Water Cooler Benowa

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Benowa

Water Cooler Benowa Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Benowa: Water Dispenser Benowa Benchtop

Water Cooler Benowa Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Benowa: Water Dispenser Benowa Floor Standing

Water Cooler Benowa Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Benowa: Water Dispenser Benowa Exclusive Stainless Steel

6 Good reasons to drink more water from your water cooler Benowa

We all know that water is better than soft drinks. But why is water so healthy and what does it do to our bodies?

How much?

The expertise centre for health promotion and disease prevention encourages adults to drink 1.5 litres daily, at least a litre of water. The remaining half-litre is also preferably made of water, but you can also choose coffee (without milk or sugar), tea (also without additives) or light soft drinks (with a maximum of 5 kcal per 100 ml). The total moisture requirement is at least 2.5 litres, but that extra litre can be found in food, milk products and fruit juice. People with a physically demanding jobs, athletes, the elderly and young children must pay extra attention to their fluid intake. Having a full glass of water all the time. Drink heaps of filtered water from a Water Cooler Benowa.

1. Your fluid balance up to standard

Our body consists of more than sixty per cent of water. We constantly lose water - think of evaporation through the skin, but also when breathing, on the toilet and through sweating - and that lost water needs to be replenished daily to stay healthy. Is the loss not in balance with what you add? Then you can become dehydrated. Especially in a warmer country, at great heights and during intensive and long-term sports sessions you have to refuel sufficiently. Older people, who feel less thirsty, also run a greater risk of dehydration.
Consider water as a nutrient that your body needs to function properly. Healthy drinking water made from your own tap from a Water Cooler Benowa. Sufficient body fluids benefit the digestive system, direct the transport of other nutrients and keep your body temperature up to standard. Your brain communicates with your kidneys about the amount of water they are allowed to excrete and how much they need to keep as a reserve. Can your body use extra fluid? Then your brain starts the thirst mechanism. A signal that you should not ignore!

2. Calories under control

Unfortunately, many people confuse such a thirst signal with a grumbling stomach. That's why nutritionists recommend that you drink a large glass of water before you start to snack. The chances are that you are just as satisfied. Drinking a lot of water is not a magic trick to reduce the kilos, but it helps to keep your calorie intake within bounds. Replace sugary drinks with water and regularly choose foods with high water content: your line will thank you. Fruit, vegetables and soup based on broth are rich in water from a Water Cooler Benowa and are absorbed more slowly by the body, which makes you feel full longer.

3. Smooth intestinal transit

In Europe, it is estimated that more than seventeen per cent of the population suffers from functional constipation (long-term constipation with no apparent cause). Especially women would suffer from it. Fortunately, the right amount of water every day ensures that everything runs smoothly in your gastrointestinal tract and can thus prevent constipation. Those who drink too little will have to go to the toilet less frequently because the intestine draws water from your bowel movements to stay hydrated. Water and sufficient fibre form a golden duo for the health of your intestines: the fluid blows up the fibres, so they can easily wipe your entire intestine. Although the one water is just a little better than the other. For example, research showed that Hépar, water containing no less than 119 mg of magnesium per litre, benefits intestinal transit. Anyone who spends a litre of spills on a daily basis would achieve good results after just two weeks.

4. Boost your productivity

A productive working day starts with a glass of water because the human brain would function better if the body gets enough fluid. Tap water vs Filtered water. The grey mass of someone with thirst continuously sends the signal 'I want water. Only after that question is met can he fully focus on his task (at home or at work).

5. Extra energy

You thought coffee was the ideal drink to wake up with? Wrong! After seven to eight hours of fasting, your body needs water. Therefore, rinse all toxins every morning, hydrate your brain for a fresh spirit and fill your stomach with a drink that does not contain calories before you drop into breakfast. There are no calories in the water from a Water Cooler Benowa. Better health with Prestige Water.

