Water Cooler Woolgoolga

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Water: Do you drink enough

Enough drinking water seems inseparably connected to a healthy lifestyle. Mothers behind the Bugaboo to students in the tram, they all have a hot bottle of water. But how much do we actually have to drink a day? And how much is too much? The opinions about how much you should drink differ quite. The one apparently claims that one liter per day is sufficient, while the other one knows that two liters should be drunk daily. Still others warn just about "water poisoning" by drinking too much.

Difference between the sexes

In any case, it is important to drink as much as it suits your body. And that depends on several factors. For example, your gender. The body of the woman consists of about 52% of water and that of men for 63%. This difference is mainly due to the difference in body fat; Women have more fat and fatty tissue do not contain water, while fat-free mass accounts for more than 70% of water. Part of it is in the body cells, another part of the organs and blood vessels.

Functions of moisture

The moisture in our body has many functions. It regulates your body temperature and moisture content in your skin, detoxifies and cleanses the body through waste drains, it carries vitamins and minerals and is necessary for digestion. What does drinking water really does for your skin. For all these functions, your body needs about 2.5 liters of water daily. Bottled water contains less minerals than tap water.


When pregnant, the drinking rules need to be adjusted slightly. After all, you have to take care not only of yourself, but also for the new life in your belly. In addition to your normal moisture requirement, you need about 30 to 50 ml of extra moisture for the development of the fetus and the production of fruit water. Did you know that a glass of water for you rises in some women is also good for morning sickness?

Moisture from food

Water, an essential nutrient. The consumed liter of moisture should be supplemented to prevent dehydration, but that does not mean that you have to pour in almost three liters of water. If you eat healthy and varied, with plenty of fruit and vegetables you will get over a liter of water. The authorities in the water area call us to drink at least eight large glasses (= one and a half liters) daily until we need to take up the further moisture loss. Some experts go one more step and say that at least two liters are needed to remove all toxic substances from our body. Namely, our food does not only contain moisture, minerals, vitamins and fibers that are good for us, but also unwanted elements such as salts, fats, sugars and color and flavors. By drinking enough, the body can drain substances again.


One day you hide those large amounts of water more easily than the other. On some days you are uncomfortable with the last half liter of water. Alternation can then help. It is not said at all that the one and a half liters of moisture per day must be water. Who drinks breakfast in the morning with a cup of tea, in between three cups of coffee, takes four cups of tea and evening coffee and two glasses of water, fresh or juice have poured more than one and a half liters of moisture. Well, with the caffeine coffee and tea also having a slightly dehydrating effect. When you drink a lot, it can be useful to take a glass of water. Another tip to drink the water is more fun - and delicious - for example, to add fresh mint or lemon. In this way, the water gets a slight taste, but keeps you very healthy! Drink plenty of water! Give the body what it needs: Water.

Too much water

Except too little you can drink too much water! When you force yourself to drink something every five minutes or if you work more than three liters of moisture daily without actually losing these amounts, there is a risk of overloading your drainage system. The water is removed from the body, but it also takes on minerals that the body has not yet been able to process. And that causes an imbalance in the electrolytes - which are dissolved minerals in your bloodstream - that your body needs to function normally.
Urine & skin

But what is the best way to make sure you stay well hydrated? As a base you can hold six to eight large glasses of moisture a day. That's one to one and a half liters. Additionally, for example, you can use your urine as an indicator. If your urine is pale yellow, everything is fine. If your urine is almost colorless, you probably drink too much. If your urine is dark yellow and the amount becomes less then you should drink more. A rule of thumb is that you must produce at least one liter of light yellow urine daily. If you do not get this or your urine becomes dark, you will have to drink more. Your skin also indicates whether you have taken enough moisture: Take a piece of skin on the top of your hand between your thumb and index finger and squeeze it in. If you release the skin and it immediately becomes smooth, your moisture balance is alright. In case of dehydration, the pleat remains visible.


If you intend to breastfeed after giving birth, keep in mind that you need extra moisture. The loss of water due to your milk production has to be compensated. In concrete terms, this means that you can drink up to 2.5 liters of water per fat if you are breastfeeding.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?