Water Cooler Tugun

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Tugun

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Water Cooler Tugun Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Tugun: Water Dispenser Tugun Exclusive Stainless Steel

How much water do you need to drink each day

More than half of our body weight consists of water. Because we lose part of that water every day, water is one of our primary necessities. A lot of drinking is therefore considered very healthy. But how much water do we need at least per day? Is drinking more water healthier and how harmful is drinking too little? How much water do we need at least per day? Is drinking more water healthier and how harmful is drinking too little? Having a full glass of water all the time.

What does water do?

Because we have 60 to 70 per cent water, it is essential for all people. It is involved in all kinds of body processes such as breathing, heat regulation, digestion, blood pressure and the removal of waste.
Which health effects does water have, or rather: which are not?

  •     Drinking plenty of water does not stop skin aging and your skin does not become hydrated anymore. Your skin and drinking water.
  •     You do not fall off from drinking a lot of water either. A common myth is that you eat less than a glass of water before a meal. The residence time of a glass of water in the stomach, however, is very short, so you do not get the full feeling of it. When you combine the water with solid food, such as soup, the residence time in the stomach is much longer and it gives you a full feeling. The satiety signals that your stomach emits ensures that you then eat less.
  •     Water is necessary for a good bowel movement, but extra water does not make a good bowel movement better. Most of the fluid you drink is absorbed by the intestines and excreted via the urine. The stool only holds a small part of the water. In case of a shortage of water, moisture is extracted from the intestine. This can lead to constipation. With normal drinking, however, this is not the case. Drinking more than normal does not affect the bowel movements.

How much water do you need?

Tips to drink more water. On average, an adult needs 2.8 litres of fluid per day. This amount depends, of course, on the circumstances and the activity. In the summer and in sports, your body loses more fluid and so you also need to drink more. Approximately 300 millilitres of the daily required amount comes from the body itself and is released by all kinds of body processes. Furthermore, a litre of fluid comes from our diet. We need to get the remaining one and a half litres in with liquor. That coffee, tea and alcohol are not allowed to be counted in this is another myth.

The fluid balance in the human body is strictly regulated by the brain. When you lose water, the salt concentration in your body increases. Your brain responds to this by secreting the antidiuretic hormone. This hormone, also called vasopressin, makes you feel thirsty and also ensures that your kidneys do not secrete water. Your urine will become more concentrated and you will be encouraged to start drinking to fill the fluid deficit. The feeling of thirst and the release of antidiuretic hormones already occur well before your body can really suffer from a lack of fluid. Normally, a healthy person always automatically drinks the amount that the body needs. In older people, the body thirsts less well. They, therefore, have to deal with drinking more consciously.
What happens in case of a shortage of water?
The first signs of a fluid loss of 1 to 2 per cent of your body weight are headaches, lethargy, dizziness, nausea and dark-coloured urine. With a fluid loss of 3 to 4 per cent, kidney stones easily develop and you may suffer from constipation. Muscle cramps and muscle pain can also occur in your arms and legs.
Fluid loss of 5 per cent or more leads to palpitations and an accelerated heartbeat. With a moisture loss of between 5 and 10 percent, you become unconscious and you can only stay alive when you get a fluid infusion. If you lose between 10 and 20 per cent of the body weight of the fluid, your blood will thicken so that blood circulation stops. This can not be survived. Tap water vs filtered water.

Can you drink too much?

When you drink more than your body needs, the excess is automatically discharged. The urine is less concentrated and you urinate more. However, it can be harmful to drink a lot of water in a short time. Your blood gets diluted quickly and the body can not compensate it quickly enough. There is then acute hyponatremia (low sodium), also known as water poisoning. The body's cells can not handle this situation well and swell up. As a result, brain coma can develop as a result of a coma. In hyponatremia, it is important to reduce drinking water.

Can the water balance also be disturbed?

In healthy people, the water balance is accurately regulated. Drinking a lot in a short time can disturb the water balance acutely. In some situations and in certain conditions, chronic disturbance of the water balance can occur.

Prestige Water Cooler Tugun, Water Dispenser Tugun, Water Filter Tugun


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