Floor Standing Water Coolers Perth

Great Tasting Alkaline Drink Water from your Floor Standing Water Cooler Perth

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Drink water: THIS happens if you drink 8 glasses of water a day!

Are you one of those people who have to force themselves to drink water even in the heat? Not for long! If you know these 7 effects that water has on your body and psyche, it will be easier for you to reach for a glass of water in the future. Drinking water, is the best way to keep your moisture balance up to date.

1. You stay fit and motivated

We must provide our body with sufficient fluids, otherwise, our motivation will drop, and we will become tired and limp. This is particularly important when you are doing intense exercise or in extreme heat. As soon as we sweat, our bodies lose fluids. If we do sport, it can be quite a lot and we must refill our water reservoir. This is the only way to stay fit and feel good.

2. You can think better

For us to function well, our brains must be supplied with sufficient fluids. Studies show that even mild dehydration can impair many brain functions. Concentration, memory, and mood suffer as a result.

3. You get fewer headaches

Very often, headaches can also indicate a lack of fluids. In some people, this can also be the trigger for migraines. In some cases, drinking water can relieve symptoms of headaches.

4. You have a flatter stomach

Nobody likes to talk about it, but infrequent bowel movements and constipation can strain the body and lead to an annoying bloated stomach. The simple but effective treatment: drink more water! Hydration ensures that digestion works better. You can prevent bloating and painful constipation in this way. Drinking enough water can also reduce the risk of kidney stones.

Tip: If you tend to have a bloated stomach, it is better to drink still water instead of soda.

5. The hangover is weaker

Most of us are probably familiar with the unpleasant consequences of a night of partying. Keyword hangover. To get rid of thirst, tiredness, and headaches the day after the party, it helps to provide the body with enough fluids, preferably in the form of water. You can alleviate a hangover right from the start by drinking a glass of water every now and then while partying.

6. You lose weight more easily

Drinking water is vital for the human body; our cells need fluids. This is the only way our entire metabolism works and those who drink enough can stimulate these processes. By the way: Thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger. This means you take in unnecessary calories, even though you could only drink a glass of water. If you do without calorie-containing drinks such as lemonades or juices, you can also save calories.

7. Your skin will get better

We now know how important water is for the body. Our cells need a lot of fluids to function. Drinking water has a positive side effect on our skin. The cells become plump and replenished, and this can also be seen in the skin. It becomes firm and plump. For example, unsightly dents in cellulite cannot be washed away, but water ensures that they at least do not spread more than necessary.

How much water should it be every day?

That is very different and depends on age and weight. But there is a rule of thumb that you should adhere to: an adult should consume around 30 to 40 millilitres of liquid per kilogram from beverages and food every day. So, a woman weighing 60 kg would have to drink at least 1.8 litres (30 ml x 60 kg = 1800 ml) of fluid a day. A little more applies to pregnant women (35 ml/kg) and breastfeeding women (45 ml/kg). At Prestige Water you can find out more about the body's water balance.

Tip for water haters: It tastes better than infused water!

Many people drink too little water because it simply tastes too bland for them. If you also belong to the water haters' faction, you should start by spicing up your water. Instead of reluctantly drinking it straight, add a slice of lime, lemon, or orange. The citrus fruits provide flavour without washing calories into the glass. Cucumber slices or mint leaves are also great ways to make the water tastier.

Just give it a try and put various fruits or herbs in a carafe and fill it up with still water or sparkling water. The truth about drinking water. This is how you made the trend drink Infused Water yourself in a few seconds!

Drinking and headache

Many medications are dependent on adequate fluid intake - if too little is drunk, the medication stays in the stomach longer and the effects take longer or not sufficiently. It is therefore important that the medication is taken with at least a quarter of a litre of water (no milk, no tea, no coffee, etc.).

Does the feeling of thirst decrease with age?

The body signals to us when we should have a drink. We get thirsty when we have lost about 350 ml of water through urine, stool, sweat or breath. However, this mechanism weakens more and more with age, which is why many seniors drink too little. The fear of having to go to the toilet at night or incontinence may also deter many from drinking regularly. Here it is advisable to write down the amount consumed and always have a small bottle of water on hand.

Alkaline drink water with minerals from a benchtop or floor standing water cooler Perth

Heartburn and upset stomach are relieved

Digestive disorders are caused by increased acidity in the stomach. If the acid enters the esophagus, you will notice an unpleasant taste. Drinking water on an empty stomach as soon as you get up in the morning dilutes the acid and prevents heartburn. In addition, the stomach prepares for breakfast.

The better complexion and natural glow

Dehydration leads to premature wrinkles and large pores. The result of a study showed that 500 millilitres of water on an empty stomach significantly stimulate blood circulation and make the skin more radiant.

Fasting: purification of body and soul

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