6. Beautiful skin

Your skin and drinking water. Toxins in the body can cause the skin to ignite, so you end up with clogged pores and pimples. If you consider that you can wash away a lot of those culprits by drinking enough water, you immediately know what you have to do! Those who drink too little will get dry, dull skin faster and wrinkles will be easier to put up. Good hydration - a combination of drinking enough water and moisturizing cream - helps to prevent fine lines. Although an overdose of water will not rid your skin miraculously from all unevenness: as soon as your skin is sufficiently hydrated, your kidneys take over and the excess fluid is simply excreted.

Prestige Water Cooler Benowa, Water Dispenser Benowa, Water Filter Benowa

Benchtop Water Cooler Benowa
Floor Standing Water Cooler Benowa
Exclusive Water Cooler Benowa

Healthy water after an 8-stage filtration from your water cooler Benowa

When your baby is six months old, breast and bottle feeding is often phased out, so it needs to stay hydrated in a different way. But what can your baby drink and how much water exactly?

When should my baby drink more water?

During the first 6 months, your baby will have plenty of fluids from the breast or bottle feeding he receives. If you are already watering, your baby may not be hungry enough to be fed. A baby older than 6 months still drinks at least 1/2 litre of milk per day.

In addition to the solid food, which also contains moisture, your baby needs extra moisture, especially in warm weather. Always choose flat, mineral-poor water. Filtered water from Prestige Water, is suitable for making bottled food and is therefore also the perfect thirst quencher for your little one. You buy that water at your local supermarket.

This way you can encourage your baby to drink more water.

Every child is different, so everyone will get used to drinking water differently. One baby likes to drink it, while the other is more difficult to seduce with H2O. Fortunately, there are enough tricks to make that transition smoother.

1. Snack, water, bottle

Some babies find it difficult to suddenly get a different kind of food. Therefore, it can help to make the transition smooth. For example, start with a little solid food, then some water and then the bottle that he or she is already used to. After a while, you can leave the bottle out and then later you can also disconnect the snack from the drink.

2. Tea?

Some babies love tea. Choose a tea with a light taste, such as a fruit tea. Avoid teas that contain caffeine such as green and black teas. Never put sugar or other sweeteners in the tea.

3. Fresh fruit juice

You can also occasionally give your little one fresh fruit or vegetable juice. Make sure that this is not the norm and that it is always without added sugars. So never choose the fruit juices in the supermarket, but make them yourself.

4. Infused water from your water cooler Benowa

What does drinking 2 litres of water a day do with your body? You can also give water a light taste in a very simple way by infusing it. You do this by putting pieces of fruit or vegetables in the water. You then fish out those pieces when you fill a cup for your baby. Cucumber has a very mild taste, but strawberries or lime also taste good. Drop in at your supermarket for inspiration. Then you can also be sure that your ingredients are fresh. Experiment with what you find in the racks of seasonal vegetables and fruits and you will soon find out what your baby likes. Add fruit to the water from your water cooler Benowa for even better taste and health. Bottled water contains fewer minerals than tap water.

5. No sugared drinks

You better avoid this with a baby. The sugar in those drinks is very bad for your little one's teeth and it also curbs appetite. Fortunately, you have plenty of other options.

Healthy drink water with minerals from the benchtop and floor standing filtered alkaline water coolers Benowa

Juice and spritzers for pregnant women

If pure water is too boring for you in the long run, you can also use fruit juice spritzers. Since ready-made juices often contain a lot of added sugar, you'll be fine if you mix the spritzer yourself. However, it is important to pay close attention when buying juice: Pure fruit juices consist exclusively of pressed juice, while nectar only partially contains fruit juice and has a high content of added sweeteners. For the fruit juice spritzer during pregnancy, you should use pure juices to avoid consuming too much sugar.

Teas for pregnant women

Fruit and herbal teas can be a great alternative to water and fruit juice spritzers. In the best case, pregnant women drink them unsweetened, but there is nothing wrong with sweetening them with honey. Preferably use fruit teas, as not all herbal teas are equally suitable.

Herbal teas that pregnant women can safely use are:

  • Mint tea
  • Camomile tea

What drinking water really does for your skin

Why is Filtered Water so Important?