Water Cooler Broulee

Drink healthy water with Prestige Water Broulee

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Drinking Water: Discover the power of pure water!

Drinking water is healthy. We all know that. Because your body consists largely of water and can not be without it. It is a primary and therefore essential fuel. It is involved in all kinds of body processes. It regulates your body temperature and blood pressure ensuring that nutrients come in the right places in your body and contribute to waste disposal¹. In this article why do you need to make your number 1 water thirst lesser? It offers endless many health benefits. Hey Read on and discover more about the power of pure water. Of course, I also give you some tips to drink more water from a Water Cooler Broulee.

The human body and water

A human being consists largely of water. Men for about 60% and women for about 55%. The difference between both sexes is that men generally have more muscle mass. But, also length and weight affect the amount. In addition, the brain consists of almost 90% of water, your heart and lungs about 79% and you live 70%. The drizzle is your bones and teeth. These contain 22% and 10% water, respectively. And ... if I tell you that you can survive without water for up to four days, you will not be surprised. Water is simply indispensable for your body to work optimally and thus keep it healthy.

Discover the Power of Water Drinking: 10 Health Benefits! The truth about drinking water.

1. Weight loss

Do you want to lose a few pounds? Do not forget to carry a bottle of water with you. Why? Because drinking water is a good replacement for calorie-rich soft drinks and fruit juices. Then it also seems to suppress the appetite and to cope with it ². After all, it happens quite often that hunger and thirst are confused. Finally, studies show that drinking half a litre of water increases your metabolism rate by more than 24% over one and a half hours. Drinking filtered water from a Water Cooler Broulee will help losing weight.

2. Gives energy

Drinking water is the best way to keep your moisture balance up to date. Do not you drink enough water? Then you dry out and your body is no longer functioning properly. Your energy decreases and you feel futile. You get dizzy, your concentration decreases and gets a headache. That's not strange, because water plays a big role in all kinds of cells and tissues. Do you drink enough water from your Water Cooler Broulee? Then keep your energy up and it will also improve your reaction rate! 7 Ways to influence your energy intake.

3. Prevents headache

Are you busy all day? Do you run from hot to her? Do you feel a jerky head coming up? Do not take paracetamol straight away, but take a few glasses of water. Because headache5 is a feature of dehydration. So keep your moisture level up and drink plenty of water from a Water Cooler Brouleein one day. The same goes for a hangover. Because that is also a sign of moisture shortage.

4. Beautiful skin

Do you want beautiful shining skin? Drinking water helps. Because, because of this, your skin remains hydrated so it does not dry out, thus reducing the risk of wrinkles and even pimples6. Did you know that moisture retention often also is a signal of dehydration? In short, drink water if your skin is sweet.

5. Supports your heart

Your heart also makes you have a lot of fun by drinking enough water. Because you do not drink enough water? Then your blood becomes thicker, making it work harder to pump it around. According to American research, those who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day have a 41% less chance of having a heart attack than those who drink less than 2 glasses a day 7.

6. Boost your brain

Water also makes your brain well. Perhaps not so strange, because your brain consists of 90% of water. Does this amount take off? Then it does not only lead to headaches. Your concentration, production and thinking capacity also decreases. So keep your moisture balance in balance to keep fresh, and alert and maintain the right focus. There is a study that shows that drinking enough water makes you even smarter.

7. Strengthens your immune system

There are studies that state that drinking water supports your immune system. This will prevent you from drying out the mucous membranes. This makes you better resistant to cold and flu viruses. It also seems to be good for intestinal problems and helps with rheumatism.

8. healthy muscles

Do you sport? Then you're sweating. Do not you fill that moisture loss in time? Then it affects your performance. You get tired sooner and can even get cramps. This indicates a lack of moisture. Prevent that by keeping your water management on the level during training. Proper hydration helps you to perform better.

9. Good digestion

For optimal functioning of your digestive system, moisture is required. Because your intestines need water once to do their work well. Insufficient water drinking can lead to constipation¹º in both young and old. Therefore, make sure you drink enough water. The overall opinion is 1.5 litres per day¹¹. Can you go to the toilet faster if you drink lukewarm water?

10. Optimal renal function

Also for your kidneys enough water drinking is important. This body is responsible for the internal processing of waste that your body produces. Do not you drink enough? The more difficult it becomes. Wastes accumulate, can cure and that can lead to kidney stones. Do you maintain your water intake? Then your kidneys will not be overloaded and wastewater discharge to your bladder without any problems¹². Useful to know: the lighter the urine the better the waste is discharged.

That's how you drink plenty of water daily!

The daily moisture requirement is about 2.8 litres. About 300 millilitres deliver your body and about 1 litre of your food. The remaining one and a half litre must be fed into your drink. But, how do you make sure you get that amount every day? My tips to get enough water!

