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The fight against dehydration is a real public health challenge. It can happen to everyone, but it is mainly the elderly who are most at risk. It is important to recognize dehydration in time.
Every day our body excretes water through urine, sweat, breathing, ... To maintain a healthy body, it is necessary to replenish that fluid loss. If too little water is consumed to compensate for the loss of moisture, it is dehydrated. Then the body has a shortage of water and mineral salts. Prices: Water Coolers Brisbane
The elderly are more at risk of dehydration
Due to aging, our body undergoes all kinds of physiological changes that increase the risk of dehydration.
A decrease in the amount of body water: the water supply in the body decreases with age. The same amount of fluid loss is, therefore, more dangerous for a senior than for a young adult.
A decreased and / or delayed thirst feeling, so there is no point in drinking. Drink plenty from a hot and cold water cooler Brisbane.
A poorer functioning of the kidneys, which produce less concentrated urine, so more fluid is needed to get rid of the same amount of waste.
Worse regulation of body temperature.
Other factors increase the risk of dehydration in the elderly:
Swallowing problems
The elderly are often less mobile
Visual disturbances, understanding and communication disorders
Cognitive disorders
The fear of urinary incontinence, which may cause the elderly to intentionally drink less.
The presence of certain conditions that sometimes result in a lot of fluid loss (fever, dysregulated diabetes, diarrhea, vomiting, heart failure).
The intake of diuretics (which increase urine output).
Financial and / or social vulnerability, isolation.
"Dehydration must be taken seriously, urgent medical attention is needed" Make sure you are drinking enough from your hot and cold water cooler Brisbane.
Dehydration: what are the risks?
Dehydration is associated with many complications: a higher risk of falling, constipation, urinary tract infection, lung infection, kidney stones,
At an advanced stage, dehydration can lead to a state of confusion and disorientation, and even coma.
How can dehydration be recognized?
In the case of moderate dehydration, there are few signs and it is, therefore, difficult to recognize. Thirst is the most obvious sign, but in the elderly, the feeling of thirst is often too late. In people who have difficulty communicating, there is sometimes no feeling of thirst at all (for example, in Alzheimer's patients or people with other memory disorders). In case of severe dehydration, the signs are more noticeable:
dry and cold skin that is not supple (when you hold the skin between two fingers, a skin fold appears that disappears slowly),
decreased blood pressure, dizziness when standing upright,
an increased heart rate,
rapid and noticeable weight loss (in a few days),
drowsiness, lack of alertness, weakness, listlessness or the opposite, namely agitation.
What to do?
Dehydration should be taken seriously, urgent medical attention is needed. If you suspect dehydration or if you notice any of the above symptoms, call a doctor or emergency services immediately.
"At an advanced stage, dehydration can lead to a state of confusion and disorientation, and even a coma"
How to prevent dehydration?
You can prevent dehydration in the elderly in your area by paying attention to:
Offer the person water or drink in small amounts, but regularly and before the feeling of thirst occurs. Take every opportunity to have a drink together.
Alternate different types of water to encourage the older ones to drink more often: still or sparkling water, tea, flavored water, ... Tap water is of very good quality and loses its unpleasant chlorine taste if it is put in the refrigerator for an hour.
Prefer small bottles or carafes that you can easily carry and open.
Make sure that the older person can drink, especially if he has difficulty moving.
If the elderly person has or should have a fever or diarrhea, give him a rehydrant available at the pharmacy.
Be extra attentive during sensitive periods (for example, when it is very hot).
Provide a good temperature in the room (not too hot, not too cold).