Water Cooler Barcaldine

Great tasting drinking water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Barcaldine

Water Cooler Barcaldine Bench Top   Bench Top Water Dispenser Barcaldine: Water Dispenser Barcaldine Bench Top

Water Cooler Barcaldine Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Barcaldine: Water Dispenser Barcaldine Floor Standing

Water Cooler Barcaldine Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Barcaldine: Water Dispenser Barcaldine Exclusive Stainless Steel

TIP: We drink too little water and it has more influence on our condition than we think.

Water is extremely important. Drink healthy water after filtration from a Water Cooler Barcaldine. How do you know if you are drinking enough water? Not only to stay alive, but also for all kinds of other processes in your body. Yet the Australians generally drink too little water. Often about four glasses a day, a litre in total. That is half a litre too little. I myself often have trouble drinking enough water. One day I sit on three litres and the day after I hardly get one litre inside. What exactly causes this difference, I really would not know. I know that I am more irritable and tired when I drink less. Is this a kind of placebo effect or does water really affect how you feel?

Research shows that the number of people who know how much they should drink per day is very low. 37% of the respondents even thought that drinking less water is healthier. With water, the more, the better. To a certain extent then. The Nutrition Center recommends drinking at least six glasses: one and a half litres. But how do you take care of it, with your busy life, that you drink enough? Soft drinks, up to 7 cubes of sugar. Filtered water from a Water Cooler Barcaldine.
Everyone needs water to survive, we know that. Water is also much more important than food in that respect. You can eat without food for thirty to forty days, but if you do not drink for three days, it's over. Water not only keeps us alive, but it also has many more positive effects. This ensures beautiful skin and helps against pain and hangovers. Water is also essential for people who want to lose weight or exercise a lot. During exercise, you lose a lot of fluid, but by drinking enough your muscles become tired less quickly and you can stay longer. In addition, water promotes your metabolism. Healthy drinks instead of water.

Do you soon have a difficult exam and are you unable to study? Drink a glass of water! This gives your brain a boost and makes you more productive and alert. A study with London students has shown that students who drank a lot of water also achieved high marks. That is because you think more clearly with water and you get more energy from it. One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is fatigue. Water also protects you from a heart attack. People who drink more than five glasses of water a day are 41% less likely, according to a study by the American Journal of Epidemiology. Tasty and great water from a Water Cooler Barcaldine.

If you have a lot to do in a day, you'll forget to drink faster enough. How many liters of water should you drink? It is just something that easily slips between. Fortunately, there are all kinds of tricks that ensure that you also get enough water:

  • Add a flavour. Some people do not like water because it actually has no taste at all. There are very handy bottles with a compartment for fruit or herbs that give your water a taste.
  • Always keep a bottle of water handy. If you have to go somewhere, make sure you always bring a bottle. It can easily come in handy. And if you spend long days in the office or school, put a bottle on your desk so you can see it. That's how you think about it every time.
  • Buy a (large) transparent bottle that you can write on. Draw lines for every hour you want to drink a certain amount and stick to it.
  • Drink sparkling water. This is - for many people - tastier and fresher than water without the prick. Add a little lemonade syrup and it tastes even better.
  • Put an alarm clock. In this way, you remind yourself that you have to drink more, therefore putting a (soft) alarm every half hour or hour.
  • Use an app. If you do not know exactly whether you drink enough water, it is useful to keep this up with an app. You enter when you have drunk and how much, and when it is time to have a drink again, the app gives a signal. If you search for 'water' in the App Store you will find enough.

Prestige Water Cooler Barcaldine, Water Dispenser Barcaldine, Water Filter Barcaldine

Barcaldine, Alice, Barcaldine Downs, Evora, Grant, Home Creek, Moombria, Narbethong, Patrick, Saltern Creek, Tara Station.

Benchtop Water Cooler Barcaldine
Floor Standing Water Cooler Barcaldine
Exclusive Water Cooler Barcaldine

Tasty drink water from the water cooler Barceldine

If you have to, you can survive for a while without food. Without moisture, on the other hand, you can last less than four days. Drinking enough water is especially important on hot days. But what exactly does "sufficient" mean? How much fluid should you consume daily?


A frequently heard advice is 1.5 to 2 litres of fluid per day. According to researchers at Harvard University, this is only a recommendation. We must, therefore, take into account several factors:

// Climate: During hot days, your body loses a lot of moisture. An extra large glass of water is not an unnecessary luxury. On holiday to a sunny destination? Also, take enough drinking water with you during day trips.

// Movement: The more, longer, more often and more intensively you exercise, the more water you have to drink. You lose 1 to 2 litres of fluid per workout hour. Not fair, but true: to replenish all this lost moisture you need 1.5x more moisture than you "sweated out". Drink small amounts of water before, during (when possible) and after your workout.

// Lifestyle: Eating a lot of salt or alcoholic drinks makes your body need more fluid. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that you lose moisture that you can use to break down toxins in your body. Even if you are ill, it is important to drink more than usual, because you lose a lot of fluid through vomiting and diarrhea. Pregnant and breastfeeding women also need a little more fluid from their water cooler Barcaldine. Tips to drink more water.

Even more factors

In addition to the temperature you are in, how much you exercise and your lifestyle, body weight, age and food intake also play a role. And one person has a greater need for water than the other.

But: if you are thirsty, it is actually too late. At that moment your body is already "drying out". Your body cannot function properly without moisture. So avoid getting thirsty. How do you do that?

5 tips:

1. Put a bottle of water next to your bed and drink it after your alarm goes off. During the night you lose a lot of moisture: you can now immediately supplement this loss.

2. Do not drink large amounts of water at once, but divide your drinking times over the day. This way you prevent a water belly.

3. Take a large glass instead of a small one. If you are working, a large jug of water may be useful. Or refill your glass at set times, so that you can be sure that you are getting enough water.

4. Can you no longer see water? Black coffee and tea also count if you want to get enough fluids. Unfortunately, you can not drink unlimited coffee all day (hello caffeine kick). Variety is key. Also think of mint leaves, cucumber or fruit in your glass. Very refreshing in the summer!

5. Keep track of how much you drink from your water cooler Barcaldine in a day. This way you are consciously working on your fluid intake. This can be in the form of a "waterlog" (water log) on paper, but nowadays there are also many apps that track exactly how much you receive.

Read also: Your skin and drinking water

Great tasting drink water from the benchtop and floor standing water coolers Barcaldine with minerals

Alkaline Filtered Water - the silver bullet for a healthy lifestyle

Our body needs enough water to be able to supply all organs, body cells and muscles with important nutrients and, above all, oxygen.

Our brain consists of almost 80% water, which is why even a minimal fluid deficit makes it feel very quickly. We lose concentration, tend to forget and are simply less efficient in general. That's why it's particularly important when studying and working not to forget to drink regularly. However, since experience has shown that this is the case relatively often, we advise you to always place a jug or bottle of water next to you. In the best case, you also set individual goals such as: "I drink a bottle of filtered alkaline water pomegranate every three hours!" A full 12 hours and four bottles of alkaline filtered water and you would have consumed a total of 2 litres of water. Drink plenty of clean water

Why is Filtered Water so Important?