Water Cooler Bilinga

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Bilinga

Water Cooler Belinga Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Bilinga: Water Dispenser Belinga Benchtop

Water Cooler Belinga Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Bilinga: Water Dispenser Belinga Floor Standing

Water Cooler Belinga Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Bilinga: Water Dispenser Belinga Exclusive Stainless Steel

8 Signals that you need to drink more water

Drink more water as soon as you see one of these signs. Have a full glass of water all the time. By drinking more water, you reverse the symptoms. Always drink in moderation so that you do not disturb the balance in the body. Tap water vs filtered water. Great tasting water after filtration from a Water Cooler Bilinga.

8 signals that you need to drink more water

An estimated 70 per cent of the body consists of water. That is why you can not be without water for more than a week without risking your life. Drinking more water is therefore vitally important. Water is of vital importance. It is an important fluid for the metabolism and for the catabolic reactions in the body. Moreover, it is healthy for the skin, hair and nails. Sometimes you fail to drink the required amount of water every day. This is a problem for the body because as a result of this lack of moisture you can develop serious physical and even mental disorders. Although thirst is the clearest sign of dehydration, there are other and stronger signals. These are actually a warning that your liquid level is dangerously low. What signals do we have?

1. Change your urine habits

Urge to drink. A healthy person pee on average six to seven times a day. However, this differs from person to person depending on the amount of fluid a person drinks during the day. If you have to pee only two to three times a day, you really need to increase your water consumption. If necessary, consult a doctor. Drinking insufficient water from a Water Cooler Bilinga directly affects the health of the kidneys and can lead to other serious complications.

2. Regular headache? Drink more water!

Regular headache is the result of a deficient balance of body fluid. Water is essential to maintain good blood circulation and to keep the reactions to inflammations in balance. If you suffer from headaches as a result of dehydration, the pain is usually more intense when you move. Someone who does not drink enough water will experience that tension headache every time he tries to move quickly. This can also happen with small efforts such as going up the stairs. Do you think fluid deficiency is the cause of your headache, drink water with mineral salts? There are so many minerals in the water from a Water Cooler Bilinga.

3. A dry mouth

If you drink too little water, you usually get a dry mouth. The body then fails to produce the normal amount of saliva because it contains insufficient fluid. The risk with this problem is that the acidity in the mouth gets out of balance. This can lead to inflammation in the oral cavity and in the throat. If you suffer from a dry mouth, keep a bottle of water handy and use a lip balm.

4. Change in the colour of the urine

A change in the colour of the urine is always a warning, especially if the urine also has a strong odour. When you drink inadequately, the kidneys have problems getting rid of toxins. As a result, the colour of the urine can change drastically. If the urine is dark or cloudy, you should consult a doctor. A doctor can exclude whether there is chronic dehydration or kidney disease. To solve this problem, you should gradually increase your water consumption. If you drink several glasses at the same time, this can cause other serious problems.

5. Fatigue

A lack of body fluids inhibits the uptake of oxygen in the cells. This leads to severe episodes of chronic fatigue. Some people think they can solve this with coffee or energy drinks, but they overload the liver and can aggravate the situation in the long term. To avoid this, keep the body hydrated by drinking a glass of warm water every morning.

6. Muscle cramps

In addition to causing dehydration, you will change the electrolyte level in the body by drinking too little water. That means that potassium, calcium and magnesium levels are reduced. This causes muscle cramps and pain.

7. Constipation

The daily consumption of water is essential to keep the intestines hydrated and to prevent constipation. If the moisture absorption is too low, the digestive system has a hard time discharging waste. As a result, the waste substances remain stuck in the colon.

8. Dry skin

Your skin and drinking water. To maintain hydrated and soft skin, you need to do more than use ointments and serums. The daily amount of water you consume prevents changes in the natural production of oils. It prevents the skin from drying out. At the same time, it eliminates the toxin that speeds up the aging process. If you notice that your skin is no longer producing oil, then that is a sign that you are dehydrated and need to drink more water from a Water Cooler Bilinga. Better health with Prestige Water.

Prestige Water Cooler Bilinga, Water Dispenser Bilinga, Water Filter Bilinga

Benchtop Water Cooler Bilinga
Floor Standing Water Cooler Bilinga
Exclusive Water Cooler Bilinga

This way you drink more water from your water cooler Bilinga without much effort

Here are six tips for drinking more water.

We all know that water is good for later. So it is a boost for your digestion and you get radiant skin. Now some easily tap eight or more glasses a day, but others have a lot of trouble with that. Therefore, here are six tips to drink more water without extra effort. 7 Ways to influence your energy intake.

6 Tips to Drink More Water

1 / Play a drinking game

Gossip that that is only fun with tequila. Instead of being drunk, water makes you more and more handsome. And so: make a team and some rules. Here's ours: a swig for every minute you wait for that conference call, a shot for every Facebook break, and glass if you're caught in a game of office gossip.

2 / Team up with someone

Agree on the following: a glass of water every hour. If not, you have to do ten burpees. And you don't want that ...

3 / Make it a party

Put a slice of lemon, lime or cucumber in your water. Or coin. Or a handful of raspberries. And, Bazaar's new favourite: kombucha - is better than it may sound.

4 / Have a glass of water next to your bed

That's not for tapping back just before bed, but for when you wake up in the middle of the night with a parched mouth and don't feel like getting up. And for when you wake up in the morning because the first thing you should do is drink a glass of water straight from your water cooler Bilinga.

5 / Use a straw

Do you remember when you learned in college that you got drunk that quicker? That's because drinking from straws - for inexplicable reasons - has enormous appeal, so you can drink your glass easier and faster. In this case filled with water, of course.

6 / Invest in a good water bottle

Then take the water bottle with you wherever you go. Healthy drink water from your water cooler Bilinga.  Drinking water is the best way to keep your moisture balance up to date. Dopper drinkers have already understood that well. Better for yourself and the environment. Plus, when you buy a big one, you don't have to get up from your desk all the time. Win-win situation, we think.

Healthy great tasting alkaline filtered water from the benchtop and floor standing water cooler Bellinga with minerals

Why do I have to drink so much during pregnancy?

As the pregnancy progresses from the first trimester to the final delivery date, your body goes through an amazing development: your blood volume increases by up to one litre for the growing baby. Also, your body is constantly producing amniotic fluid to keep your baby safe and secure. All of these processes require sufficient fluid intake so that blood and amniotic fluid can also be produced without problems. Tips for Summer

But that's not all: you and the baby also need the liquid as a transport medium in order to be adequately supplied with all vitamins and nutrients. In addition, regular drinking can also prevent headaches and water retention and help against constipation and nausea.

Does not drinking enough harm the baby?

If you forget to drink enough, it can lead to increased circulation problems, dizziness and headaches. Many pregnant women who do not drink enough fluids also report signs of pregnancy, such as constipation. Since the body always supplies the baby with everything it needs first, you don't have to worry about your baby if you haven't had enough to drink for a day or two. Just make sure to increase your hydration again for the sake of both of you.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?