turmeric, if you like. Lemon water from a Water Cooler Boronia Heights is a tasty and healthy alternative if you do not want ordinary water, but do not want to drink soft drinks either. Do not have lemons in your home or do you want to squeeze lemon? You only have to add this shot to the water!

Prestige Water Cooler Boronia Heights, Water Dispenser Boronia Heights, Water Filter Boronia Heights

Benchtop Water Cooler Boronia Heights
Floor Standing Water Cooler Boronia Heights
Exclusive Water Cooler Boronia Heights

Why is moisture important? Drink more from your water cooler Boronia Heights.

Our body consists of a very large part of the fluid. Moisture is important in all kinds of processes in the body. Among other things in our blood, for the transport of important substances (food!) To the cells and for the removal of waste with our urine. In addition to super many other processes! It also helps regulate our body temperature.

Signs of too little moisture

You notice that you have drunk too little when your urine is yellow. This should actually be a very light yellow colour. You can also get a headache or even get dizzy. Of course, you also notice it with a dry mouth. You can even get more hungry if you drink too little! Our brain cannot distinguish the difference between appetite and thirst so well.

How much should you drink from your water cooler Boronia Heights?

How do you know if you are drinking enough water? The general advice of the Health Council is to get 2 litres of fluid, both from drinks and food. Drinking 1.5 litres a day from your water cooler Boronia Heights is the general advice; not only water but also coffee, tea and milk products. The remaining 0.5 l of moisture comes from vegetables, soup, etc. It is also allowed to drink a maximum of 0.5 l (light) soda per day, which I personally like a lot.

What about sports and warm weather?

When you exercise or when it is hot you sweat more and it is necessary to drink more. And did you know that if you drink too little, you can get a gut feeling in your stomach during exercise? Your stomach likes it because you drink at least 250 ml -500 ml of water so that your stomach is stimulated to absorb this fluid. Smaller amounts are absorbed more slowly by the stomach. It is best to drink this amount of water 1 hour to 30 minutes before training. You will also notice that you are less thirsty during training because you sweat this water out.

Do you know! Athletes who lose more than 2% moisture are already hydrated and this will affect their sports performance. You know this by standing on the scales before exercising and after exercise. Eg you weigh 64 kg before the effort and afterwards 62.7 kg which means that you have lost 2% moisture. Soft drinks, up to 7 cubes of sugar.

Read also: Healthy drinks instead of water

Read also: Lose weight by drinking water

Alkaline filtered water with minerals from the benchtop and floor standing water cooler Boronia Heights with filtration bottle

Drink 1 litre of water before 11 a.m

Stay on the ball: After you start your day with a large glass of water, it's going to be fluid. Drink your first litre of water before you think about lunch for the first time. By getting off to a flying start in the morning, you'll have reached half of your water goal in just a few hours. This makes drinking much easier. At the same time, you increase your energy and alertness so that you can master your day with ease.

Prepare water for the office or at home

Planning is half the battle: You will benefit from this tip, especially if you have a busy everyday life. Prepare your water for the office or at home with little effort. Fill your favourite bottle or carafe with fresh water so you always have a refreshing drink at hand. Do you still have a last-minute appointment? No problem, your water is already ready. We recommend preparing 2 litres right away, so you really don't have any excuses to drink more water.

6 Facts about drinking water

Why is Filtered Water so Important?