Water Cooler Belli Park

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Belli Park

Water Cooler Belli Park Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Belli Park: Water Dispenser Belli Park Benchtop

Water Cooler Belli Park Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Belli Park: Water Dispenser Belli Park Floor Standing

Water Cooler Belli Park Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Belli Park: Water Dispenser Belli Park Exclusive Stainless Steel

Drinking water

How do you know if you are drinking enough water? Sufficient intake of moisture provides many benefits in terms of promoting our health and thus also becoming fit and/or staying. That is not so surprising when you know that our body consists of a large part of moisture, namely 55 to 75%. For example, our blood, depending on the source, would consist of 83 to 92% water. But also our muscles (75%), the brain (74%) and even our bones are 22% water. Drink great-tasting water made from your own tap from a Water Cooler Belli Park. So moisture is necessary for our survival. It stimulates the smooth functioning of our bodily functions such as:

  •     supporting the digestion of nutrients
  •     the removal of waste products from our body (via the kidneys)
  •     protect our organs and tissues
  •     the 'lubrication' of joints and membranes
  •     regulating our body temperature

But what is sufficient drinking?

As with everything, here too: "exaggeration is never good". Under normal circumstances, you should absorb 0.03 litres of fluid per kilogram of body weight. So for a person of 80kg, this amounts to 2.4 litres. You should drink 1.5 to 2 litres per day. It is not that 3 litres of drinking are twice as good for your body. If you absorb too much fluid you pee this out and that is how you excrete many good substances (vitamins and minerals). With more than normal sweating (due to fever, exercise, hereditary predisposition or warm weather) or with diarrhea, you need more fluid.

Where is the difference between drinking and absorbing fluid?

You also absorb moisture by, for example, eating soup and eating solid food with a high water percentage. Why drinking water is good for your hair. Although there is often not too much moisture in the foods we eat. Sometimes the natural water percentage does decrease during cooking or when processing food products into ready-to-use products. There is a lot of water in fresh fruit and vegetables. If you eat enough of this every day, you will get a litre of water so often. Healthy drink water from a Water Cooler Belli Park.

Do I have to drink water?

As mentioned above, it is sufficient to absorb moisture. Water is certainly preferable to soft drinks or fruit juices. These often contain so much sugar that you get more thirsty, it is bad for your teeth. The fifth basic rule from the WordFit diet plan does not mean anything to limit (refined) sugars! Also, the high acidity in soft drinks and juices is not particularly conducive to health. If you prefer to drink your water, with a bag of tea in it, this is also good. The light versions? The sugar has been replaced with artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners give a confusing signal to our brains that there is food (energy) on the way to the stomach. But because the substances do not contain calories, that promised energy never comes! Our brains continue to give off 'hunger signals' until real food has arrived. People who drink 'sugar-free' drink all day, therefore almost always eat too much! Healthy drinks instead of water. Hot and cold filtered water straight from a Water Cooler Belli Park.

Important info for when you want to lose weight:

The less water we drink, the more your body will be inclined to hold water for 'later'. Because the cells in our bodies swell through their cherished water supplies, moisture accumulates. In this way we often look bloated, feel like that and weigh more. A water shortage can lead to too much food. This is because the brain does not distinguish between hunger and thirst. So it may happen that you think you are hungry, while your body really only needs water. Always drink a large glass of water before you start to eat something. This 'gnawing hunger' often disappears quickly.

Some more tips:

  • To start the day well you can start drinking a glass of water. Soft drinks, up to 7 cubes of sugar. This will start your metabolism and fill in the fluid that you have lost during the night. You often feel more awake and fresher!
  • The point is that you keep drinking enough water throughout the day. Never drink too much water at once and do not drink too quickly. Then the precious fluid flows through your body much too quickly. In the first few days, you may visit the toilet more often than usual. Your body is no longer used to being so spoiled with a constant supply of water. You will see that your weight decreases as your body considers all water supplies to be superfluous and it begins to drain away.

