Water Cooler Arundel

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Arundel

Water Cooler Arundel Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Arundel: Water Dispenser Arundel Benchtop

Water Cooler Arundel Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Arundel: Water Dispenser Arundel Floor Standing

Water Cooler Arundel Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Arundel: Water Dispenser Arundel Exclusive Stainless Steel

Why drink water from your water cooler Arundel

Why drink water?

1. Increases your energy

Dehydration makes you feel tired, so you can not be as productive as you would like. But drinking water from a Water Cooler Arundel can help your heart pump the blood more effectively and can also help transport oxygen and other important nutrients to your cells, resulting in increased productivity because you can think more clearly, you are more alert and you can concentrate better. Cold water drinking. Drink great-tasting water made from your own tap from a Water Cooler Arundel.

2. Helps muscles and joints

Drinking water helps to prevent cramps and lubricates the joints in your body.

3. Strengthens your immune system

Several studies suggest that drinking water can help in the fight against the flu and other ailments and can even help against heart attacks, respiratory diseases, bowel problems and rheumatism. The best benefits can be achieved if you put a few slices of lemon in your water. Drinking water from a Water Cooler Arundel is therefore important for your immune system.

4. Reduces kidney stones

Bottled water, Tap water or Filtered water. Lately, the number of painful kidney stones has increased. One of the reasons could be that people do not drink enough water. What exactly is the connection? Well, water dilutes the salts and minerals in your urine that form the hard crystals, which are also known as kidney stones. Kidney stones can not be formed in diluted urine. Therefore drink plenty of water from a Water Cooler Arundel.

5. Calorie control

Obesity is a contributing factor to many different health conditions today. But drinking water can speed up your metabolism and make you feel fuller, helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

6. Radiant hair

Whether you want radiant hair, younger skin, a healthier body (or of course all three), pure, pure water is the world's best beauty elixir.

7. Drinking water gives you a good sense

If the body functions optimally, you will feel great and you will be happy! Can food influence your sleep? It is therefore clear that water is healthy. Especially if you drink from a Water Cooler Arundel.

8. Improves the complexion of your skin

Drinking water hydrates your skin and keeps the skin fresh, soft, radiant and smooth. Also dissolves wrinkles. It is actually the best anti-aging treatment that exists!

9. Water flushes out toxins
Water removes waste from ulcers and urine, which reduces the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Drink more water in hot weather.

Prestige Water Cooler Arundel, Water Dispenser Arundel, Water Filter Arundel

Benchtop Water Cooler Arundel
Floor Standing Water Cooler Arundel
Exclusive Water Cooler Arundel

Healthy Alkaline drinking water from your water cooler Arundel

The two litres is a myth. How much water do we really need to drink?

No, you don't have to drink two litres a day. And yes, you can drink too much water too. We answer all your questions about drinking here.

Do you really have to drink two litres a day?

Two litres of water a day - that is a common rule of thumb. However, it has not been scientifically proven. The kidney specialist Heinz Valtin writes this among others. The former professor of physiology and neurobiology University has searched numerous publications for the origin of the recommendation. In vain. "I haven't found any scientific evidence that absolutely everyone needs to drink at least two litres of water a day. It is not clear where the myth of the two litres comes from.

How much water is really needed?

According to the Nutrition Society, an adult should drink around 1.5 litres of water a day. Less than 1 litre a day is not enough to supply the body with sufficient fluids. In some situations, the body also needs a lot of fluids, for example in extreme heat, extreme cold, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Sports or physical work also mean that we need more water from your water cooler Arundel.

Anyone who eats a lot of fruit, vegetables and soups also absorbs fluids through solid food and accordingly has to drink less. Even meat provides liquid. The best sign of dehydration: is thirst.

Do you have to drink when you are not thirsty?

If you are young and healthy: no. This is what researchers from the Biomedical Institute at Monash University in Australia say. With a series of tests, you have shown that the body defends itself against too much water. For their study, the scientists examined the brain functions and the perception of the test subjects. It turned out that the swallowing reflex is inhibited when the body is adequately supplied with water. There are many minerals in the water after filtration from the water cooler Arundel. This is an important mechanism that prevents us from ingesting too much fluid.

The nutritionist Uwe Knop from Eschborn also says that healthy people should only drink when they feel thirsty. Thirst is the only indicator that really shows when you need fluids.

However, there are people who do not develop a real feeling of thirst. Seniors, for example, often drink too little and can become life-threatening and dehydrated. This is due to an area of ??the brain that functions less reliably in old age. Even people with health problems, such as kidney problems or diabetes, should not just rely on their thirst. Children are also often not thirsty enough.

Can you drink too much water?

Yes. And that can be fatal. However, such dramatic cases are very rare. For example, an athlete died at the Ironman in 2015 because he drank too much water. There have also been deaths in drinking competitions. The reason for this is usually what is known as hyponatremia, also known as water poisoning.

The danger is not in the amount of liquid but in the composition. Anyone who consumes five or more litres in a few hours messes up their salt balance - hence the name “hyponatremia”, which roughly translates as “low sodium”. Water increasingly penetrates the body cells, causing edema, and swelling caused by water retention. This edema can be life-threatening, especially in the brain.

Symptoms of water poisoning are drowsiness, nausea, headache or even seizures. Water poisoning can be avoided by primarily listening to your thirst and drinking water that has been fortified with mineral salts.

Drink plenty of alkaline filtered water from a benchtop or floor standing water cooler Arundel with filtration bottle

High blood pressure can be a sign of dehydration

The previous section explains how a lack of water can increase blood pressure. Of course, higher viscosity of the blood not only increases blood pressure but also increases the risk of vascular and cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, thrombosis or embolism.

So, if you suffer from high blood pressure or other cardiovascular problems, including varicose veins or high cholesterol, then drink more water! Because lack of water is an important contributory cause of all these complaints.

If you have advanced cardiovascular disease, remember to ask your doctor beforehand how much water you can drink per day. You may want to start slowly by increasing your water consumption so that your circulation, heart and kidneys can get used to it again.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?