Water Dispenser Caboolture South

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10 Signs and symptoms of dehydration

Drinking water is essential for survival. Drink plenty of water! Give the body what it needs: Water. Our body consists of 60 per cent water and every body's function depends on water in order to function properly. Dehydration, or a lack of body fluid, brings consequences. Although mild dehydration is easy to treat, severe dehydration is a serious condition that can lead to unconsciousness, organ failure or even death. This article discusses the common signs and symptoms of dehydration.

What is dehydration or dehydration?

Moisture and drinking water. Your body continuously loses fluid, mainly through sweat, urine and stool. Dehydration occurs when more water goes out than starts. It can be caused by a shortage of fluid intake or excessive moisture loss. Common causes of dehydration are: intensive exercise, exposure to heat, vomiting and diarrhea, nausea, burning or skin infections, diabetes and fever. 5 Reasons why drinking water is good for your heart, brain and metabolism

10 signs and symptoms that lead to or indicate dehydration:


    Thirst is a need for liquids and serves as an automatic reminder to drink water. It is often the first indication that the body needs water. Your body is equipped with a complex system to regulate your fluid balance. Even a small change in the moisture balance can give a thirst stimulus.

In short: Thirst is the first indicator of dehydration. For most people, this is an effective way to drink.

    Changes in the colour or amount of urine

    Your urine tells you a lot about your fluid balance as you lose most of the fluid through this way. If you become dehydrated, your kidneys will retain water by concentrating urine. This allows waste to be excreted while water remains in the body for important biological functions. The concentration of urine influences the colour and smell. What does water do in your body?

    Not only do the kidneys monitor the urine concentration, but they also retain moisture by reducing urine production. If the body is severely dehydrated, the kidneys completely stop urine production.

In short: the colour and quantity of your urine production are good indicators of your fluid balance. Dark yellow urine or low urine production are signs of dehydration.

    Fatigue or sleepiness

    Fatigue can have many different causes, but dehydration can be one of them. Studies have shown that 1 to 3 per cent fluid loss of your body weight is seen as mild dehydration. This can cause fatigue and drowsiness during normal daily activities and also reduce endurance during exercise.

In short: Fatigue or drowsiness can be a sign of dehydration. Drinking water can give you energy and make you more alert.


    Dehydration can cause headaches or migraine in some people. Fortunately, headaches can easily be remedied by dehydration by drinking water.

Remember that there are many different types of headaches that are not all caused by a lack of fluid. Nevertheless, it may be a signal that your body needs water.

In short: Dehydration can cause headaches. In most cases, drinking water can cause headaches caused by dehydration.

    Changes in skin elasticity

    Dehydration can cause changes in the appearance and structure of your skin. Your skin consists of about 30 per cent water and is responsible for firmness and elasticity. To check the elasticity of the skin, pull it with your thumb and forefinger. If you are well hydrated, your skin immediately jumps back when you release it. If it takes half a second or longer for your skin to retreat to its normal shape, you may be dehydrated.

In short: Reduced elasticity is a signal of dehydration. A skin that feels dry, cool and clammy may be dehydrated.

    Muscle cramp

    Muscle cramps can be a signal of dehydration. Cramp occurs especially when dehydration is caused by excessive sweating. By sweating you can lose a lot of fluid and sodium, an electrolyte that plays a role in muscle contractions. When your supply of fluid and sodium runs out, muscles can sometimes contract involuntarily. This is known as a muscle cramp.

In short: A shortage of fluid and sodium can lead to muscle cramps. Drinking water is especially important during strenuous exercise.

    Blood pressure

    Low blood pressure can be a symptom of dehydration. Dehydration lowers blood volume in the body, reducing the pressure on the artery walls. With low blood pressure, you can get a light feeling in your head or dizzy when you stand up from a lying position. This is because your heart needs to pump faster to get blood to the brain if there is too little fluid in the body.

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Caboolture South

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