Prestige Water Cooler Belli Park, Water Dispenser Belli Park, Water Filter Belli Park

Benchtop Water Cooler Belli Park
Floor Standing Water Cooler Belli Park
Exclusive Water Cooler Belli Park

Great tasting water from a water cooler Belli Park

Your body is about 2/3 of water. If you do not pay attention to taking in enough fluids, this can lead to a whole range of health problems. Just think of dark urine, accelerated heartbeat, and low blood pressure,... But it even has an effect on your menopause symptoms! 6 Fact about drinking water.

1. Your joints

Dehydration can cause inflammation of the joints and thus bring pain.

2. Your skin

In the transition, you will have to deal with drier skin. This is due to reduced estrogen production. On top of that, if you are also dehydrated, your skin will become completely dehydrated. Think wrinkles, scaly skin, ... Not what you want! Your skin may even start to itch from dehydration.

3. Your mood

If you drink too little, you can experience mood swings, anxiety and panic attacks, stress and palpitations. And during the transition, you already run an increased risk of these kinds of complaints.

4. Your memory

Dehydration has a negative effect on your memory function. This way you will experience more forgetfulness and brain fog.

5. Headache

Headache is a well-known and common symptom of dehydration. A drastic drop in estrogen and progesterone levels during menopause can also lead to headaches and migraines, especially around the period of menstruation.

6. Constipation

One of the best reasons to drink more water during menopause is to combat constipation and bloating. After all, your digestion stops when the moisture level in your body is insufficiently high.
Hot flashes

Dehydration has an effect on your nervous system. As a result, you can suffer more from hot flashes. In addition, you should drink extra if you regularly have hot flashes. After all, through a lot of sweating, you lose a lot of moisture and that has to be replenished in the form of water. If you don't, you will become even more dehydrated and enter a vicious circle.

8. Fatigue

If you drink too little, you have less energy. That makes you feel extra tired. And that while you are already experiencing a lot of fatigue in the transition.

9. Bladder problems

Dehydration can irritate your bladder. This can cause a variety of bladder problems, including bladder infections. Many menopausal women just don't want to drink too much because they fear that they will have to go to the toilet even more often. However, you should always drink one and a half to two litres of water a day!

10. Palpitations at night

Do you often suffer from palpitations at night? Then you should definitely drink enough. After all, dehydration provokes this even more.

Tips to drink more water from your water cooler Belli Park

Now you probably think, "Okay. Easy. So I just have to drink more water. " And it is that simple indeed. Only Many people find it very difficult to drink more water. This is difficult, especially for people where the feeling of thirst is barely existing. After all, they do not get a signal from their brains when they are thirsty and with difficulty drinking half a litre of water in one day.

By the way, coffee, tea and soft drinks do not count as part of your fluid intake. After all, drinks that contain sugar or artificial sweeteners are not good for you.

Also, be careful not to drink too cold water as this can mess up your digestive system. Also, do not start drinking two litres of water a day from one day to the next, if you normally drink little or no water. Build up your fluid intake gradually. For example, you can drink 1 glass of water from your water cooler Belli Park every day, until you get the right amount. That way, your kidneys can also get used to the larger amount of water and you won't be bothered by the toilet.

Read also: Anti-colds and drinking water

Healthy water with minerals from the filtered alkaline benchtop and floor standing water coolers Belli Park

Non-alcoholic beverages for pregnant women

With regard to non-alcoholic beverages - such as non-alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic wine or sparkling wine - there are great uncertainties. In principle, there is no danger for the child from these alcohol-free alternatives. Although beer can be considered alcohol-free up to an alcohol content of 0.5 per cent by volume, this amount is so small that it is classified as harmless. Pregnant women can be sure with the 0.0% varieties of many beer brands because these can only be labelled as such if they are really completely alcohol-free.

Read also: Benefits of drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach

Why is Filtered Water so Important?