Water Cooler Taringa

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Taringa

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Reasons to drink more water

Water is necessary

Although we know, we often drink too little. Drinking water is necessary for good health. The European Health Service advises men to drink an average of 2 ½ liters of water per day, for women that is 2 liters. Are you a regular athlete? Then you need more moisture. Also during exercise, it is important to maintain your moisture content because otherwise, you run the risk of dehydration. Regular hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the body. But why exactly is water so important? Drinking water sources. Almost 60% of the human body consists of water; the brain consists of 70% water and the lungs almost 90%. 5 Tips to drink plenty of water at the office. In addition, muscle tissue contains about 75% water, body fat contains 10% water and bones 22%. Approximately 83% of our blood consists of water, which in turn helps with digestion, transport of waste and regulating body temperature.

Good reasons why you should drink water

1 Good for the brain

The brain consists of 80% water. Drinking enough water is necessary because otherwise, you will feel dizzy, nervous and tired. In addition, your concentration is a lot less when you drink too little, just like your short-term memory. It is therefore very important to drink enough every day. Lemon juice in your water - Super healthy.
2 Ensures healthy kidneys

Our kidneys filter waste products from the blood and transport urine to the bladder. As long as the kidneys receive enough fluid, they can, in principle, perform these functions properly. However, when someone consistently drinks too little, they run a higher risk of developing kidney stones. The colour of your urine shows if you drink enough water. If your urine is light-coloured and almost odourless, you are likely to drink enough. If your urine is dark yellow then it is too concentrated and you probably drink too little. Drinking a lot of water also helps to prevent bladder infections.
3 Gives you healthy skin

Drinking water hydrates the skin in depth from the inside. Poorly hydrated skin looks dull. And will be rather dry where wrinkles will appear sooner. However, an overdose of water will not rid your skin of all unevenness. As soon as your skin is sufficiently hydrated, your kidneys take over and excrete the excess fluid. Drinking enough water will improve your skin condition. In addition, you also make new saliva by drinking water, which ensures the moistening of the tongue and mouth.
4 Is as fuel for your muscles

Water is also of great importance for the proper functioning of our muscles. If your cells do not contain enough fluid, you are more likely to suffer from muscle spasms and are more likely to perform less well. It makes you slower and strength exercises are more difficult for you. Drink half a litre before exercise and then fill up regularly. In addition, muscle pain, painful joints and general stresses in the body are more common in dehydration. Tap water is not healthy anymore, therefore filter.
5 Prevents constipation

In the West, about 17% of the population suffers from constipation without an apparent cause. However, daily drinking of water can prevent constipation. Those who drink too little will have to go to the toilet less frequently because the intestine draws water from your bowel movements to stay hydrated. Drinking 1.5 litres of water daily removes the waste from the digestive system and reduces the risk of constipation by hydrating the bowel movements. The fluid inflates the fibres so that they can more easily clean your entire intestinal tract.
6 Gives extra energy

If there is too little drinking, there may be a risk of dehydration. When you are dehydrated, your energy flows away and you feel tired. This can even happen with a mild form of dehydration of 1 or 2% of your body weight. During the onset of dehydration symptoms, symptoms of fatigue occur immediately. And if you are thirsty then you are already dehydrated.
7 Agent against headache

Another symptom of dehydration is headache. Often when we have a headache it is often that we have drunk too little water. There are of course many other causes for headaches.
8 Adjusts your temperature

A very important function of water in our body is to keep our body temperature constant. Our own personal air conditioning is set at 37 degrees Celsius. This is achieved by perspiring. We perspire during strenuous exercise, in warm places or when we are ill. Through sweat, our body is cooled down on the outside. The sweat drips from your body and evaporates. The heat that is needed for this is removed from your body and cools you off.

Prestige Water Cooler Taringa, Water Dispenser Taringa, Water Filter Taringa


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