- Make water drinking a routine. So start it when you get up. Also good to supplement the night's moisture loss. Drink your snacks and eat water plus sleep before going to sleep.

- Are you leaving the door? Always take a bottle of water, so you're always at your fingertips. As a reminder and you can finally keep track of whether you drink enough water or not.

- Also, by eating more watery food you can increase your water intake. Watery foods include: lettuce (96%), cucumber (94%), tomatoes (93%), broccoli (92%), carrots (90%), watermelon (90%) and grapefruit (88%). An additional advantage is that you increase your daily intake of vegetables so easily.

- Do you like pure water drinking boring? Then add a taste. Options include mint leaves, slices of lemon or small pieces of fruit. Certainly in combination with mineral water is that super leak.

- Also setting an alarm is a good option to drink more water. Set the alarm on your smartphone or, for example, on your computer when you work. Moreover? There are also apps that allow you to control and track how much water you take.

Benchtop Water Cooler Broulee
Floor Standing Water Cooler Broulee
Exclusive Water Cooler Broulee

Healthy drink water after filtration from your water cooler Broulee

In principle, our body can clean itself well. Our lifestyle and dietary pattern play a major role in this. A healthy body can rid itself of waste products and is supported by the excretory organs such as the kidneys, skin, liver, intestines, lungs and mucous membranes.

Our body can clean itself perfectly

The cleaning organs are well supported using nutrition. The body cleans continuously through, for example, sweating, breathing, urinating and defecating. This is also the difference with detoxing. In detoxification, we remove accumulated toxins from the body. Our bodies are daily burdened with toxic substances, such as synthetic additives from food, air pollution, medication, and pesticide residues.

Some of these substances, such as pesticides, can be stored in the body. The liver has an important task in this. Both toxins from the body itself and toxins from outside the body are broken down (converted) by the liver and excreted by the excretory organs.
Is my liver out of balance?

But how do you know if your liver is out of balance? If your body has built up too many toxins, it will want to get rid of them. Think, for example, of excessive sweating, fatigue, and headache. strong smelling breath, difficulty starting in the morning and waking up at around 2-3 am, poor and blurred vision, nausea, poor adherence to fatty foods, troubled skin, aching joints, mild hay fever, chronic inflammation, and intestinal complaints. Great tasting drinking water from your water cooler Broulee. How do I get more energy?

In addition to physical complaints, there are also many emotional complaints such as changing moods, being nervous, easily irritated and restless. Everyone knows the expression "have something on your liver". According to Ayurveda, a liver in balance provides good immunity and a relaxed and pleasant feeling.

A hot water cure is by far the cheapest delivery support available. You can perform this course to different degrees. Alkaline water is the nature of water.

Boil 1.2 litres of water in the morning and let it boil for about 20 minutes. Long cooking will fuel the "digestive fire." This increases metabolism and promotes detoxification. Pour the boiling water into a thermos and add some fresh ginger, a teaspoon of turmeric and some honey.

Only hot water from your water cooler Broulee is also possible, see what works best for you. Drink small sips of hot water during the day. Make sure you drink all the water before 3 pm. The liver is very active from 3 p.m. to 3 a.m.

You do this for 5 days in a row, then not for 2 days. Keep this up for 3 weeks. You can also follow this hot water treatment for 10 to 3 days.

During the course, you eat and drink according to your normal, healthy diet.
Let's detox!

Drink plenty of filtered alkaline water with minerals from the benchtop and floor standing water cooler Broulee

You can see that a whole range of health problems can be influenced by your drinking behaviour - even if this is of course no guarantee for eternal health.

Above all, the question arises as to which water you drink, because we often do not even know whether our tap water is healthy.

Drinking water makes your skin beautiful

You don't have to slather tubes of moisturizing lotions on your skin. What does water do for your skin?

Our skin cells need a lot of liquid and absorb water like a sponge - but it works much better from the inside than from the outside.

The storage capacity of the skin decreases the less water is available to the body.

The result is dry skin, impurities, cellulite, acne, reduced elasticity and the formation of wrinkles. Your skin just doesn't look as smooth anymore.

Test the hydration of your skin by forming a fold of skin with your right hand on your left wrist and letting go. You're not drinking enough if the wrinkle doesn't go away right away.

To say goodbye to rough, flaky, and cracked skin, drink enough water every day.

Drink water to enjoy the benefits.


In summary, one can say that headaches, concentration or circulatory problems, dry skin, dark urine and constipation indicate a lack of fluids.

Healthy people are recommended to drink 1.5 - 2 litres of water daily. Depending on individual parameters (e.g. age, weight, activity) also up to 4 litres.

This rule of thumb will help you more precisely with the assessment:

    Body weight / 30 = water requirement

As you can see, there are some good reasons to drink more water. Here are more tips on how to drink more water if you are convinced, but are still having problems with the implementation.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?