Water Filter Eatons Hill

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Filter Eatons Hill

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Why is it so important to drink water

Benefits: Body processes

Water plays a major role in the human body, primarily as a solvent to transport nutrients and minerals through the body. The human body consists on average of 60-70% water, which is also necessary because it is used for many processes.

Transport nutrients

Your body needs nutrients to stay alive. All the food that you consume and the oxygen that you breathe must be spread over your body, this is done through blood. The oxygen you breathe and the nutrients you eat dissolve in your blood. Your blood is then pumped around so that the blood can spread nutrients and oxygen over your body. Because the blood vessel network is spread all over the body, every organ can be supplied with nutrients and oxygen.


92% consists of water, so in order to have enough blood, it is also necessary to have enough water. If the water balance is poor, blood can become too thick and clump together, which can have fatal consequences.

Adjust body temperature

Your body does a lot of effort to keep your temperature up to standard. Whether it is now -5 C or 20 C outside, your body will ensure that it does not become supercooled or overheated. In order not to overheat perspires your body, also known as sweating. In order to sweat, water is needed. When you have done a lot of effort, for example after sport, you have to replenish your water content.

It works detoxifying

There are small amounts of toxins in your diet and in your environment. Over time these toxins can build up in your body. When you drink a lot of water, your kidneys have less trouble filtering the blood and your body. Toxic substances can dissolve in the water and be excreted by your kidneys.

It is good for the joints

Joints are very complex and require good maintenance. In addition to exercising and stretching, drinking a lot of water is also good for your joints. Water is used in the joints to provide the joints with nutrients and to lubricate the joints. If you have a water shortage, this can have adverse effects on joints.

Water is good for your skin

Your skin is constantly in contact with its environment. As a result, water evaporates over the entire surface, causing your skin to dry out. When you drink plenty of water your skin will also be watered enough, so you will get wrinkles less quickly and your skin will stay healthy.

Other benefits

In addition to the important processes that make water possible, there are also other benefits to water.

To lose weight

Water does not contain calories, so when you want to lose weight water can come in handy. If you would drink water instead of soft drinks, the amount of calories you consume during the day is already a lot lower. Water also fills the stomach, so if you are hungry you can also replace your snacks with water. If you replace enough calories with water, that can certainly save a lot of kilograms in the long term!


The water is very refreshing. Lemon juice in your water - is super healthy. On a hot day, there is little that is better than an ice-cold glass of water. Because water contains no calories, you can almost always drink it without getting any adverse effects, as opposed to soft drinks, for example.

The dangers of water

Besides all the advantages mentioned there are also some disadvantages to water, so keep this in mind when you drink a lot of water.

Drink too much water

Our body can only process a limited amount of water. When someone drinks too much water this can seriously burden the body and water poisoning can occur. Our kidneys can process 0.8 to 1.0 litres of water per hour on average. If one day you drink more than one litre per hour on average, or many litres in a short time, water poisoning can occur. Water poisoning can cause symptoms such as vomiting, headaches, nausea and low breeding pressure. In serious cases, it is even possible to fall into a coma or die of it.

Contaminated water

Tap water is not healthy anymore, therefore filter. Not all water is suitable for drinking. When you drink a lot of water that is not sufficiently purified you can get sick and toxins can accumulate in your body. In Australia the quality of tap water is very high and extremely suitable for consumption. When you go on vacation it is wise to check if the water is suitable for drinking, this can prevent you from becoming ill.


What kind of water to drink? As you have read, there are many benefits to water, but also some disadvantages. With normal use of water, there will be no disadvantages. Since the quality of the water in Australia is so high, we could indeed say that water is healthy. Drink tasty! About Prestige Water.

Prestige Water Cooler Eatons Hill, Water Dispenser Eatons Hill, Water Filter Eatons Hill

Eatons Hill

Tips to drink more water from a Water Filter Eatons Hill

The Society for Nutrition recommends drinking 1.5 litres of water a day as a rough guide. However, the individual needs of a person differ depending on their physical activities, e.g. whether they play sports or do strenuous physical work.

Other factors that determine the individual water requirement are age, state of health (fever, vomiting?) and the ambient temperature (heat or cold).

A rule of thumb for determining individual needs (19-51 years) is: approx. 35 ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day.

With a body weight of 80 kg, this results in 2.8 litres of water. The guide value should therefore be regarded as a minimum quantity. Depending on the current body condition, the ambient temperature and your physical exertion, it can or should be more.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?