Tabletop Water Cooler Melbourne

Tabletop Water Cooler Melbourne with Hot and Cold Water Tap

Tabletop Water Cooler Melbourne

Great tasting filtered alkaline water with minerals from the tabletop water cooler Melbourne. We also have a floor standing water cooler in Melbourne.

Filtration Bottle Melbourne

Drink plenty of water from your tabletop or floor standing water cooler in Melbourne with a filtration bottle.

Our body needs an average of 1.5 to 2 litres of fluid a day. What many do not know: Those who cover most of their daily fluid requirements in the morning can prevent thirst and headaches. And drinking also helps with weight loss. But can too much water also be dangerous for the body?

More than half of our bodies are made up of water. It cannot function without this vital fluid. Our metabolism constantly needs water for many functions and for the organs, even during sleep. And, our body loses around 2.5 litres of fluid every day through urine, stool, skin and breathing. This needs to be replenished. To do this, you should drink at least one and a half to two litres of water.

Water is not only a thermoregulator but also a transport and solvent as well as a liquid component.

Recommendation of the Nutrition Society

Water is particularly important for:

  •     the blood: 90 per cent water
  •     the brain: 70 per cent water,
  •     the kidneys: filter about 180 litres of blood daily
  •     the muscles: water also serves as a building material
  •     the liver: the detoxification centre works with water
  •     the skin: for the sweat glands
  •     the intervertebral discs: water ensures their volume

Physical exertion, heat or illnesses such as diarrhea and vomiting increase the need for water even more.

So water ensures that the metabolic processes function optimally. This means that more nutrients can be transported into the cells. The result: more energy and improved performance.

Drink properly. The body needs between one and a half and two litres of fluid a day. But unfortunately, according to experts, a creeping fluid deficit is very common because many people drink too little: Many people in this country, especially children, regularly drink around 20 per cent below the optimal amount.

They only drink with meals, often in the evening, or only when they are already very thirsty. This is wrong. Correctly distributed throughout the day, fluids and water increase performance and can even help you lose weight.

Drinking before and during meals will lower your appetite, which can help you lose weight. In the brain, the areas for hunger and thirst are close together. This can make us feel hungry even though the body needs fluids. Experts recommend drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry and then waiting to see if the feeling of hunger persists. Drink plenty of clean water.

Many believe that drinking with food dilutes stomach acid - but there is no evidence of this For example, a glass of water after getting up can help you feel fitter. During sleep, the body reduces water consumption. But especially after a night that is too short, the reserves can still be used up in the morning. Then the body doesn't release enough of a hormone that reduces water consumption during sleep.

Those who drink enough in the morning can prevent excessive thirst and headaches in the afternoon. Try to drink plenty of water during warm weather from a tabletop water cooler in Melbourne. Water is a super drink.

Alkaline filtered great tasting water from the tabletop water cooler Melbourne

Healthy hydration for expectant and new mothers

During pregnancy, you not only eat for two, but you also drink for two. Drinking water daily is highly recommended for pregnant women. Your baby gets its fluids from what you eat. That's why you should only choose healthy drinks, like filtered alkaline water.

When you breastfeed your baby, you are providing it with the best possible nutrition for your child.

Better hydration for kids

Our bodies are mostly water at any age, and we lose some of it every day. However, in relation to their body size, children lose more fluid through their skin than adults. This is because children have a larger body surface area in relation to their body weight than adults and therefore more water can evaporate. Compared to their body dimensions, children's water requirements are therefore even higher than those of adults.

Our drinking tip:

Lead by example yourself. Children of parents who drink plenty of water are significantly more likely to drink water regularly themselves.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?