Hot and Cold Water Cooler Perth

Healthy Alkaline Water From the Benchtop and Floor Standing Hot and Cold Water Coolers Melbourne with Minerals

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Water: that's why it's so important! Hot and Cold Water Coolers Melbourne

Would you have thought that an adult is made up of 60 to 70 per cent water, our brain even 80 per cent? That alcohol and caffeinated drinks such as coffee not thirst quenchers at all, but are dehydrating? Read more about water and how much you should drink every day here.

That is why water is important for our body!

Water is a transparent, clear, tasteless and odourless liquid. It is composed of two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom (O). More than half of the human body is made up of water. If a person did not drink, he would survive a maximum of seven days.

Water plays an elementary role in our body. It is:

  •     Thermoregulator
  •     Means of transport for blood, urine and sweat
  •     Solvent for almost all substances in the cell
  •     liquid building block for body cells and fluids

This happens when there is a lack of water!

The water requirement is dependent on the fluid losses over

  •     the skin (500 millilitres over sweat), What drinking water really does for your skin
  •     the kidneys (about 1,000 to 1,500 millilitres in the urine)
  •     the intestines (about 100 millilitres in the stool)
  •     the lungs (about 400 millilitres over breath)

The balance is achieved by drinking (1.3 to 1.5 litres), eating (around 700 millilitres) and oxidizing water (around 300 millilitres). The latter occurs when fatty acids and glucose are burned.

The organs with the greatest abundance of water, blood, brain, liver and muscles, are particularly sensitive to water loss. With the loss of one to 1.5 litres of sweat alone - that is around one per cent of body weight - physical performance is restricted by up to 20 per cent. Drinking water lowers blood pressure.

It is therefore advisable to take a drink break on longer car journeys so that you can concentrate better on the traffic afterwards.

With a water deficiency of one to five per cent of the body weight, first of all, there is a feeling of thirst, malaise, loss of appetite, increased heart activity and body temperature as well as nausea. The heart now has to work harder because the blood has become thicker and thicker.

If this deficiency increases to up to ten per cent of the body weight, it comes to dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, inability to walk, tingling in the limbs, no salivation and speech difficulties.

From ten per cent, serious pathological changes and possibly even death occur. One of the decisive factors here is the speed at which you lose fluids.

How Much Water Should I Drink a Day? Alkaline water from your hot and cold water cooler in Perth.

It is essential that we drink enough every day - preferably water or unsweetened tea. A good guideline is at least 1.3 to 1.5 litres per day. Juice spritzers are also suitable. A water-to-juice ratio of 3: 1 is recommended for them. Stop drinking soda - Stoop sugar.

While losing weight, it is advisable to drink even 2.5 litres, as you will absorb fewer fluids through food. Drinking a lot is also popular in summer. This also applies to coughing or runny nose, as the mucus solution is particularly promoted by a lot of fluid.

Drink evenly throughout the day from your hot and cold water cooler in Perth before you get thirsty. It is an alarm signal and only arises when there is already a lack of fluid in the body. In addition, the feeling of thirst cannot be completely relied on. It decreases with age. It is therefore best to drink regularly and always beyond thirst.

It is also advisable to drink a maximum of half a litre at a time, otherwise, the stomach will be overloaded. It is best to take small sips evenly throughout the day. Avoid drinks straight from the refrigerator. Very cold drinks are more refreshing, but they stay in the stomach longer and the fluid replenishment is delayed.

Depending on the group of people, there are also differences in the drinking recommendation:

Infants and young children need a relatively large amount of fluids - especially if they have diarrhea or a fever. While the need is met in the first few months through breast milk or infant formula, it is important for older babies to offer them regular drinking.

According to the Nutrition Society, the recommended daily intake for children between the fourth and twelfth months is around 400 millilitres.

In one to four-year-old children, it is around 820 millilitres, which increases to 970 millilitres by the age of ten and is then 1.3 litres at 15 years. It is particularly important to ensure that the recommended amount of fluids increases with a lot of exercises or on summer days. Try to drink plenty of alkaline filtered water from the benchtop or floor standing hot and cold water cooler in Perth.

Mineral Alkaline water from a hot and cold water cooler Perth

Drink a lot for beautiful & healthy skin - is that true?

Water is generally regarded as the “elixir of life”. Understandable, since our body consists of around 70% H2O. Fluid intake through regular drinking is therefore essential for health. Many beauty and health guides also recommend drinking as much as possible to give the skin a firm, healthy texture and even a beautiful complexion. But what effect does water really have on the skin?

Why is Filtered Water so Important?