Water Cooler Gilgandra

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Gilgandra

Water Cooler Gilgandra Bench Top   Bench Top Water dispenser Gilgandra: Water Dispenser Gilgandra Bench Top

Water Cooler Gilgandra Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Gilgandra: Water Dispenser Gilgandra Floor Standing

Water Cooler Gilgandra Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Gilgandra: Water Dispenser Gilgandra Exclusive Stainless Steel

TIP: Drinking water, Why?

There can be no life without water. We have to keep drinking constantly to hydrate our bodies sufficiently. Drinking lemon water in the morning is good for you. Our body consists of 70 to 75% water. This percentage must be maintained for good health. After oxygen, water is the most important element we feed our bodies with. Dehydration can occur in any season. It is therefore necessary to drink enough water even in the cold months.

It is almost impossible for the body to extract water from, for example, fruit and vegetables. That is why it is essential to drink extra water. Coffee, alcohol and soft drinks remove water from the body and also prevent good digestion of the large amounts of sugar that are added to them. What does drinking 2 litres of water a day do with your body? Drink more water from your Water Cooler Gilgandra.

Water plays an essential role in body functions

  • Our blood consists of 90% water and the brain even contains 96% water. It is clear that water of good quality is essential for good health. Tap water is (in the Netherlands) of excellent quality. So do not be tempted to always buy expensive bottled water. Not necessary at all.
  • Water is essential for proper digestion, the absorption of nutrients and chemical reactions in the body.
  • Water is essential for proper circulation and determines the health of every cell.
  • Water is essential for the removal of waste and mainly in the digestive system. A low PH value is the biggest enemy of our body. Drinking 'de-acidified', alkaline water (pH> 8) can give health a huge boost.

Water is essential in regulating our body temperature. For optimal regulation of the body temperature, we must get at least 2 litres of water from a Water Cooler Gilgandra. If we constantly fail to drink enough water, this may result in Chronic Cellular Dehydration. Characteristics of this chronic disorder are nutritional deficiencies, frequent colds and flu and reduced recovery capacity of training. Bottled water contains fewer minerals than tap water.

Make your body less acidic

Water with, preferably, a pH value of> 7.5 lowers the acidity of our body. The body becomes more basic. Ideally, our body tissue has a pH value of around 7.4. So a little basic. But often we do not get that value. We are a bit soured, due to stress, poor nutrition, wrong/excessive training, environmental pollution and medication. Too high acidity in your body causes, among other things, bone decalcification. Diseases thrive in an acid environment and it is therefore important to ensure this acid-base balance. Therefore, be cautious with animal products (including milk), sugars, white meals, yeast, alcohol and coffee: these will acidify your body.

Eat a lot of fruit, vegetables, seeds and legumes.

Start your day with a glass of hot water with lemon juice. Use the hot water tap from your Water Cooler Gilgandra. Such a sour lemon? Yes. Sounds strange, does not it? Lemon is acid in itself, but in your body it becomes alkaline. An acidic body is susceptible to all kinds of diseases, while an alkaline body here protects against them.

Drink more and more water

The minimum amount of water that a healthy adult of about 80 kg. should drink for maintaining good health is about 2.5 litres. For each additional 10 kg, about 250 ml extra should be drunk. Divide the amount of water to drink over the whole day instead of drinking the entire amount in a short period of time. Many people find it annoying that they have to go to the toilet because of the larger amount of water they have to drink. What does drinking water really does for your skin? However, the bladder will become accustomed to this increased amount within a few days. Do not wait with drinking until you are thirsty; the thirst signal only takes effect when the body is already experiencing symptoms of dehydration.

Water: the healthiest (and cheapest!) Supplement that is available

Water is also the cheapest and most effective 'supplement' if we want to promote an increase in strength and endurance. Most people, including top athletes, drink too little water every day, which means they are constantly dehydrated, as it were. Most drinking water comes from the ground. If we hydrate the body sufficiently, ie if we restore the moisture balance by drinking enough water, then the strength will increase by 10-15% and the endurance by as much as 20-30%. Water is, in addition to oxygen, simply the most important food for our body.

Prestige Water Cooler Gilgandra, Water Dispenser Gilgandra, Water Filter Gilgandra

Gilgandra, Balladoran, Curban.

Benchtop Water Cooler Gilgandra
Floor Standing Water Cooler Gilgandra
Exclusive Water Cooler Gilgandra

Why is Filtered Water so Important?