Water Cooler Tilba Tilba

Filtered water from your own tap with Prestige Water Tilba Tilba

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Eight glasses of water per day is healthy

Alkaline water is the nature of water. The average woman no longer goes out of the water without a bottle of water. Understandably, because the health benefits of six to eight glasses of water drink a day, do not lie. For example, your kidneys would work better, it cleans your body, increases concentration, and you could lose weight on the rocker. According to experts, however, there is no scientific justification for these allegations and would drink a lot of water even harmful to health. The source of the 'eight glasses of water per day myth' is an article from the American National Research Council of 1945, stating that 2.5 litres per day is an appropriate amount of water for adults: one millilitre for each consumed calorie. This advice has been hyped over the last ten years, but only the main part of the recommendation was mostly ignored: a large portion of the recommended amount of water is already in your diet.


Official bodies and governments have claimed that drinking six to eight glasses of water a day is healthy. This claim is also repeated and promoted by water manufacturers. For example, in Australia, there is an initiative called 'Hydration for Health', which aims to promote the promotion of drinking water because many people and children do not drink enough water. The initiative was set up and sponsored by Danone, the French producer of the watermarks Evian, Volvic and Badoit.


How do I get more energy? Researchers dismiss the advice as 'complete nonsense'. There is no evidence that drinking water helps to prevent health problems, so reports various British newspapers. In the Medical Journal, GP doctor Margaret McCartney writes drinking water while you do not actually thirst can affect your concentration. In a negative way, because you do not get a boost, but it's just falling in.


Drinking large quantities of water can also lead to insomnia because you have to get up at the toilet more often during the night. Other studies show that it can even damage the kidneys, rather than prevent it.

Swollen brain

McCartney calls it "worrying" that drinking water is so popular that it can lead to the rare condition of hyponatremia. The body salt then drops and the brain swells up. However, to get hyponatremia you have to drink extremely much. The kidneys can process 0.7 to 1 litre of water per hour.


Professor Stanley Goldfarb, a metabolic expert at the University of Pennsylvania, said in the Medical Journal that there is no evidence that drinking water helps to lose weight or reduce your appetite. "The current evidence is actually that there is no evidence."


Drinking water lowers blood pressure. "You can not assume that some water is good, so more water is better. That's not how it works, "McCartney said. How much should you drink? According to McCartney, as much as your body desires. The Nutrition Center claims that an adult needs an average of one to one-half to two litres of moisture a day. The exact need for moisture, however, depends on how much moisture you lose. This differs per person and depends on the circumstances in which you are located. With warm weather or during sports you lose more moisture than when you are in a cool room. Why filter tap water?

Why is Filtered Water so Important?