Quality Water Coolers

Quality Benchtop and Floor Standing Water Coolers

with a 8-stage Filter Bottle

Benchtop Quality Water Coolers
Floor Standing Quality Water Coolers
Exclusive Quality Water Coolers

Drinking water from a quality water cooler is important

Everyone knows that it is very important to drink a lot of water, but unfortunately, most of them do not succeed. Actually, I should drink more water - Useful tips. Water is essential for our body. Our body consists of approximately 75% water. That's why it's not surprising that you have to drink a lot of water from quality water coolers to stay healthy.

Our brains consist of 85% water. Our brains in particular are very sensitive to dehydration. If you suffer from a cottony feeling in your head, drink two large glasses of water, get moving and your cottony feeling will disappear.

It is generally said that you need to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day to be healthy. All processes in your body need water to function properly. Water with minerals is better than just tap water.

Water in your blood

We also need water for the resilience of our bodies. One of the most important aspects of this is purifying the blood. Your blood consists of 94% water (at least if you drink enough). Purifying your blood is mainly done in the kidneys. But these can only work well if enough water flows through our body to remove the waste. When the kidneys are not working properly, some waste is stored in the liver. The liver ensures that stored fats are converted into energy. If the liver does not work properly, these fats remain stored, which can be a cause of getting fat and not feeling good in your skin.

The blood also ensures the removal of excess substances from the metabolism, such as heat and carbon dioxide. With fluid in our blood, the blood becomes thinner and the transport is also easier and faster.

How much fluid do you lose per day?

A person loses an average of 500 ml per day via the skin, 350 ml via respiration and 150 ml via the faeces. What you lose through your urine varies. You must also top up water. The kidneys need water from quality water coolers to excrete waste materials (such as urea), but also to excrete electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

In the morning, your urine is often darker in colour because your kidneys concentrate your urine. Your kidneys are also able to dilute your urine, lighter urine when you have drunk a lot, for example. Your body needs 500 ml per day for excreting these substances.

What you urinate on the right is excess moisture. If you add everything together you lose at least 1500 ml of water per day. With physical exertion (sports), in warm weather, or diarrhea, you naturally lose more fluid.


If you are thirsty, it is usually a sign that you have drunk too little. The amount of water you drink usually has more to do with your habits and not with thirst. 12 Ultimate water with fruit combinations.

A useful tip for this is to drink 2 glasses of water from quality water coolers when you get up and 2 for each meal, you have already had a total of 8 glasses, which corresponds to 1.6 litres. Does it make sense to drink water after eating fruit?

Symptoms of dehydration:

  •     Feeling inexplicably tired
  •     Feeling depressed or depressed
  •     Poor concentration
  •     Be irritable and anxious
  •     Have a heavy head
  •     Restless sleep (this often occurs in the elderly)

Physical symptoms of dehydration are:

  •     Migraine
  •     Fibromyalgia
  •     Rheumatic complaints
  •     Heartburn
  •     Stomach ache
  •     Heart cramps
  •     Back complaints
  •     Bad intestinal function

Why drinking water is healthy?

  •     It increases your energy
  •     Helps you lose weight
  •     You get healthy skin from it
  •     Water flushes out toxins
  •     Gives a boost to your immune system
  •     Good intestinal function
  •     Helps with headache
  •     It keeps your head happy
  •     Helps muscles and joints

What happens to your body if you drink too much water?

However, too much water is not healthy. If you drink a lot, you also urinate a lot of salts and you need those salts.

It is always said that eating too much salt is bad for us. That's right if you eat too many ready meals, packaged products and snacks, then you indeed get a large amount of refined salt unnoticed. This type of processed salt contains only two minerals, chlorine and sodium, and this actually removes moisture from your body. That is why the importance of PURE and unprocessed food, you will not get any refined salt. It is good to supplement your salts, but with the right salt that contains many minerals that we often lack in our diet.

The best salt you could take for this is Celtic sea salt, which contains 92 minerals. Under normal circumstances, if you drink too much water, you may get a bloated stomach and not feel well.

Water poisoning can only occur if you recognize certain symptoms in yourself.

These can be symptoms:

  •     Headache
  •     Vomit
  •     Bloated feeling
  •     Nauseous
Benchtop Quality Water Cooler
Floor Standing Quality Water Cooler
Exclusive Quality Water Cooler

Drinking water from the quality water coolers from Prestige Water with lemon juice in the morning helps with weight loss

Why should you drink water when you want to lose weight? Lemon water ensures that some of the toxins in your body are removed. By drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning, the juice supports your body's natural detoxification process. This principle works proportionally, so the more lemon water you drink, the more you accelerate weight loss. Which does not mean that you have to drink litres of it, but about 2 to 3 glasses spread over the day are good natural support for your digestion and intestinal tract.

If the colon is not properly cleaned, waste products can build up and contribute to obesity. Drinking lemon water from quality water coolers regularly removes the waste from the intestines so that they do their job better. When the bowel function works optimally, it automatically promotes digestion, so you will notice that weight loss is promoted. Tips to get through the summer cool.

Also nice; because lemon contains the fibre pectin, you get a saturated feeling when drinking the juice. The combination of reducing the feeling of hunger with the removal of waste products and contributing to digestion ensures that drinking lemon water indeed helps to accelerate weight loss. Don't expect pounds of weight loss just because you drink lemon water made from quality water coolers, but see it as a safe support for the waste process.

Advice: drink the juice through a straw, to protect the enamel from the acid.

Water purifies and detoxifies, therefore try to drink plenty of filtered alkaline water from the benchtop or floor standing quality water coolers from Prestige Water

The kidney is one of the most important detoxification organs in the human body. The kidneys filter around 1,500 litres of blood every day, removing harmful substances and acids from the bloodstream and discharging them with urine. Drinking plenty of water keeps our kidneys busy and in shape - lots of water ensures that toxins and waste products from metabolic processes are eliminated more quickly. The residence time of harmful substances increases significantly shortened - the body thanks you for your well-being.

Water boosts digestion

Sufficient fluid intake is also essential for the intestines and regular digestion. The absorbed water combines with roughage and plant fibres in the intestine and causes them to swell - the volume increases. If we drink enough water, the stool is well hydrated and formed and can be passed through the intestinal loops and excreted without any problems. If we don't drink enough fluids, the body withdraws water from the stool. Elimination is made much more difficult by hard, dry stools - it can lead to stubborn constipation.

Water as a fountain of youth

Drinking a lot of water has a positive effect on our skin. If the cells are not sufficiently hydrated, this is quickly reflected in our skin. The result is blemishes and dry skin. With enough water, the skin gains elasticity and appears firmer.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?