Water Cooler Leongatha

Great tasting water made from your own tap with Prestige Water Cooler Leongatha

Water Cooler Leongatha Benchtop   Benchtop Water Dispenser Leongatha: Water Dispenser Leongatha Benchtop

Water Cooler Leongatha Floor Standing   Floor Standing Water Dispenser Leongatha: Water Dispenser Leongatha Floor Standing

Water Cooler Leongatha Exclusive Stainless Steel   Exclusive Water Dispenser Leongatha: Water Dispenser Leongatha Exclusive Stainless Steel

TIP: 10 Tips to drink more water

How do you know if you are drinking enough water? You often hear that drinking water is good for you because you get beautiful skin, it carries waste and it has many more benefits for your health. Only sometimes do you forget that you have to drink enough so you may not even have 1 litre at the end of the day. Prestige Water gives you 10 tips to drink more water. Healthy drinks instead of water.

Everyone says that you have to drink more water, but why? You can read that here!

1. Make sure you always have a bottle of water at hand
Make sure you always have a bottle of water in your bag so that you do not forget to drink. Take a sip of water regularly so that you drink all day long. Healthy water with minerals from your Water Cooler Leongatha.

2. Make a habit of it
For example, start the day with a glass of water and speak to yourself that you drink a large glass of water before every meal. After a while, you are used to it and you get that 2 litres with ease.

3. Add fruit
Are fruit juices healthy? After a while water can start to get boring, so you do not feel like drinking two litres of it every day. To make it easier to keep you can add fruit or vegetables to your water. You can vary endlessly so try for yourself what your favourite is. Great tasting water from your Water Cooler Leongatha. Mint, lemon and cucumber, for example, is a tasty combination.

4. Use an app
There are special apps in which you can keep track of how much water you drink per day. That way you can motivate yourself to drink more water because the app gives a signal when it is time to drink again and you can keep track of how much you already have.

5. Fill your bottle every time you go to the toilet
Fill your bottle every time you have been to the toilet. Because you drink a lot you have to go to the toilet more often, you fill your bottle again so you have to go back a bit later, you actually arrive in a kind of vicious circle.

6. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain water
You do not just have to drink water to get enough fluid. Fruit and vegetables also consist largely of water, for example, watermelon or cucumber.

7. Take a bottle or a large glass
If you always take a small glass of water you have to drink a lot of glasses before you have two litres. You better take a bottle of half a litre, because before you know it you have another bottle empty. You only have to drink four bottles of water from your Water Cooler Leongatha and you already have two litres. That's okay, right?

8. Keep a bottle of water with you if you watch television or are in school or at work
If you have a lecture or if you watch a movie at home on the couch, you are often distracted. You will notice that your bottle of water is empty without you noticing it.

9. Buy a nice water bottle
You can of course use an old franks tank, but it is much more fun to have a nice bottle. Betting that a nice bottle motivates you to drink more water?

10. Ask your friends and family
Drinking water is not bad for anyone, so it works even better to do it together. This way you can help each other remember and of course, also motivate each other. How many liters of water should you drink?

Do you drink enough water?

Prestige Water Cooler Leongatha, Water Dispenser Leongatha, Water Filter Leongatha

Bena, Buffalo, Darby River, Dumbalk, Fish Creek, Foster, Kongwak, Koonwarra, Korumburra, Leongatha, Loch, Meeniyan, Mirboo North, Nyora, Poowong, Port Franklin, Port Welshpool, Sandy Point, Stony Creek, Tarwin Lower, Toora, Venus Bay, Walkerville, Waratah Bay, Wooreen, Welshpool, Yanakie.

Benchtop Water Cooler Leongatha
Floor Standing Water Cooler Leongatha
Exclusive Water Cooler Leongatha

8 benefits of drinking water from your water cooler Leongatha

1. Guideline, drink 1l. water per 23kg. body weight!
2. By drinking water you get full, but most importantly, your metabolism will work faster.
3. Drinking water from your water cooler Leongatha promotes bowel movements.
4. When you drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, the stomach wall will be cleaned, this will absorb nutrients better and the body will be able to digest food better.
5. Drink a glass of water before a meal, this will make you feel fuller. Your stomach cannot distinguish between food and drink! If you are fuller, you will stop eating earlier, so you will consume fewer calories. Do you feel hungry then a large glass of water will help suppress this feeling?
6. Drinking water gives energy, before your gym session drinking a large glass of water gives your training a big boost.
7. When you drink enough water from your water cooler Leongatha, the body will be able to transport nutrients and remove waste products.
8. Debunking a myth, coffee does NOT dry out your body, but caffeine ensures that the moisture leaves the body faster. You can simply include coffee and tea in your fluid intake.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?